
The Confrontations

I don't respect the man you call an uncle so I won't show him any manners because he doesn't deserve any. Respect is earned and not given. For the 14 years of being his son, he did nothing to earn my respect.

Jaden's POV

"Uncle, thank you for the gifts you gave me yesterday. It was all great. I couldn't choose what car to use first."

"I'm glad you like it. Tell me next time what car you like most--"

"You shouldn't have, uncle. Dad might scold me if he thought I'm asking things from you. I'm all willing to help you in any way I can without the gifts--."

"Nonsense, I like giving gifts to you and I'll just talk to your dad about it." I couldn't understand anything. My mind is in haze and I tried to focus and think about what to do just to escape in here. He suddenly looked at me and I flinched and clenched my fist.

"So, he's your friend?" I gritted my teeth when he asked Daniel. He asked the question to Daniel but I know it was meant for me.

"Yes, uncle. Jaden is new at school and he's our top 1. He doesn't talk much but he's a great friend."

"I'm sure he is," he smiled and it terrified me because I know him more than what Daniel knew about his uncle.

"Where does your parents work? You belong in the elite school so you must be from an elite family."

I couldn't say anything. I clenched my fist harder turning my knuckles white. He just looked at me without any expression on his face as if waiting for me to tell everything to Daniel.

"Uncle, Jaden is a scholar student," Daniel answered for me. "He may not be from an elite family but he's way smarter than all of us."

"But do you have any parents? What do they do for a living?"

"Whether I have any parents or not, I don't see the reason why I should tell it to you, sir," I said without gritting my teeth harder. Daniel sensed my anger and tried to calm me down by holding my shoulder. He looked confused and wants to warn me of showing my manners.

I don't respect the man you call an uncle so I won't show him any manners because he doesn't deserve any. Respect is earned and not given. For the 14 years of being his son, he did nothing to earn my respect.

"I see. If your parents knew you talk like this, they would be ashamed to know what you've become." I scoffed and looked at him in the eyes.

"That's the great thing about it. I don't have any. They died long ago so nobody would be so proud to see what I've become," I said with spite and hatred.

Silence. He was quite for a minute before signaling his chefs to bring the menu for us. I didn't order anything and Daniel picked for me. After that, he looked at me again.

"You picked a handful friend, Daniel. Seeing him, he might not be a good friend to you--"

"Uncle, I have a deep regard for your kindness and the gifts you gave me but I won't allow you to insult my friend." He looked at Daniel and raised his eyebrows. "I respect your partnership with my dad but I can't allow you to intervene whom I should associate myself with--" he suddenly laughed at the two of us and patted Daniel on the shoulder to ease the tension.

"Calm down, son. If that's your opinion and decision, I apologize for stating the facts about your friend." Daniel was about to defend me again when the food arrived and the chefs served us our orders. We ate in silence and I just keep on looking at my food which I didn't bother to taste at all. I keep on clenching my fist under the table and wished to be out of here.

I was out of my thoughts when Daniel slightly elbowed me making me look at him. He looked at me, worried and apologized about earlier. I didn't say anything and looked at the man he called uncle. This happened just because I have a friend. Uncle John's sacrifices and efforts to help me will all be in vain just because I have a friend and this man took advantage of it.

They were talking again when Daniel's phone suddenly rang and he was hesitant to answer the phone and leave me alone. I just nodded that it's alright and he said he'll be back after talking to his dad on the phone. When it was just the two of us sitting on the table, I looked at him with the same hatred I had when I left home.

"You resorted to this after trying everything just to have me back?" He just leaned on his seat like he's already expecting me to say that. His two bodyguards standing behind him suddenly bowed at me showing respect. They did this now because they still address me as young master and they couldn't do it before because of Daniel. I immediately recognized the other one because he was the one who tried to threaten me and warned me when I was on my way home.

"Well, you never listen to what I always taught you, Axcel Arthur Kim." I gritted my teeth and controlled my body from shaking in rage and fear. I will forever hate that surname Kim and I am living as Jaden Samaniego now. "Whatever name you have, it cannot change the fact that you're a Kim and you're my son." He slightly smacked his fist on the table but I didn't flinch in fear.

