
The Senior High School Division And The Competition Venue

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Yun Jian did not regard the roguish-looking guy and that upset the latter.

When Yun Jian walked away with Ning Lanlan, a guy standing near the basketball hoop teased the former guy, "Shan Zihao, aha! Didn't expect a girl to ignore you!"

The roguish-looking guy was named Shan Zihao. He was lean and fit, the type that girls would like. He was quite tall, around 1.7 meter, and had short shiny black hair—the typical look that teenage girls fawned over.

It was just that Yun Jian ignored him completely and that astounded Shan Zihao. He had never been despised by a girl before! Hah, interesting—the girl was very interesting!

"Hey, lovelies, don't walk so fast. I'll take you both there!" Shan Zihao grabbed his clothes from the basketball stand thinking he looked incredibly cool doing it before running after Yun Jian and Ning Lanlan.

The senior Ning Lanlan knew, Xiao Zhiming, was already leading the way for both the girls.