
The Scientists Way of Cultivation

John is a Scientist for the United States Defense Department, when he is met with a workplace accident and is killed. He is reincarnated with a contract between him and a god. As a boy he starts to invent things, until the day of the Magic Activation Ritual. That day his second life changes. The whole world will feel pain and joy as he rises to power cultivating a magical power in a new and unique way, The scientists way of cultivation.

Killershellfish · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
38 Chs

Ms. Etta

"The city's name is Drosa it is the largest city in the southern region of the kingdom it is a port city on Red Lake as such it is a major trading hub. This is also the city that you will be coming to after you turn ten. Once we get close to the walls we will be stopped by the guards for contraband checks. So don't speak unless spoken to, and only answer in truth, don't try to speculate or assume anything. You are young so I don't think the guards will bother you." Mrs. Cartwright informed Van.

"Yes Ma'am"

"Now come with me so you can learn a thing or two about this process." She said as she headed back to her wagon.

Van obediently followed behind up to the front of the caravan. Mrs. Cartwright had changed back into her normal dress and was carrying a very large book. It looked like it had seen better days many years ago. He noticed that the spine of the book just had twine passing through it, holding the parchment inside. Like the pages were meant to be taken out and replaced. It looked like a ledger that she had had for many years.

"Ma'am, what is that book?"

"It is a ledger. I have everything that is in the caravan written down. I keep track of everything when it comes to goods. Even the food we ate and the fish we caught. That was all put in this ledger also, when you operate a business you have to keep a balance of everything. Goods and services in, inventory, goods, and services out. Money in, money out, profits, and pretty much anything else you can think of."

~That's what I thought. I am going to have to get me one of those here so I can keep track of my stuff also.

"Looks like we are going to have to wait. There are a few wagons ahead of us." Mrs. Cartwright pointed out.

"Nonsense" Lena replied. Scaring Van in the process, he hadn't heard her come up. "I have recalled all of the scouts and we will go on ahead. If you don't mind?"

"No, we don't mind, there isn't anybody stupid enough to attack us within range of the walls. You have fun and remember to meet up with us in one week at the guild for your payment." Mrs. Cartwright said as she bode Lena farewell.

"One week? I didn't know we were going to be here a week."

"I bet you also didn't know that we would be riding horses back because the wagons are merchandise also did you?"


"There are a lot of things you don't know, mainly because you never asked. People will not give out information for free, and they certainly won't divulge information of their own accord… unless you get them drunk or... Then their tongues tend to loosen."

"Or… what," Van asked in a suspecting tone

"Did I not just get done telling you information is not free?" she asked dodging the question.

With the conversation essentially over Van went back to observing the surroundings. He watched guards rummage through the belongings of a couple of people and start to get in their faces. The people quickly pulled something off of their belt and handed it to the guards. The guard shook it then walked away signaling his friend to end the search. He then signaled that the group was free to enter.

~Extortion by the guards huh? Okay, that's noted.

He continued to look around and saw Lena's group walk up to a group of guards, what kinda surprised Van was that it wasn't Lena who talked to the guards, but another adventurer that he had not seen before. The adventurer pointed back to the caravan and continued to talk to the guards. After some conversation, a guard saluted the adventurer and sent a few guards towards the caravan.

Van continued to look around and noticed that the walls were as smooth as glass. He couldn't see a crack in them, no handholds I would guess. Some monsters are extremely good at climbing. He then noticed the walls were not perpendicular to the ground but at a slight angle. So, an attacker would have to deal with a slightly inverted wall. He wanted to get down and go look at the wall because to his knowledge an inverted wall would be detrimental to the defenders. You can't shoot at those at the bottom if you can't see them and the inverted wall make it even harder to do so. He tried to estimate how tall the walls were and found it difficult without stonework lines to count. Then he counted the towers on the west wall there were 15 along with the machicolations he figured that there could easily be well over 500 people on this one wall, casting spells, shooting arrows, and raining rocks and boiling water on attackers.

~I wonder what I could build here that would make these defenses meaningless? Mortars? Howitzers? Hell, a tank? Well, I would need gunpowder at a minimum, and then for any vehicle petroleum for the fuel and various oils. Not to mention the precision. My lathe is currently the most precise manual production method. I will have to talk to Harlod when I get back to make a metal lathe. I am pretty sure he will enjoy that. I know a few things that he…"

"Ma'am your caravan has been cleared please come to the other VIP gate." A guard said to Mrs. Cartwright, stopping Van's runaway train of thought.

"Thank you, very much good sir. Here is a token of my gratitude." She replied as she threw a money purse down to the guard. He then opened it to see 4 gold coins staring back at him.

"4 gold man? That… that… seems a bit much don't you think?" the man stammered. He wasn't used to taking gold from the travelers mainly silver and copper. But never gold. Hell, the gold in the pouch was twice his month's salary.