"I am not your son anymore. I'm just a high school student now—"

"All the documents and papers of your previous name is still in my hold." The bodyguards behind his back suddenly showed me an opened briefcase with all the documents my previous name. I expected this to happen and one day, he will forcefully name me back as Axcel. "Axcel Arthur Kim is still your name and Jaden Samaniego won't exist for long." I smacked my fist on the table harder and louder than he did and looked at him with hatred and anger.

"What does it takes to have my freedom?" I asked in a tone of controlled anger. He was just casually leaning on his seat again and didn't answer me. It was like nothing can change his mind and I am just fooling myself around.

"Nothing takes away the job of me being a father to you and same as nothing takes away the truth about you being my son and only heir." He leaned to the table and looked at me in the eye. "You are bound to obey me."

"Really?" I sarcastically asked. "As far as I remember, you never treated me as your son, father. Or should I even call you that since you've never been one to me?"

"You don't know anything. I haven't treated you right as my son but I never abandoned you." I mentally laughed and harshly stood up that made a dragging sound of my chair. His bodyguards were trying to come close to me to stop me but he stopped them by raising his right hand and looked at me.

"Shut the fuck up!" I could feel the 19 years of hatred to him pounding on my veins. My hands are shaking in rage and everything in me wished for him to be dead this instant. He's nothing but a man who killed my mother. "I would have been grateful for a chance to live a better life! My life would have been better if you abandoned me than having me and treating me like I'm a fucking piece of trash! I curse you in everyday I live and wished for you to be dead. I will loathe you for the rest of my life and blame you for killing my mom." He didn't say anything but just looked at me.

"You gave me nothing so don't come around as if I'm indebted to you. You already took away everything I had."

"I gave you shelter, fed you, clothe you and gave you a name. I didn't push you to take business degree and made you of who you are now. Without me, you're still incapable and did you think the school let you in because of your skills? It's because they knew you're my son."

"It's the least thing you did after letting me watch my mom die alone, after controlling my life for 14 years and for hurting the only friend I had! I've made it this far as Jaden and not as Axcel--"

"For how long? We both know you can't forever hide from me. I've even made acquaintances with Daniel's dad. In just one snap, I can have Duke's company whenever I feel like it. It's entirely up to you now. What do you think Daniel would feel after being betrayed by his own friend? How would he feel if he knew you're lying all the time? Poor boy, he even defended you."

I just stood there like the kid who I was before. Suddenly powerless against him. I felt a sharp and throbbing pain in my head. "Why?" I almost asked in a whisper, I suddenly like I was a dead man in front of him. "What do you want from me? Isn't it enough that you've made my life a living hell?" In just a minute ago, I had the guts to curse at him thinking I had nothing to lose but I don't want the people around me suffer the way I did before.

"Come back home. Take your place in the company and I will give you the freedom you want. I won't touch your friends and even let you be friends with Duke's son. You will just have to obey whatever I tell you." I looked at him again. No hint of emotions on his face.

What kind of twisted freedom is that?

"It was never my home and I won't take your ridiculous and stupid offer." I walked away from him and was stopped when his bodyguards blocked my way. "Mom was wrong about you. She spent her life thinking you're gonna change but you're nothing but just a dreadful person."

"Is everything all right here?" Daniel suddenly came running to us and stood in front of me. He looked at me and to his uncle. "Uncle, I hope you didn't insult Jaden again or else I'm telling my dad to stop his partnership with you."

"I simply talked to him, Daniel. We talked about his future. I beg no harm for my guest." He smiled to Daniel and stood up from his seat. "We'll just see each other next time, my boy. Your friend is not in a good condition to stay for the party. He doesn't look good." He looked at me for the last time. "We'll see each other again, Jaden." And he left followed by his two bodyguards.

Daniel looked at me again and asked about what happened when he left but I could only hear inaudible noises. I breathe hard and tried to walk pass him when I felt that throbbing headache again. I just closed my eyes and felt my knees giving up from exhaustion.

