
The Schwarzwelt

Humans were too late to realize that they were always pawns in the chess game between the factions of Demons and Angels. Their only saving grace was a mysterious man that granted them a weapon which gave them a possibility of rising from the status quo. Saorsa, a 25 year old Lawyer, was one of the chosen humans to gain this formidable weapon, but, will he use it for the sake of humanity ?

Mesuur · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 3: Demon Summoning Program

[Hello, children of Amala]


In a dilapidated camp, all that could be heard was silence, everyone, including Saorsa, was shocked by the scene in front of them.

A blue holographic panel appeared suddenly in their eyes, such a weird occurrence left them speechless, they only continue to listen to the words written on it:

[You may be confused about your current situation, all will be explained by me soon enough]

"What!? Are you the one that got us in this shitty place?! What sort of fucked up prank is this?!"

A nearby man couldn't contain his frustrations, his bloodshot eyes seemed to want to devour the mastermind behind this event. Other people were also angry and voiced their inner complaints.

[Hehe, This "Prank" which are you referring to is indeed my doing. You were chosen by me, as the humans having the most potential to carve their own path. You may be ignorant of how fortunate your situation is. As matter of fact, this world is no longer what it used to be, you will know why in the future, the phenomenon that you are all familiar with, The Schwarzwelt, is a clue to your questions.]

'Schwarzwelt..? Could it be ?!' Saora's uneasy feeling got much stronger now, he already had a vague idea of what happened to him and the others, but he still found it hard to believe this fact.

Anger and hunger weakened the reason of other people,

they didn't pay attention to the panel's words that much, but instead continued to lash out their frustrations :

"Bastard, you despicable scum! My children are dying of hunger because of your shitty little game! " This time it was a middle-aged mother who complained the loudest, she was carrying her children who were weakly breathing, their sunken cheeks made other people feel pity and at the same time support this woman in her anger.

[Now, now, it seems you still don't realize the gravity of your situation. I don't have much time left, so I will bestow upon you a weapon that will help in your survival. Good luck in your journey, children of Amala, I'm looking forward to seeing which path you will carve in this conflict]

The blue panel disappeared, What followed was a sudden jolt that hit Saorsa's head, he groaned in pain while holding his head tightly, it felt like a worm was in his head digging deep into his brain matter, the pain was equivalent to someone twisting a knife to your head, he couldn't help but kneel and hold his tightly as if it was gonna shatter into pieces.

The same treatment was also applied to the rest of the camp, groans and screams of pain could be heard across the mall, some couldn't bear the pain and fainted out of exhaustion.

After what felt like an eternity, the pain subsided for Saorsa, beads of sweat could be seen in his head dripping on the ground, he began to breathe heavily as he laid to the ground to rest, he felt weak all over his body.


He was too exhausted to talk, he turned to look at the others, most people fainted from pain, few like Saorsa retained their consciousness including Daniel and Braun who were lying beside the doors, looked very pale and sweaty.

After 30 minutes of rest, Saorsa could finally stand up, although with unstable balance, but regardless he went to sit in some rubble that was gathered near an escalator he saw.

As he sat down, he noticed a slight tightness in his jean pocket, it seemed like something appeared in his pocket.

"This Shape.. isn't this my phone ?"

Saorsa reached for his pocket, it was indeed his phone.

"Strange... I remember not having anything in my pocket when I woke up, this must be the doing of the mastermind behind the blue panel, and the blistering headache too"

He turned his phone on, only to find the existence of a single app on the screen named "Demon Summoning App".

Saorsa's eyes suddenly shrank, all the dots were connected in his mind now!

Schwarzwelt, Mysterious Species, Blue Panel, Demon Summoning App…

He finally understood the mystery behind what happened to him and the others clearly. This Mastermind behind the blue panel transported them to the Schwarzwelt, even though this area wasn't shown in the pictures that Saorsa saw of the inside, it was a foregone conclusion that The Schwarzwelt contained architecture similar to human civilization.

And who might this civilization be?

Saorsa looked at his phone again, he couldn't shrug off the name of this strange app in his phone.

"If my theory is correct, then this Schwarzwelt might be inhabited by.. Demons!"

This frightening theory invoked fear in Saorsa, but more importantly, excitement!

Demons! Supernatural beings that only existed in fairy tales and fiction, were actually real!

And going from the app name in his phone, it meant the possibility of summoning demons!

Saorsa's excitement could not help but rise further, his heart started to beat faster, his eyes were intensely focused on the app, his lips curled up naturally, he hadn't felt this excited since forever!

Saorsa wasn't the only one who got a phone, Daniel and Braun didn't talk to each other, their eyes were showing variations of shock, fear, and a slight excitement too.

Other people started to wake up one after another, they still didn't know that each of them had a phone hidden in their clothes, they were too preoccupied with the exhaustion hitting them from the painful headache.

Saorsa couldn't contain his excitement further he pressed the demon summoning app:


[Welcome to the demon summoning program]

[Enter your name: ...…..]