
The scourge of all peoples

I Am the scourge of the heavens and the nations! Surrender, this world

fantao_meng · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 14, action

That night, Su Yu stayed over at Liu Wenyan's teacher dormitory.

It was Su Yu's first time spending the night at Liu Wenyan's house. Everything was fine except that the old gentleman got up several times during the night, causing Su Yu to wake up a few times. 

Indeed, time waits for no one. 

Liu Wenyan, without his manifested will, was still just an ordinary old man, even though he had reached the Thousand Pound Realm.


Due to having cultivated with the Na Yuan Technique once and absorbed the vital energy, Su Yu felt that his cultivation speed was quite fast these past two days.

It was likely because his nine orifices had briefly opened during the energy refinement that day.

After opening the left ear orifice, Su Yu felt that the right ear orifice was also about to open these past two days.

"I need to find a time to show that I've reached the fourth level of the Kaiyuan Realm. After all, I've been at the third level for half a year now. It wouldn't be strange if I suddenly got lucky and advanced to the fourth level."

As for having a strong cultivation talent, why not?

He had mainly studied the languages of the myriad races before, and it wasn't wrong that he hadn't focused on cultivation.

Now that he was putting in the effort, quickly reaching the fourth or even fifth level of the Kaiyuan Realm wasn't surprising, right?

Thinking this to himself, Su Yu went to the academy with Liu Wenyan again the next day.

Following Liu Wenyan, Su Yu had learned quite a lot.


In the office.

The headmaster came again. Seeing Su Yu there wasn't surprising; he had known about it since yesterday.

"The nearby city of Tianshui was attacked in the past two days, and many of the city guards were killed or injured."

"As for Nanyuan, last night..." The headmaster paused before continuing, "A small village by the mountain was attacked. Many people died. Only a few children hiding in the cellar survived. It was the work of the myriad races cult, and the city guards are already in pursuit."

Liu Wenyan's face was cold, "These beasts!"

Soon, Liu Wenyan suppressed his anger and said, "They really came to Nanyuan! Still using the same tactics, creating chaos and dispersing our forces. They must be plotting something big!"

After speaking, Liu Wenyan asked, "Can the Dragon Martial Guards still not find their main force?"


The headmaster was also helpless, "They are deeply hidden. Nanyuan doesn't have enough manpower, and we can't spread our net too wide to search for them, or we'll risk being defeated one by one."

"So what does the Great Xia Prefecture say?"

Liu Wenyan was a bit anxious. The people from the myriad races cult had indeed come.

Nanyuan was just a small city with weak defense forces. The Great Xia Prefecture had many elite troops. With a little support, the myriad races cult wouldn't dare be so rampant.

"The city lord has already sent a request for aid, but other cities are also asking for help. The Great Xia Prefecture has to defend the prefecture city to prevent the myriad races cult from causing chaos, so..."

"No reinforcements?" Liu Wenyan said, somewhat angrily. "Then ask the major academies for help!"

The headmaster replied helplessly, "We did, but recently the front lines have been recruiting soldiers, and many teachers and students from the major academies have gone to the front and haven't returned yet. The academies themselves need protection, and they are more important than Nanyuan, so..."

"Can't they even spare a few Soaring Realm experts?"

Liu Wenyan grew even more frustrated. "They aren't lacking in the Soaring Realm experts. With a few of them, the forces the myriad races cult has deployed in Nanyuan wouldn't be strong enough to cause trouble!"

The headmaster said gloomily, "Don't get angry at me, it's useless. All the cities are requesting reinforcements. Nanyuan is not critical among the 28 cities. Some cities are more important, so the Great Xia Prefecture naturally prioritizes supporting them first."

Liu Wenyan was also helpless upon hearing this. "Such a large Great Xia Prefecture is being troubled by the myriad races cult to the point where everyone is asking for help. The Dragon Martial Guards... they're really useless!"

"Cough, cough!"

The headmaster cleared his throat, and voices came from outside the door. "Instructor Liu, the myriad races cult just took advantage of the timing. Ten days ago, three thousand Dragon Martial Guards were dispatched to the battlefield of the heavens, so... we are indeed short-handed."

"That's your Dragon Martial Guards' internal security problem. I didn't even know about the departure of the three thousand Dragon Martial Guards, but the myriad races cult did. Isn't that your fault?"

Liu Wenyan wasn't afraid of the Dragon Martial Guards and said bluntly, "Even if there are no problems with the Dragon Martial Guards, there must be spies from the myriad races cult in the Great Xia Prefecture. Otherwise, how could they have known about your main force's departure and come to cause trouble now!"

The Dragon Martial Guards outside didn't respond. This was indeed a fact.

Shortly after the main force of the Dragon Martial Guards left, the myriad races cult arrived. Clearly, the information was leaked.

If the Dragon Martial Guards had been stationed in the Great Xia Prefecture, the cult wouldn't have dared to come.