Before I lose consciousness, I suddenly remembered Emerald and for some unknown reason I dreamt about her for a long time until I opened my eyes again and wake up in a hospital bed.

Emerald's POV

I keep on staring at the wall clock with irritation at our study room until it ticked at exactly 11 AM. I groaned in frustrations and tapped my fingers at the table, growing impatient. I tried to dial up Jaden's number but it just kept on ringing. He didn't answer any of my calls! Usually, when I try to call someone, they automatically answer it by the first ring! He's really a jerk!

"Where the hell is he? If I see that jerk, he'll be dead!" He should have just texted me or called me if he's not coming so that I shouldn't have waited for two hours! Nobody would even make me wait for more than 5 minutes! But anyway, I already started drafting our research plan and I already chose what topic we will focus on and what our variables will be. He doesn't have any other choice since he's not here! I don't know what he's playing right now but he just disregarded the rules we've made.

I suddenly heard a knock on the door and I looked to who it was. It was my brother peeking and half opening the door of the study room.

"He's not coming?" He chuckled when he saw I was fuming in anger.

This isn't funny anymore and I really hate that Jaden jerk for doing this to me. I already told him that the sooner we could finish this, the earlier we could be back from being just seatmates and completely ignoring each other's existence!

"I don't know where the hell he is," I flipped my hair and crossed my arms and legs and leaned on my swivel chair. "If I fail this subject because of him, I'll just gonna kill him." I heard my brother chuckled and left the room.

Jaden Samaniego, you're gonna pay for this!


By Monday, I arrived in the school early and I already finished drafting our supposedly partners research project that ends up me doing the whole planning and thinking without my jerk partner. When I entered the room, I immediately looked for him but I was surprised when I can't see him anywhere. He's usually early but now, he's not here yet or if ever he's coming to school today. I don't care.

I wondered what's happened to him. Not that I give concern or something but I think I'll just love this day without him pestering me around. Smiling widely, I walked towards my seat and placed my bag on my table.

"You look happy," I stopped arranging my things when I heard Daniel talked to me and I looked back at him. He was smiling at me and half facing me since he was sitting in front of that jerk's seat. "Good morning, Emerald."

Well I am in a good mood so I'll just be friendly to him. I've never really talk for more than 30 seconds with Daniel. It's not because I don't like him, it's just me.

"I am indeed happy," I said to him and didn't bother to greet him back. He's always friendly towards me and I don't always return his kindness. It's always been like that ever since his dad and mine are business partners and friends.

"It's because Jaden's not here?"

"It will sound like a bad thing when I say that to you right? Since you're friends."

"Well, you're also research partners. Wouldn't you be concerned for your research buddy?" He retorted and tried so hard not to smile sheepishly at me. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. They're really friends since Daniel also likes to keep on pestering me about Jaden but unlike Jaden, Daniel knows when to stop and he's also friendly towards me. How could Daniel befriend a jerk? He's so friendly to the extent of being a friend to someone like Jaden who seems to be the devil reincarnate.

"It will be a waste of time asking about his whereabouts—"

"He's sick. He's been having a fever since last Friday." It took me a minute to respond by nodding and clearing my throat. Well, well, well wouldn't be that nice? So, even a jerk could get sick then. I thought he's just purely a devil in disguise.

"I told you, I don't care—"

"Relax Emerald, I'm just telling you since you're seatmates too," he raised his hands while laughing and trying to calm me. I just rolled my eyes at him again. "You could visit him if you want—" I glared at him making him stop and he just smiled again.

"And why would I do that? I bet I'm the last person he wants to see and I feel the same."

"Because, as I said, you're his research partner." I just shrugged my shoulders and thankfully, the teacher just came in and started the lesson.

My day went pretty well and it was the most peaceful day ever since school started. I missed the feeling when no one dares to go against the Emerald Sandejas. For three days, it was like that. No Jaden, no pestering me around, and no jerk. It was like my life before that jerk came in.

