
The Scientists Way of Cultivation

John is a Scientist for the United States Defense Department, when he is met with a workplace accident and is killed. He is reincarnated with a contract between him and a god. As a boy he starts to invent things, until the day of the Magic Activation Ritual. That day his second life changes. The whole world will feel pain and joy as he rises to power cultivating a magical power in a new and unique way, The scientists way of cultivation.

Killershellfish · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Mr. Tegg

Van spent many hours with Alice redoing his system. The other guards in the carriage didn't say a word either. They were watching Van because his face would go through various expressions seemingly at random.

When Van came back to the world he noticed the guards staring at him. He paid them no mind as he pulled up his HUD.

Name: Van Augustus

Title: N/A

Level: 15

XP: 0/20000

Points Available: 72


HP: 110

MP: 1,000,000

Strength: 60

Stamina: 175

Intelligence: 285

Dexterity: 60

Charisma: 30

Luck: 20


Travel to the Capital of The Southern Kingdom: 500 XP

Harvest Souls: 5/3,857,3000,829

Lives Bettered: 1/7,714,601,658

When Van saw the XP section and the quests section he was relieved. How he would be able to conceptualize gaining levels. What he didn't like is that he had regressed levels.

~~ {You know you should put your points into your stats now. Since you are about to go meet with the king I would recommend Charisma and some Luck. You kind of need it.}

Van decided to do just that. He didn't need any more intelligence for the time being. After allocating 50 of the 72 points he had his Charisma jump to 60 and his Luck jumped to 40. He decided to not use all of his points in case he came across a situation that required him to improve in another area.

He then looked at the two guards again. This time there was actually useful information above them. Van was pleased when he saw…

Name: Dameon Daunt

Title: Mage Captain

Level: 25

HP: 100

Name: Isobel Wain

Title: Captain

Level: 32

HP: 550

The changes that were made were going to help him in the long run. He still didn't believe that Asterism was that mans name, if he had the system then like it is now, he would been able to identify the man.

When the carriage reached the base of the Judicator Mountains the carriage stopped and everyone set up camp for the night. Tomorrow was going to be a hard day for the animals. The group was going to be ascending the mountains and the animals needed rest.

Van got out of the carriage and walked over to the pile of wood that was set up for a fire. He sat down next to it and cast Fireball at it. The wood immediately caught on fire and started to spread its heat and light around the camp. Van decided to show off a little bit and started to meditate.

When the tornado formed in his left hand and the galaxy formed in his right a crowd had gathered. The mages especially came over and even though they wanted to ask questions they respected a mages meditation. A couple Wind mages sat down and tried to copy Vans tornado. The closest anyone got was causing a wind storm that blew the fire out and pulled Van back from his meditation.

Upon opening his eyes Van saw quite a few mages around him all trying to copy him. When they saw that he was awake the questions started to flood in. After being bombarded with questions Van finally spoke up and offered to explain his method. Being mages they were sensitive to the mana around them and therefore could tell that Vans tornado was extremely dense and pure mana.

Van explained to them how he created the tornado and that any elemental affinity could do the same. Well into the night and after rebuilding the fire numerous times one mage got the hang of it. Van then instructed him how to gather the mana around himself and to put that mana into the tornado without absorbing it, and once he had gotten enough mana the gaseous mana would start to condense into its liquid stage. Van explained that once the mana became liquid that was when it was okay to absorb it into his core.

The mage thanked Van and went back to his tent presumably to practice. Van stayed at the camp fire and meditated until morning. His core had become even more solid. ]

Back on the trail Alice cast an Anti-Gravity spell on the carriage that reduced its weight by half. The animals made it across the mountains in one day when it was supposed to take two. Once at the northern base of the mountains Van once again instructed the mages on how to make the tornadoes. That night 5 more mages accomplished it.

The 3rd day of travel the group reached the gates of the capital city of The Southern Kingdom, Glens Hope. It was named so, after the first king and his vision for the country. After one of the guards showed the gate guards the groups summons they were allowed in. The adventurers peeled away to their respective destinations as Van and his two guards headed to the castle.

The carriage came to a halt as it reached the gates to the entrance of the castle. A man dressed in butler attire greeted Van and the two guards as they stepped out of the carriage. "Good evening, Mr. Augustus, May you please follow me to your lodgings. We were not expecting you until tomorrow. I hope you had a safe journey?

"Yes we had a very pleasant journey thank you. I will follow you if you please." Van replied as he gestured to the butler to lead the way.

"Did you not bring any luggage Sir.? I do not see any on the carriage."

"I have all of the luggage I need on me, please do not trouble yourself on my account." Van said as he bowed in a show of respect to his elders and to make a good impression to the staff.

The butler gave a small smile at the young mans etiquette and charisma as he started to lead the way into the castle. Mr. Daunt and Ms. Wain both stayed with the carriage. As soon as Van was out of sight they left the castle.

Van looked at the butler and was informed that his name was Dylan Ben Tegg, He was the head butler of the castle and was level 47.

~ Looks like this man is not a push over. I wonder what he would teach me if I asked.

"Umm, excuse me sir," Van said as he ran to catch up with Mr. Tegg. "What do I call you?"

"My name is Mr. Dylan Ben Tegg, I am the head butler of the kings castle. You may call me Mr. Tegg."

"Thank you Mr. Tegg." Van said sincerely as he was happy that he wasn't being lied to. "Mr. Tegg, I do not want to be rude but I sensed that you were very strong, and I am sorry if I am overstepping my bounds for asking, but would you be willing to teach me something during my stay here?"

Mr. Tegg eyed up Van because he was sure that he had suppressed his aura but yet this child had sensed his strength. 'This child is dangerous and will continue to get more dangerous the longer he lives.' "Well young man, May I call you that?"

"Yes Sir. You are my senior therefore I am a young man to you, I do not take offense to being addressed that way." Van replied and he caught back up to the butler.

'He is charismatic and he is careful with what he says.' "Well young man, I have probably forgotten more than you have learned in your ten years of life. But I will teach you a couple of skills that may help you on your future travels. But these lessons will come at a cost. Are you willing to pay the price?" Mr. Tegg explained to Van to see what kind of mind he had when it came to risk and reward.

"I doubt it will cost me money, and we will have little time together, so that leaves information and pain. What information would you want and how much will these lessons hurt?" Van stated as they walked up the grand staircase and through the front doors of the keep.

"You are a clever young man, I like that. You do not have any information that I cannot get myself from more reliable sources, these lessons will cause you a large amount of pain, mainly because you don't have a lot of time for me to teach you."

"Well we can start whenever you are ready Sir. I do not have anything else to do."

"Eager are we? Do not worry we will start tonight after dinner. Make sure to wear the College's student uniform for dinner tonight. This way the King will be able to recognize you. I shall send someone to fetch you when it is time. Take this time to prepare your mind and body." With that said Mr. Tegg handed Van off to another maid to bring him to his room.

Van was surprised to see that this made was level 35 and every maid and butler he passed on the way to his room was over level 30. Van was shown into his room where he promptly began meditating.