
Yun Zhu… Is It A Coincidence?

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Yun Jian kept staring at the boy, taking in the reflection of her baby brother, and fell into the memory of her brother's exuberant smile when she met him for the first time in her past life.

Then, she remembered the dried tear tracks on the corners of his eyes when he was cruelly killed.

"Xiao Zhu…?" Yun Jian stretched her hand out, a quiver in her voice despite her usual fierce and poised demeanor.

Her baby brother's name was Yun Zhu.

She could still remember the first time her younger brother met her. His large inky orbs were trained on her, his cheeks a dusty pink, and his teeth shiny white against his rosy lips. He enunciated his words clearly as he blinked up at her, "You're my big sister?"

Then, he happily grabbed onto her larger hand with his short and cold little fingers, exploding in joy. "Yay! Xiao Zhu has a big sister now! Xiao Zhu has family too!"