
The School of Minds [English Version]

Aron_Vervaeke · Realistic
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9 Chs

The Ordeal Continues

Seeing Naomi always in shock, Haruki decides to approach her to try to calm her.

Haruki : I understand that seeing a corpse for the first time maybe traumatic, but you have to get back.

Naomi always remains unanswered, the gaze in the void.

Seeing that it does not work Aron decides to go there itself.

~ Point of view of Aron ~

Me : Naomi, you have to stop. I know that, doing nothing, letting it be carried by your emotions and being passive of the situation seems to be the easiest solution. But it is above all the most stupid solution. Being the master of the situation and knowing how to control your emotions is certainly more difficult but it is above all the solution that allows success and victory. I will ask you a question.

I tend my hand and put it against his cheek, which makes him make a slight start of surprise and immediately makes her get out of her thoughts. She slowly turns her head and her eyes now landing in mine.

Me : Do you prefer to be a loser where a winner ? A silent response is equivalent to that of a loser so you have an interest in responding.

My last sentence tears him away from a slight laugh. She looks me straight in the eyes with a smile and a determined expression.


Naomi : A winner of course !

She takes up this before resuming.

Naomi : Sorry boys, I let my emotions take over and I slowed us down.

Kenta and Haruki look at it, then Haruki speaks.

Haruki : Don't worry about it. We were especially afraid for you.

Kenta resumed with a big warm smile.

Kenta : I too am happy that you are back among us.

Aron interrupted their moments.

Aron : Without wanting to hurry all this story made us waste a lot of time and there are only 30 minutes left as well as 2 other computers to activate.

Naomi : Yes you have resonate, let's go !

For a moment Haruki frowns slightly, probably because he is jealous of how close Aron and Naomi are. Which Aron easily noticed but decided to ignore


After 5 minutes of Kenta walking, which is at the front, stops suddenly walking.

Naomi : a cat ?

Kenta : No it's another group of students.

Everyone is listening to the sounds of steps in silence to them.

Then after a while a group of three people containing two girls and a boy made it happen. One of the girls has purple eyes and brown hair tied in a ponytail and she seems to chew a chewing gum, the other seems slightly younger than the first, she is as brown but her hair is attached with two duvets And she seems to have a lollipop in the mouth. Finally the boy, he has white hair, pale skin or white, with pale gray blue eyes, which makes it albinos.

One of the girls withdrew his lollipop before speaking.

Manon : Look Sora Senpai, another group of students !

She looks at the boy waiting for an answer, but he seems to have his head all the time, as if he was constantly thinking.

The other girl therefore replied in her place.

Léna : Stop screaming for anything, you can see that he is thinking.

Lena is a constantly calm and serious girl, but strangely as soon as it is Manon she loses her cold and even her serious expression cannot hide her bad tone towards Manon.

Manon : I'm not talking about you have a sow !

Lena : Me a sows ? ! For whom you take Species of big cow !

The two girls put it to play it like two children and always being plunged into his thoughts, the boy with them did not even pay attention.

Naomi : Uh ... they know we're right there, right ?

Haruki : maybe we should leave and leave them there ...

Kenta noticed that Aron frowned slightly.

Kenta : Are everything a good Aron ?

To pronounce this name the two girls led to watch Sora at the same time. And it is understandable because his expression had completely changed. He who was completely in his thoughts now with his eyes wide, point directly to those of Aron.

Sora: A ... A ... Ar ...

Seeing Shiro completely confused and in shock, the two girls immediately threw on him.

Léna : Shiro Senpai What's wrong ?!

Manon : Shiro Senpai You are fine ! ?

Despite their blatant concern Shiro did not even pay attention.

Shiro : You didn't understand, it's him !

The two girls looked at it for a moment before one of them decided to speak.

Léna : Wait a minute, is he ? Is that the famous Aron ?

Manon : But yes look at his eyes !

Naomi: What are they crazy about? Do you know them ?

Aron does not bother to answer Naomi and he preferred to address the boy directly with a smile.

Aron : Hi Sora. I am delighted to see you again.

Sora resumed his minds and he rocked his throat before answering.

Sora : Aron I finally found you! You must quickly come back before Father is too angry to the point of no longer forgiving yourself.

Despite the fact that he was resumed his senses, he still had to hide his concern and anxiety.

Aron taken up in a cold tone.

Aron : NO

Sora : Aron I took you I went all this way to warn you ! You have to...

Aron : Shut up. You still speak like that and your status has not changed. You are still Father's favorite little puppet.

Kenta, Naomi and Haruki speak between them while whispering so as not to interrupt this discussion.

Haruki : Does he have the same father ? So he's his brother ?

Kenta : No I think the person they call "Father" is their superior.

