
The School of Minds [English Version]

Aron_Vervaeke · Realistic
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9 Chs

new classes

Wednesday: 3rd day

4:30 a.m.

~Aron POV~

After waking up I did my daily physical exercises, which lasted 30 minutes. Then I went to take my shower, which took me about 15 minutes. At 5:15 a.m. I changed into school clothes and left the dormitory to go have breakfast in the cafeteria.

When I went inside I noticed that there was almost no one there, which is logical because classes start at 8:30, however there was still the boy with red hair.

After buying some pastries I went to sit across from him. (I have to get to know my new friends, right?)

He was so immersed in his computer that he didn't even notice me. Seeing this I cleared my throat to signal my presence and that's when he looked up from his screen and jumped at the sight of me.

??? : Oh, uh, hello...

I looked at his student badge hanging on his uniform and smiled.

Me : Hello. Akari Itô is that it ?

Akari : Um yes, that's it. I can help you ?

Me : Well, not really. I just want to get to know my new friends.

Akari seemed surprised by my answer.

Akari : And what do you want to know about me ?

Me: Let's play a game. You ask me three questions and I'm allowed to lie once. And then I do the same thing with you, okay?

Akari looked reluctant but eventually agreed, saying it could be fun.

Akari : OK then I'll start. First question, did you know these people before coming to this high school ?

Me : Are you talking about my three friends ?

Akari : No, I'm talking about the six.

I smile slightly before answering

Me : No, I met him here.

From that moment on, Akari's expression became completely different, it reflected perfect seriousness.

Akari : Second question, did you lie to the previous question ?

Even though I was slightly surprised by his ruse, I didn't let anything show on my face and responded with a smile.

Aron : Yes.

Akari didn't seem surprised by my answer, on the contrary, he had probably predicted it.

For the last question he looked at me with a crimson and piercing look.

Akari: Would any of your "friends" be able to kill someone with their bare hands?

I let the silence linger for a few seconds. Then, still with my smile, I answered.

Aron : Yes.

After my answer he resumed his usual expression.

Akari : Alright, now your turn.

Me : Okay.

I pretended to think and then asked him my first question.

Me : Is your last name Itô, like the detective who worked on the unusual case of a schoolgirl accused of murdering a classmate for love in the 1980s?

Akari's eyes widened for a moment before returning to normal.

Akari : Yes.

Me : Are you in love with Naomi?

He blushes slightly

Akari : No...

I chuckle slightly at his reaction before asking my final question.

Me : Did you come here to study?

He answered without hesitation.

Akari: Yes.

Me : Really?

Akari got up and put his computer away.

Akari: The questions are over. Sorry but I have to go, we'll probably see you at school.

He waved at me and left.

It's really interesting, I can't wait to study it to find out what it hides. Even if I already have my own idea.

I looked at my watch to see the time.

It will be 5:30 a.m. I have time to eat.



7:30 a.m.

~Naomi POV~

The alarm clock interrupted my sweet dream to bring me back to reality.

(If only dreams could be forever.)

Me : I must not be late for the first day.

I also have a meeting this afternoon with Akari. I have to make myself look good.



8:00 a.m.

After taking a shower and eating the food she bought yesterday, Naomi started to get dressed.

She carefully chooses her outfit for the day, opting for her favorite navy blue pleated skirt, paired with a light gray wool sweater. Her knee-high socks, decorated with small flower patterns, brought a touch of fantasy to her uniform.

Around 8:15 a.m. she decided to go to high school, the journey time varying between 5 to 10 minutes depending on the speed of the person.

On the way Naomi saw Aron and she decided to go see him.

Naomi : Hi Aron.

Hearing a voice behind him, Aron turned around and saw Naomi running towards him, greeting him with a big smile. And although he was lighter, he smiled back.

Aron : Hello Naomi.

He looked around and saw that she was alone.

Aron : The others aren't with you ?

Naomi : No, they left early to register in their clubs.

Naomi lowered her head.

Naomi : But I don't even know which one I'm going to enroll in...

Then suddenly she raised her head to address Aron directly in the eyes.