"4 gold? My good sir, you must be mistaken I only gave you 3 gold as agreed upon by Ms. Yager and your captain." She said to him with a wink. "Now please lead the way to the VIP gate"

"Yes, ma'am right this way" The guard instructed. He tucked the pouch into the left side of his breastplate so he could still access it without anyone else knowing. When the guard was about halfway to the gate he stopped and bend down on one knee and acted like he was tying his boot.

Van could see that the guard just tucked a gold coin into his boot. Once he stood up he continued to lead the caravan up to the city wall.

~I don't see a gate. It must be hidden with magic.

The guard walked up to the wall and placed his hand on the wall. He then mumbled something and the area that his hand was on glowed a dim red. It stayed red for about 30 seconds before he pulled his hand off and faced the wagon.

"Please forgive me ma'am for the delay. One second please." He bowed to Mrs. Cartwright, he then turned around, place his hands next to his mouth, and yelled at the top of his lungs. "WAKE THE FUCK UP!"

"Again please forgive me for this delay" he then went back to the wall and placed he had on it making it glow red again. This time though it stayed red for maybe three seconds before turning green. Once green the guard backed up and the entire wall rearranged itself into a gate. "Please after you." He said bowing once more.

As the first wagon to go through Van saw a guard standing at attention next to the wall with a frightened look in his eyes. Van knew that look all too well, it is the look people have when they were caught red-handed sleeping on the job and were scared awake. Van just shook his head, he wanted to feel bad for the guard but it was the guard's fault in the first place.

Van raised his head to take in the splendor of the city, and he was severely disappointed. There wasn't anything different from his village besides stone roads, two to three-story houses, and a lot more people. Van immediately regretted his decision to come with. The streets were crowded, it smelt like a stable because of the literal shit, and piss on the roads from the animals. The people were loud and obnoxious there were beggars, and cutpurses everywhere and it was broad daylight. Van saw what could have only been a brothel and then another one, two buildings down. He could only imagine what it would sound like to live in the building in between them.

"Van once we get to the Merchants guild I want you to wait in the lobby. Don't leave the building. Do you understand?"

"Why cant I leave?"

"Because honestly you wouldn't survive, everyone can tell you are from the country, and they will take advantage of you the first chance they get. So don't leave the building. I will be done shortly. After that I will take you on a tour of the city."

"Yes. Ma'am"

Van only asked so he could get an explanation, he didn't even want to go on the tour, so he wasn't planning on leaving the building. When they arrived to the Merchants guild, an extremely attractive woman came out to meet them. Van was cursing that he was only 9 because if he was at least 25 he would shoot his shot and prayed it hit.

He must've been staring because Mrs. Cartwright smacked him upside the head as she said "Etta, you charmed another one. That makes how many now? And this one is only 9." Mrs. Cartwright shook her head as she grabbed the top of Van's head, forcefully turned him so he was looking at the door and pushed him inside.

"Now my dear Hellen, why would you ask a lady that question? You know it impolite to question a refined young lady like myself about matters of the bedroom, especially in front of others." Etta said with a mischievous grin that she made no motion to hide. "Plus, the ones that haven't been through the ritual taste the best anyways. You must let me have him, he looks so sweet, and he is unmarked."

"Etta… not this one, go find another one yourself."

"Please, I promise not to hurt him, I will even erase his memory. I am famished, just a little bite? She asked putting on her best little girl act.

"NO, if you can't control yourself, I will mark him myself. Then where will you be. The same spot but without the chance to snatch him from under my nose." Hellen stared at Etta while tapping her nose. "Is that not the game you like to play best?"

"Oh Hellen, you know me so well. But on to business, shall we?"

Van Had no idea how close he was to having his dream come true but in the most horrific, nightmarish, manner possible. He was clueless because he was under the influence of an extremely powerful charm spell. When Etta left the room the spell released him from its hold.

~~ {Can you hear me? Van? Van? JOHN!!!}

Hearing his first name snapped him out of the last bit of a daze he was in.

~~ What? What happened? And why did you use that name?

~~ {You were under a Charm spell I couldn't reach you; it was like we were disconnected somehow. You were under it for about 10 minutes, while Mrs. Cartwright and Ms. Etta were talking.}

~~ I can't remember anything. I am supposed to, but I can't. What were they talking about? Do you remember?}

~~ {You, they were talking about you. Ms. Etta said she wanted you for something but Mrs. Cartwright who's first name is Hellen by the way, defended you and said she would mark you or something and then Etta wouldn't be able to get you. It was weird and very concerning.}

~~ Thank you I will talk to Mrs. Cartwright when she gets back. By the way did you learn the Charm Spell?

~~ {No, it hit you so fast you didn't even understand what was going on. I can't learn what you can't learn.}