
The Chaos and Horror

I just realized that yesternight dream did come true.

"I passed by in a foreign kingdom, many people sat around, they looked wealthy, belonged to upper class, however, they were all in chaos. Each was debating, exchanging nasty words. I was terrified and confused, thus, I went away, like flying in the wind up, up, up, somewhere going to a higher place, above a tall mountain.

Then, I went down, stepped on the ground and saw that the place was so dirty, full of rotten things, dirty walls like a horror house.

I am searching for the leader of that place, because I have something to tell him, it seems I knew him a long time ago already.

However, his subordinates appeared, they looked like vampires/zombies, and I explained I was a friend of their leader & I am looking for him. Then, they lead me to him, to where he's lying. It seemed he was a long dead leader, but came alive again, and he knew me, as if we're acquainted back then from the past through my foreparents.

But, the zombie-like woman with a short hair showing her sharp fangs showed up and wanted to bite me, so, I hurriedly hid on the back of their leader.

She just stopped when their leader obstructed her.

Then, the handsome man, the leader rose and led me in going outside after I told him that he was invited to speak up in our place, as a guest speaker?

However, we're already outside their place when he stopped, and as I looked back to see him, he was already talking to himself, and I saw that his face suddenly bulging up and another weird creature appeared on his back, as if it's growing on his back talking to him. They talked together, exchanging words, while the muscle on the face of the leader was appeared to be twitching."

Then, later on, upon waking up, after some time, I read the horrifying news about the rape-slay of flight attendant and the suspects are her 12 colleagues/friends (all male) in a year-end party. My newsfeed was full of that bad news and exchanging comments from the readers.

And I felt chaotic also, as if, I am in an intense bad feelings, unexplainable emotions, hearing nasty words.