Naomi : And you !?

Aron : I already have an idea for my club.

Naomi continued with as much energy as ever.

Naomi: Really !? Can I be with you !?

Aron : Um... yes if you want but I don't know if you'll like it...


Arriving in the library Naomi exclaimed.

Naomi : The literature club !? How can you be more annoying than that !?

Aron, who was offended by these words, crossed his arms and turned his head.

Aron : You don't have to leave if you're not interested.

Naomi : No it's okay...

It was then that a boy with brown hair and hazel eyes called out to them.

??? : Good morning.

He was both charming and elegant and his aura made Aron and Naomi smile without them realizing it.

Aron and Naomi : Hello.

Takumi : My name is Takumi Nakajima. Did you come here to join the club ?

Aron : I do. But my friend doesn't seem very motivated...

After seeing such a handsome hunk Naomi instantly changed her mind.

Naomi : Finally I think I'll join the club too.

Takumi : Oh great! Come with me and I'll sign you up.

After following him they found themselves in front of a registration sheet where they saw Léna.

Naomi : Hi Lena !

Léna : Oh hello little star, hello Aron.

Aron : Did you also come to join the literature club ?

Léna : Yes, that's correct.

Naomi : Great ! In addition to a handsome guy there is Léna.

Takumi arrived at the same time which silenced Naomi instantly.

Takumi : Sorry to interrupt, but do you want to sign up to be a regular member or to become the club president ?

Naomi : Single member.

Unlike Naomi, Aron thought for a moment before answering.

Aaron : President.

Hearing Aron's response, Lena exclaimed.

Léna : Oh what a surprise, I too signed up to be president.

Aron : I intend to win.

Lena : Well, may the best one win.

Takumi : The test to be president will take place this afternoon. In the meantime you should go to the main room to see what class you are in.

Aron and the others listened to Takumi and they went to the main room where the rest of the group was already there.

Haruki : Hello friends !

Naomi : have you found your clubs ?

Haruki : Yes, me and Sora signed up to be president of the chess club. The test will take place this afternoon.

Léna : A chess fight between Sora senpai and Haruki. That's interesting ! I really want to see that, don't you agree Aron ?

Aron : Yes, that's true. We will quickly finish the literature club president's test to go see their matches.

Léna : Because you think you can defeat me quickly ?

Aron : It all depends on the type of event but I'm sure there's no way you'll beat me. At worst we will draw a tie.

As tension rose, Sora interrupted them.

Sora : Stop trying to fight for nothing.

Aron : Fight me ? Squishing an insect is not a fight.

Léna restrained herself from jumping on Aron but the vein on her forehead revealed her anger.

Léna : Oh you should be careful because the insect could poison you.


At that moment Sora's expression was completely different from his usual one, dreamy and absent, and the aura he gave off paralyzed everyone.

Then suddenly he returned to his usual expression.

Sora : And you, Manon ?

Manon : Uh...

She was still shocked by what had just happened but she recovered immediately.

Manon : I signed up for the boxing club with Kenta !

Kenta : Yes !

Haruki : It's weird but it doesn't surprise me...

Naomi : Yes, their energetic and fiery characters are quite similar. They would make a lovely couple.

Manon : You can talk, you are exactly the cliche of childhood best friends who don't dare admit their feelings to each other.

Naomi/Haruki : Anything !

Sora : You don't want to calm down...

They all fell silent except Aron who did not seem affected by Sora's murderous aura.

Aron : Let's look at our classes OK ?

Sora was totally different with Aron.

Sora : Yes, very good idea, Aron.

Naomi whispered with Haruki.

Naomi : He is very docile with Aron, he looks like a dog with his master.

Haruki : I'll miss him wagging his tail more.

Sora : Are you saying something ?

Naomi/Haruki : No nothing !


Arriving in front of the class distribution poster, they looked at where they were.

-Alpha Class (950-1050 points) : Léna, Naomi.

-Beta class (750-950 points) : Manon, Haruki.

-Omega class (525-750 points) : Aron, Sora, Kenta.

Naomi : So here are our new classes.