
Chapter 03. Weak but arrogant.

It's bright dawn and as always town street was full of peoples. Most of them were mortal but Xiao Chen chould see few cultivators. Restaurants were crowded and common room was filled with mortals and few cultivators who were poor and weak, who chooses to remain because they couldn't afford second level.

" Here is your food and wine, sir," waiter brings different kind of food and bottled of wine.

He poured wine and take a sip. It was so strong that it burned down to his stomach. He takes another sip and looked at his grandpa who looked at him with strange manner.

" You are not drinking," Xiao Chen smiled and takes another sip of wine.

" Grandson, when did you started to drink?" Grandpa asked as he poured himself a cup of wine.

" Today, " Xiao Chen simply ignored to give details.

" Oh.. " Grandpa decided to eat as he found his grandson less interested in conversation.

Today, Xiao Chen feels free and unrestrained. When he kneel down near his parents graveyard, he decided to break his parents promises. He will not let those who hurt his parents live happy when he was tortured day and night by his parent's death.

" Can you please move to other tables, our young master wants to sit here," maid speaks nervously as she looked at grandpa.

" Are you blind? This table is already booked. Go and search other tables," Xiao Chen looked at her with his cold eyes.

When maid meets his eyes she feels like she was standing in the snow rain. His eyes are so cold that she couldn't formed another word in her mouth and slowly went back to informed her master.


Big bulky man bangs his big sword on the table, " Hello boy, do you not hear that our young master wants this sit? If you do not want to lose your life, get out here."

Xiao Chen ignored him and simply looked outside as if bulky man was not talking at him.

" You.. " Bulky man swings his big sword angrily towards Xiao Chen with such a force that it will crash everything on its way. All people in the restaurant thought that young man would surely crushed under big sword but unexpectedly the scene unfold before them were something that nobody expected from young fragile looking boy.

Xiao Chen grabbed big sword with his left bare hand, " You better not test my patience, lets not be bloody."

Bulky man tried to moved his sword but he couldn't get his sword out of Xiao Chen's hand. Xiao Chen raised his right hand and punched on the Bulky man's lightly.


Bulky man was sent flying and smashed on the table. Table shattered into pieces and bulky man vomited mouthful of blood.


All people looked at shocked and some started to rain out of restaurant. Those are mortals who do not wanted to be involves.

" Do you think that I am an easy target? Huh.. " Xiao Chen looked at Bulky man with annoying eyes.

" May I know your name? " A young handsome man come forward and asked Xiao Chen, " I think you went little bit too far for a joke."

He walked towards the bulky man and helped him stand up. He instructed BB bulky man to went back as he walked towards Xiao Chen and sat beside him.

" I think you don't seem to understand human language. I said I want this sit," he smiled friendly but everyone could see the ill intentions behind his smile.

" Today I wanted to enjoy this beautiful morning but god seems to playing game with me," Xiao Chen looked at the clear blue sky as if he was talking towards God.

" Isn't that Hao Tain, the tenth place on the disciples rankings of the Crimson Sect," some pele started to recognised him.

Hao Tain looked at them with disgusting eyes and ignored them. He turned back towards Xiao Chen and looked at him as if he was saying that he is someone who Xiao Chen couldn't afford to offended.

" Grandpa, can you please lend me your sword. I want to cut someone who ruined my day," Xiao Chen looked at his grandpa coldly.

When grandpa glanced at his grandson all he could see was indifferent and emotionless. As if asking for weapons to kill somebody was as normal as asking spoons to eat meals. But he knows better than anyone here that it was better not provoked his grandson farther as more calmer his grandson looked more aggressive he was.

Grandpa summoned his sword and send fly towards Xiao Chen. Xiao Chen caught it calmly as he looked at Hao Tain," By looking at you behaviour, it seems like you are not satisfied with me. I don't want to speaks with people who think that they were above all just because they were from powerful clan."

" Grandson, we should stopped here and let go back," grandpa was somewhat worried as he knows that his grandson was not cultivated but on other hand Hao Tain was already on Qi Condensing first stage.

" What did you say? You are looking for death," Hao Tain stand up and looked coldly towards Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen slashed his sword towards Hao Tain without any techniques, solely with his physical strength. Seeing this, Hao Tain sneered and blocked incoming attacks with his sword.


Hao Tain was forced ten steps backwards and knocked down on the ground. He was surprised to see that he was no match with Xiao Chen, who casually moves.

"What a demon." Hao Tain thought as he try to stand up. He was top ten in Crimson sect and even if it was top one, he was confident that he could have fought three to four strikes before he loses but Infront of Xiao Chen, he was defeated with his casual moves.

People in the restaurant also surprised to see Xiao Chen defeated Hao Tain in one move.

" Who is he? Is he from some big clan?."

" I think I have seen that old man somewhere."

" Oh.. I see. Isn't him, the old librarian of Crimson Sect."

" And is that young man his grandson?"

People started to wondered why they didn't heard someone like him.

Xiao Chen walked towards Hao Tain slowly and pointed his sword towards Hao Tain and asked his grandpa," If your Crimson Sect have cultured only this type of disciples then I would like to say that I am very disappointed. So weak and arrogant. "

" Haha.. he is just outer discipline. We focused mainly on inner disciples," grandpa was surprised with his grandson's strength and angry with Hao Tain's behaviour.

" You, get out, before I cut your head off." Xiao Chen walked out of the restaurant because his mood was ruined. He just want to go back and take some rest.

Grandpa followed his grandson liked he was his servant.