Haruki : a superior ? But a superior of what ?

Naomi : Shut up I don't hear their conversations !

Aron : Let's go. I don't want to be a second more with this free clutch puppet.

While Aron and his group began to leave Sora grabbed Aron's arm.

Sora : It's wrong ! Father thinks that I am in Japan to visit the Prime Minister, he does not know that you are in France, I did my personal research, no one knows in by Lena and Manon but I promise you that They will not say anything either.

Aron : While you do here if it is not an order as a father.

Sora : I'm sorry for what I did in the past so I wanted to apologize personally. Then I wanted to convince you to come back and make you forgive by father. But I knew you wouldn't want to then think I thought about something else.

He kills himself for a moment before resuming.

Sora : I want to stay with you until you get home.

Aron : So you're going to wait a long time.

To these words sora this smile

Sora : You didn't say no.

Aron : Don't slow me down. Let's go.

Sora and his group joined the Aron group and during the search for other computers Naomi and Lena befriend while Manon and Kenta got to know each other.

Suddenly three cats appeared.

Naomi : Be careful if you are eliminated then you will die.

Léna : Yes we know. I guessed the real rules of the exam. And the 4th member of our team has proven my hypothesis if you see what I mean.

Naomi : It's horrible. That means he died ...

Lena : No, I'm not even knowing it it's just a guy who wanted to put it with us since he believed in the team rule of four.

Naomi : If you have guessed the real rules you must be the group's brain.

Léna made a slight laugh before answering.

Léna : Thank you that flatters me, but Sora is much smarter than me. And it was so simple to guess that even Manon could have done it.

Naomi : I hadn't guessed ...

Lena : I have no doubt about your intelligence. The only one is that you failed to guess is because you are still too innocent to see the reality of the world.

Suddenly manon this put forward.

Manon : I take care of little kittens.

She threw himself on the opposite before killing them all three naked in just a few seconds, which shocked Kenta, Haruki and Naomi.

Haruki : You just kills them ...

Naomi was going to say something but Lena spoke.

Léna : It's either they kill us or we kill them. Anyway if he loses the game they will be eliminated so that does not change their fate.

Kenta lowers her head before speaking

Kenta : Yes it's true ...

Manon : Hurry up 20 minutes left.

Haruki : By the way where Aron and Sora went ?

Aron and Sora had disappeared without anyone realizing.

Lena : They surely left for their part to save time. Don't worry about them and let's go.

Manon Part of current followed by the others.


They ended up finding the computer which was surrounded by a dozen cats which it was hiding at a perimeter of 10 meters around and which Manon eliminated quickly.

The computer was quickly beaten by Haruki.

"The fourth computer has been activated"

Léna : You are strong at chess.

Haruki : Thank you but it was pretty simple.

Léna : He was still 2500 Elo according to the rules.

Haruki : Besides, it's your team that activated another computer, right ?

Léna : Yes exactly, it's Sora Senpai.

Haruki : I would like to face it one day.

Léna : I'm sure he would be delighted to play with someone as talented as you.

Kenta : And now ?

Léna : Now we are going to place ourselves at one of the two outings while waiting for Aron and Shiro to activate the last computer.

Naomi : But don't cats all group together to try to protect the last computer ?

Lena : Oh if probably. But it is not much for members of the 7th generation.

Naomi : 7th generation ?

Léna : Sorry but I don't have the right to say more. Normally we should have already eliminated you but since you are with Aron we have done nothing.

Haruki : eliminated ! ? Uh finally we have no questions. Huh naomi ...

Naomi joined Haruki in his fright.

Naomi: Yes !

The expressions of Naomi and Haruki made Léna laugh.

Léna: Ahahah. I laughed. We wash brain, and we only eliminate if it doesn't work.

Far from having reassured Naomi and Haruki the lyrics of Léna made them this tense even more which made her laugh again.


Meanwhile, Aron and Sora found themselves in front of around fifty cats protecting the last computer.

Sora : I take care of cats and you go activate the computer while I am diversion, okay ?

Aron : As you want.

While Sora rushed into, Aron made his way a passage to the computer.

After a few minutes the speakers resound throughout the building.

"The last computer was activated"

"The two outings are now open"

After this announcement, the group of Léna rushed into the exit where they were waiting for and the group of Sora and Aron dispatched to join them.

They found themselves in a white room that looked like the meeting room where the welcome speech had passed, the director on the platform waiting for all the winning students to arrive.

When all the students who have succeeded in the event were gathered the director began.

Director : Now that the real entrance exam has passed, I welcome all the new students of my establishment and I hope you will make every next exams as well as this one. But especially I hope that you will manage to get your diploma following the next three years that we are going to spend together.