"Now is not the time to argue!"

The headmaster interrupted them and said, "Old Liu, why don't you ask the Great Xia Civilization Academy to lend us a few Soaring Realm experts?"

"You don't need to say it. I already asked this morning, but even if they come, it will take at least a day."

"They agreed to send people?"

"They did agree, but..." Liu Wenyan said helplessly, "They won't stay long. They said they would take these students away and leave together, not helping us defend."

"That's fine too!"

The headmaster was overjoyed. As long as they come.

Liu Wenyan wasn't as excited and still dissatisfied, "Even if the Dragon Martial Guards left, it's embarrassing that the Great Xia Prefecture is being messed up like this! I wonder if the Great Xia Prefecture has become too complacent over the years, and the military has relaxed!"

This was something only Liu Wenyan could say; the headmaster didn't want to respond.

The Dragon Martial Guards outside didn't respond either because it was indeed embarrassing. The Great Xia Prefecture, known for its numerous strong soldiers, was being troubled by the myriad races cult, which did not match the prefecture's reputation.

Su Yu remained a silent observer, listening without intervening.

These matters concerned the higher-ups of Nanyuan City, and he wasn't qualified to participate.

As for Liu Wenyan, Su Yu was a bit puzzled. Although Liu Wenyan had a high status, his combat power was low. Discussing these matters with him didn't seem very useful.

Perhaps noticing Su Yu's thoughts, Liu Wenyan, who was somewhat attentive to him, saw him stealing a glance and couldn't help but smile. "What's the matter? Looking down on your teacher?"


"Yes, you are!"

"Really, I'm not!"

"I can tell you are!"

At this moment, Liu Wenyan was like a child, insisting on winning the argument. He smiled and said, "Just wait, and you'll see why your teacher is involved!"

Su Yu didn't quite understand what he meant, and Liu Wenyan didn't explain.

The headmaster wanted to say something, but after thinking it over, he closed his mouth.

He hoped there wouldn't be a chance for Liu Wenyan to prove himself—it would be too unfortunate.


In the high-rise opposite the academy.

The middle-aged man's lips trembled slightly. "The city guards have left the city. Except for some guarding the city gates and the city lord's mansion, the others have gone out to kill the Blood Fire Cult members."

"And the Dragon Martial Guards?"

The woman asked. The middle-aged man shook his head. "No sign of the Dragon Martial Guards."

"The Dragon Martial Guards are still in the city. Also... Nanyuan is going to transfer those geniuses to the Great Xia Prefecture. They'll leave the day after tomorrow."

The man reported. The woman frowned slightly. "A decoy?"


The man was also suspicious. "Suddenly withdrawing them, and the order was issued just yesterday—it might be to lure us out. What do you think we should do?"

"Have there been any strong individuals entering Nanyuan recently?"

"Probably not..."


"I can't be sure. We can't monitor everything around the clock, but our informants haven't reported anything from the city lord's mansion or Nanyuan Secondary Academy."

The woman fell into deep thought, then said, "We can't let them leave. If they do, destroying Nanyuan Secondary Academy will still be a success, but the credit will be halved. If the genius candidates for the preliminary exam leave, those above won't be satisfied."

"I understand." The man hesitated. "But... if we act now and the Dragon Martial Guards aren't diverted, it could be troublesome if we fail."

As he spoke, the man's communicator buzzed. He picked it up and saw a message, which seemed like an advertisement.

But the man's expression changed quickly. "Either we cancel the operation, or... we have to act quickly! News from the Great Xia Prefecture—Liu Wenyan asked the Great Xia Civilization Academy for help today, and they agreed. They'll soon send people to take these geniuses out of Nanyuan City."

"Damn it!"

The woman cursed. "Liu Wenyan, that old man again! He's just one step away from manifesting his will, though the chances are slim. But it's surprising the Civilization Academy agreed to help him... seems he has more influence than I thought."

The man stayed silent, waiting for the woman to finish venting before continuing, "What do we do now? City Lord Wu Wenhai and Dragon Martial Guard leader Xia Bing are both in the Soaring Realm second level. If the Civilization Academy sends people, we'll have to abandon our plan..."

He hesitated, then said, "The Great Xia Prefecture is strong. This time, we only managed to create chaos because the main force of the Dragon Martial Guards left. If they return, we'll have to retreat. Previously, those above were just observing the Great Xia Prefecture. Why now..."

For this operation, those above were willing to expose some deeply hidden assets. Even if the plan succeeded, the losses would be significant.

The man didn't quite understand. Even if they killed some geniuses, the losses would be hard to make up for.

He knew that some had spent many years undercover for this.

The woman held a higher position in the cult and knew more than he did. He was just responsible for liaising with various parties.

"Don't ask questions you shouldn't ask!"

