
The Scientists Way of Cultivation

John is a Scientist for the United States Defense Department, when he is met with a workplace accident and is killed. He is reincarnated with a contract between him and a god. As a boy he starts to invent things, until the day of the Magic Activation Ritual. That day his second life changes. The whole world will feel pain and joy as he rises to power cultivating a magical power in a new and unique way, The scientists way of cultivation.

Killershellfish · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
38 Chs


The next day everyone went to Homeroom at 7am as the document in the folder stated. They were all given some parchment that had a list of classes on them and the corresponding time blocks. There were already classes chosen for them, these were the required classes, if a student wanted to take on extra classes, they were free to select other classes. They were warned that they should not take any extra classes until they got used to going to the college and attending classes. Van didn't have to worry about this because in his past life he held two PhDs, he was well accustomed to being in a classroom. He read down the list of required classes. Fundamentals of Magic, Fundamentals of Casting, Fundamentals of Cultivation, Fundamentals of your Affinity. There were also classes like Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic.

Camellia came and sat down next to Van and quietly asked him to read what the paper said. After he had read what it said and explained what he could about any questions she had. He went back to look at the elective classes. He was determined to fill his day completely full when he realized that some of the classes went well into the night.

~~ {Maybe you should choose two or three affinities to focus on for now. This way you can get a general grasp of how each one works. You can either use that knowledge to experiment yourself or go to the classes for the other ones.}

~~ Thank you, I will take your advice. Since I already have a Tier 6 spell I will go with fire. I am undecided on the other classes though; I will ask around and find the rarest affinity to go to.

"Ma'am," Van called out trying to get Natasha's attention. "What is the rarest Affinity to have?" He asked when she looked at him.

"Well, it would be a close decision between Holy and Dark." She replied as she gave Camellia a grin.

With that new information, Camellia sank even lower into her seat. Not only did she get one of the rarest Affinities she got both.

Van made his decision he would go to both the Holy and Dark Magic classes as well as the fire class. He quickly signed up for those classes and handed his selection to Natasha. Upon reading his decision she raised an eyebrow at him. She gave a quick look to Camellia and then back to Van and put the parchment on her desk face down.

After everyone had turned in their selections class dismissed for the day so the students that were staying at the college could set up arrangements to have their belongings delivered. Van left the college and went to his workshop to appoint a management team, and iron out some of the finer details with production. He now had 15 lathes in his shop, 10 of them made pencils, and the other 5 made other assorted items like cups, table legs, arrows, and spear shafts. 90 percent of all his goods were now exported across the country and the lake.

He then went to Erynne's smithy and ironed out some of the details of the collaboration they had made to net a greater profit. She was now so busy she had to hire 3 other smiths to keep up with the work. She now had an apprentice herself and the 3 smiths also had apprentices. She was getting ready to expand her smithy in order to give everyone enough space to work.

Next van went to the Merchants Guild to tell Ms. Etta and Mrs. Cartwright everything that had happened at the college. He made arrangements for his stuff to be delivered and when he was about to leave he didn't forget to thank them for everything they had done for him and for setting up the foundation that was already helping people.

Upon returning to the college that evening he went straight to the store hoping that it would still be open. When he got there, he had 30 minutes remaining so he went inside to look at the Grimoires available for purchase.

Inside the store was school uniforms, different spell books, his pencils, and the Grimoires. He immediately went to the Grimoires and searched their descriptions looking for the one that could hold the highest tier spells. He found what he was looking for, but he almost fainted from the price. 500 Gold.

~Jesus Christ how does anyone afford this. 500 gold is enough to live comfortably for a very long time. people don't even make that amount in their lifetime. A mage would have to work for years to save up for this. I better not buy this right now; I would look like a rich noble jackass if I did that. I will get something more modest.

Van continued to look around and found another Grimoire that allowed tier 6 spells. He picked up the case that it was sealed in and brought it to the counter.

"That will be 250 Gold." The man behind the counter stated. As Van handed over his Account Card. The man took down the information and sent a fairy to the Merchants Guild. "Sorry, we have to make sure transactions on the Grimoires are clear before allowing you to take them."

The fairy came back a little later and gave the man a receipt. "Looks like you are good to go." Removing the seal the man laid the Grimoire on the counter. "Please Imprint this immediately, it is to prevent theft."

Van did as he was told, and the now-familiar rainbow of colors started to swirl around the book. "That reminds me I need to buy a carrying case for this. do you have any?"

"Yes, they are over there by the spell books." The man said in a hushed voice. He was stunned by what he just witnessed.

Van walked through the spellbook section and remembered his unique way of "learning" spells. He started to pick up each spellbook and flip rapidly through the pages. His mind was burning from the information that was flowing through it. He had given himself a migraine but that didn't matter. He was skipping the process of having to sit and learn. When he finally got to the carrying cases his mind felt like it was going to melt. He quickly grabbed a case and bought it.

He rushed back to his room and entered it, just wanting to lay down and die. When he opened to the door he noticed that a new wall trunk was in his room and it had 5 school uniforms in it. He did not care enough to give them a good look and went and laid down.

"Heal," Van said

Nothing happened.

~~ {Try casting like you imprinted the Grimoire}

Van thought about the feeling and cast Heal again. This time his body had a faint glow around it, and he could feel magic leaving his body. He could also feel the spell working and his headache went away.

~~ Alice you try casting Heal. If you can we could potentially dual cast spells.

Alice tried to cast heal and sure enough, Vans body started to glow again.

~~ This is amazing. Okay, we will try to cast different spells at the same time to see if we can. I will cast Frost Bolt and you cast Stone Arrow. I will cast from my right hand, and you cast from my left.

~~ {Okay. On your mark.}

~Frost Bolt

~~ {Stone Arrow}

To Van and Alice's delight, both spells emerged from his two hands and hit the floor and shattered.

~~ Now the same spells but from the same hand

Frost bolt hit the floor, but a stone arrow never materialized.

~~ hold on we have been using my whole hand. Let try fingers, I will use my index you use my pinky.

Both spells crashed on the ground.

~~ I wonder, can you take over my body?

~~ {What are you talking about? Like possession?

~~ Not quite, try controlling my left arm and casting Stone Arrow at the door, I will relax my arm.

A stone arrow broke apart on the door.

~~ We will be a force to fear when it comes to combat.

~~ {Yes, we will.}

Hours passed as Van and Alice practiced casting spells and Van became familiar with the feeling of casting. He realized that he just had to will the spell to be cast and it would be. They also found out that Van could only cast from his hands, while Alice could cast from any part of his body.

Even after the hours of practice, Van didn't feel fatigued and when he checked his MP it was at 997,450

Van then looked at his Grimoires and saw that new pages had been added and they had the new spells on them.

~I will not carry the big one with me, it will make me stand out even more than I already do. But it will be the Master Grimoire.

He skimmed through the pages and noticed that the spells that he had cast were updated with what they do and the MP required to cast them.

Heal- T2- 10 MP

Frost Bolt- T1- 10 MP

Stone Arrow- T1- 20 MP

Fire Ball- T1- 10 MP

Trap- T2- 50 MP

After all, the practice laid down and dreamed amazing dreams.