

The light envelops them as they pass through the doors, and for a brief moment, Ryo is blinded by its intensity. When his vision clears, he finds himself standing in an open field, bathed in golden sunlight. The sky above is clear and blue, the air fresh and warm. It's a stark contrast to the dark, oppressive atmosphere of the Crap Field.

Hana gasps beside him, her eyes wide with wonder. "Is this… real?"

Ryo doesn't answer. He's too overwhelmed by the sudden change. The field stretches out endlessly before them, a place of peace and tranquility. For a moment, it feels like they've escaped, like they've finally left the horrors of the Crap Field behind.

But Ryo knows better. He's learned by now that nothing in this world is what it seems.

The Manager's voice echoes from the sky, distant but ever-present:

"You have proven yourselves worthy of ascension. But know this, Scrapers — the journey is far from over. This is merely the beginning of your true test."

Ryo's heart sinks. He should have known. There's no true escape from the Crap Field. Not yet.

The ground beneath them begins to shimmer, and Ryo feels a strange, tingling sensation in his body. He looks down and sees his hands glowing with a faint, golden light. Hana's body is glowing too, the light surrounding them both.

"What's happening?" Hana asks, her voice filled with both awe and fear.

The Manager's voice returns, softer this time, almost gentle:

"You have been chosen to ascend. Your bodies and minds will be strengthened, and you will be given new abilities. Prepare yourselves for the next phase of your journey."

Ryo feels the light intensifying, filling him with warmth and power. His muscles, sore and exhausted from the trials, begin to feel stronger, rejuvenated. His mind, clouded by fear and fatigue, clears. It's as if he's being remade, his body and soul infused with a new strength.

Hana's eyes are wide with wonder as she looks at her glowing hands. "I feel… different."

Ryo nods, though he can't quite put the feeling into words. He feels stronger, faster, sharper — like the upgrades he received before, but more intense, more permanent.

The light fades, and the field around them shifts once again. The golden sunlight dims, and the peaceful field begins to blur, transforming into something else.

When the transformation is complete, Ryo finds himself standing in a new place — a vast, sprawling city, unlike any he's seen before. Towering structures of metal and stone rise up around them, their surfaces gleaming in the dim light. The air is thick with tension, and the streets are filled with people — other Scrapers, by the looks of it, all moving with purpose.

"Where are we?" Hana asks, her voice filled with awe and trepidation.

Ryo doesn't answer. He's too busy taking it all in. This is no longer the Crap Field — at least, not the part they're familiar with. This is something bigger, something far more dangerous.

The Manager's voice, now distant and fading, echoes one final time:

"**Welcome to the City of Ascension. Here, you will face new trials, new enemies, and

challenges greater than anything you've encountered before."

The Manager's voice fades, leaving Ryo and Hana standing in the bustling streets of the City of Ascension, a place filled with Scrapers who, like them, had survived the trials and ascended. The city is both awe-inspiring and intimidating, with towering buildings, strange technology, and an unsettling tension in the air. The sounds of hurried footsteps, mechanical whirring, and distant voices create an overwhelming atmosphere.

Ryo and Hana exchange glances. They've survived the Crap Field, but this new world feels even more dangerous. Here, there are no shadowy creatures or mind-bending riddles — but Ryo can sense the threat lurking in the very structure of the city itself. The other Scrapers around them move with purpose, their faces hardened by whatever new trials they've been through.

"We're not done yet, are we?" Hana asks quietly, her voice tinged with both awe and apprehension.

Ryo shakes his head, eyes scanning the unfamiliar landscape. "No. This is just the beginning."