The woman said coldly. After a moment's thought, she added, "Actually, it's simple. We need the Great Xia Prefecture in chaos and the main force of the Dragon Martial Guards to return. The Dragon Martial Guards went to the battlefield of the heavens, targeting the Tianyi God Clan!"

Hearing this, the man's face changed.

The Tianyi God Clan was also the god clan they had pledged allegiance to. Could it be...

"Are the gods... afraid of the Dragon Martial Guards?"

The man didn't dare to speculate further, but the woman, knowing his thoughts, sneered, "The Dragon Martial Guards are strong, but the gods do not fear them! However, the gods are attacking the Tianyan Clan recently. The Dragon Martial Guards' involvement could disrupt the plan."

"The Tianyan Clan!" The man quickly asked, "Are the gods going to start a war?"

"No, they are bringing the Tianyan Clan back into order!"

The woman replied and then shifted back to the topic. "You, me, and another Soaring Realm fourth-level hall master will arrive tonight. He will deal with Xia Bing, I'll entangle Wu Wenhai, and you will destroy Nanyuan Academy!"

"Destroy Nanyuan Academy, and we'll have completed the mission. We'll leave immediately afterward!"

"Tomorrow evening... we'll act!"

The woman finished, and the man, wanting to say something, quickly complied, "Understood!"

Choosing the evening was strategic. At night, the students would leave, making it harder to gather them, and scattering to kill them wasn't worthwhile.

After the action in the evening, they could quickly escape under cover of darkness.

The man had no objections to this. He was just worried. After accepting the order, he still reminded, "Besides Wu Wenhai and Xia Bing, I'm worried Liu Wenyan might manifest his will. That would be troublesome."

"Indeed, it's a concern."

The woman didn't dismiss his worry as excessive. It was a real variable. "But we have three Soaring Realm experts, and they only have two, both at the second level. Even if Liu Wenyan manifests his will, without time to temper his body, his physical strength will still be at the Thousand Pound level. You should be able to handle him."


The man started to say something, but the woman's eyes turned cold. "He's over seventy, with a declining body. Even if he manifests his will, so what? Are you saying you can't handle Liu Wenyan?"


The man quickly said, "I'm just worried that if I deal with Liu Wenyan, there will be no one to handle the other Dragon Martial Guards. They are all at the Thousand Pound level. We also have Thousand Pound experts, but the Dragon Martial Guards' battle formation can't be resisted by anyone below the Soaring Realm."

"That's just a possibility. Liu Wenyan has failed to manifest for years. Why would he succeed this time?"

The woman seemed dismissive but quickly added, "Let's have the Soaring Realm fourth-level hall master hold off the entire Dragon Martial Guards. Xia Bing is only at the second level. He can handle it! You quickly kill Liu Wenyan, then help deal with the Dragon Martial Guards!"


The man breathed a sigh of relief. That would be better. A Soaring Realm fourth-level expert should be sufficient.

Besides, he was also at the second level, so there was no need to worry too much. The woman was stronger, a hall master in the myriad races cult in Nanyuan, though just at the peak of the third level.

Given Nanyuan's small size, the cult having two Soaring Realm experts was already surprising.

In the Great Xia Prefecture here, only the city lord and the Dragon Martial Guard captain were in the Soaring Realm.

The main forces of the Great Xia Prefecture were on the front lines. The rear guard wasn't as strong, while the myriad races cult didn't need to be on the front lines or hold any particular place, making it easier to deploy personnel.

"True God Eternal!"

The woman's lips moved, and the man quickly echoed.

The God Clan!

Their eyes filled with longing. The God Clan!

Eternal life!

If they could earn enough merit to enter the God Realm and the legendary Divine Transformation Pool, transforming their human foundation into that of the gods... it would mean eternal life!

An endless lifespan!

The man's eyes burned with desire. This mission had earned him a lot of divine points. With a few hundred more tasks like this, he could exchange for a chance to enter the God Realm.

"Fifty years... I need to enter the God Realm within fifty years, or I'll die of old age..."

The man murmured in his heart. He didn't want to betray humanity, but he... wanted eternal life!

He couldn't forget his teacher, a Soaring Realm ninth-level expert, who died on his bed due to a decaying body. He was terrified.

The Soaring Realm only granted a lifespan of about 150 years.

He was already over sixty, and though his body hadn't yet begun to decay, it had taken him over a decade to advance from the first to the second level. Did he have any hope of reaching the ninth level in this lifetime?

No hope!

Only by pledging allegiance to the gods could he gain eternal life.

"I'm not wrong. Humanity can't compete with the myriad races! The human realm's restricted power can't resist the myriad races. Sooner or later, it will fall. It's only a matter of time. My choice is right!"

The man's face grew resolute, becoming increasingly devout. The God Clan, even in the Soaring Realm, could live for a thousand years. With a thousand years, he would surely advance further.

That would mean eternal life, an endless lifespan!