Without a competition, I ace the quizzes and class became more stagnant than usual. There was no one to argue with, no reason for me to put my guard up and peace turned into deafening silence. I shook my head and and heaved a sigh. I should be enjoying it when Jaden is not around. I don't know when he'll be back or if he's coming back. What did he even do to get sick for almost a week? He did nothing but to make fun of me. Maybe the continuous cursing of him in my mind worked? I drank my tea and almost burned my tongue when I forgot it is still hot.

"Thinking about that jerk will only just bring me bad luck," I murmured and continued reading my book when someone dared to sit in front of me. "Lucas," I furrowed my eyebrows when he plastered that perfect smile and looked at me.

"Miss me?"

"Sit somewhere else." I could sense the other students' gaze towards our direction. We are in a coffee shop and because it's still lunch time, there's a lot of students than usual. This school also have coffee shops and any sorts of shops for students so we don't necessarily need to go out of school bounds because we have everything we need here.


"I thought we talked about it, Lucas," I said, letting him remember that I rejected him. I rejected him not just once, but a couple of times already. I could feel the stares of other students particularly the girls who fan-girl over Lucas.

Unfortunately, aside from Jaden who's irritating as ever, I need to deal with Lucas too. He said he's courting me but it's just basically another version of annoying me. He's the only one who dared to confess his love for me and announced to everybody that he'll court me making me the most hated girl in school because Lucas Yastro have lined up girls who fan-girl over him.

He can't seem to accept my rejection that's why he keeps on messaging, courting and still pushing his undying love for me. He's the kind of guy who takes no for an answer. Must have been because of his ego.

"I'll just keep on pursuing you, Emerald," he confidently said to me.

"I don't have any feelings for you," I said in a low voice but emphasized each word for him to make him understand for the 100th time. He just mischievously smiled as if expecting me to say that to him and leaned on his seat. Maybe repeating it over and over again made him immune of those hurtful rejections. He says he likes it when girls are being hard to get for him but I was not being hard to get because after all I don't want him or have any feelings for him. He takes it as a challenge to have me and he's been doing this for – I don't know since when – but I just honestly want him to stop before he gets worse. He thinks of me as a possession that he owns but no one owns Emerald Sandejas.

"Yet," he said with serious eyes. "—you don't have any feelings for me, yet," he corrected. I closed my book and took a sip on my tea trying to ignore Lucas. Lucas is feared by most guys in here because of his wealth, attitude and influential family but I don't fear him. I even pity him for being this pathetic. He should just devote his love to someone else who's willing to be fooled by his words.

Lucas is wealthy in money but poor in critical thinking and logic – for short – intelligence. Why? It's not because he's in Class B – which was unfortunate since he has the resources to make himself smarter – but it's because he should have stopped embarrassing himself in front of me and stop this way of "courting me". He's not an egoistic kid anymore who couldn't understand a simple NO.

"When will you stop, Lucas?"

"Not until I see you with someone else."

"Do you even hear yourself? You can't keep on doing this, Lucas. I don't want any of your attention and go find some else to waste your time," I manage to say in a calm voice after hearing what he said.


I watched him as he stood up from his seat and walked closer to me making me look up to him then he suddenly caressed my right cheek and smirked at me. I immediately snap his hand away and he just leaned closer to me making me lean back away from him. I could hear the other students' murmurs when he did that. Instead of avoiding eye contact with him, I glared at him making him smile from ear to ear, unbothered by my silent threat.

"Like I said. Not until you find someone else." Before I could push him away, he was back at standing straight and gave me one last look and walked away. I clenched my fist and calmed myself.

It's been two months when he stopped courting me and I thought that I really got rid of him when I rejected him for I don't know, I lost count of the times I rejected him. So he was back again at doing whatever he pleases just to make me as his girlfriend. I suddenly remembered his last message to me.

From +639*********

I won't stop from having you, Emerald

Yup, he was that person who messaged me when I was about to sleep after sending Jaden a message about our research project. Guess, he's back at courting me again and I just need to get rid of him for the last time this time.