
Making You Mine Right Now

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

At the same time, Yun Jian's eyes perked up. Si Yi's wandering hands had slid past her flat tummy. Their lips were still attached in a kiss; there was a faint fragrance to Si Yi's lips that Yun Jian not only did not dislike, but she also anticipated it.

However, when Si Yi's hands went under her clothes, she could no longer pretend she did not see a thing. Yun Jian's hand swiftly stopped the young man's roaming hand as her eyes bulged. It did not seem to be able to stop him anyway.

Si Yi's palm glided past Yun Jian's clothes and her attempt to stop him. Following her curves, his hand slipped into her bra and gripped onto a certain bosom part without anything in between the contact. His hand covered her left chest.

Feeling a zip run through her, Yun Jian wanted to pry Si Yi's hand away only to feel his lips attacking hers more aggressively.