

The next day in class,Kate brought out her bible to read since there was no teacher in the class that moment,she felt she was being monitored by a person or a group of people,her eyes caught a girl reading her bible under her desk,she was perplexed,she wondered if the girl was hiding to read it or not...The girl looked as if she was preventing people from seeing what she was doing. She was upset with her behavior,she wondered why a Christian should hide when doing the things of God,in the family she  was brought up in,she was thought to do the things of God openly with confidence not to show off but to show that light cannot be hidden,she knew something was not right somewhere. She took a closer look at the girl,she looked familiar,she had seen her somewhere before...  yes!she was the girl from her dreams, she was the girl that told her to prepare for this was a school of battle.

She took another look at the girl,she realized that the girl was praying and sobbing quietly. She had to go to the girl...she had to find out the problem  with the girl.

******      ******   *******

It was silently announced in the hostel that it was time for bible study,Kate was happy at least...it continued in school,she saw few Christians in the hostel putting on their berets to cover their hair,she saw the same girl she saw in class,she saw her tying something in a black nylon to her surprise....it was a bible...no!this was wrong,she walked up to the girl.

"Why are you hiding your bible in this black nylon?."Kate asked.

"It's a normal thing for Christians to do in this particular school."The girl replied.

"Why " Kate asked wide eyed.

"I understand the fact that you are a new student in this school but with time you will get to understand "The girl replied.

"Do you mind following me to the school Chapel for the bible study?The girl asked.

"No I don't,I can't even find my way here."Kate replied. She covered her hair with her school beret,took her bible and followed the girl.

"By the way,I am Jane,what's your name?"Jane asked.

"I am kate"kate replied.

"We better get going, else we'll be late for the bible study which will soon come to an end because of the short time span allocated to it."Jane said.

      Jane passed through a narrow path which was surrounded by bushes,she also saw few Christians on that path,she wondered why the school's Chapel was  covered with bushes then Jane told her that the it had always been that way ever since and fear was the reason that made the Christians in the school hide their Bible in black polythene bags or nylon.

After the short bible study ended,Jane signaled Kate to get up in order for them to get going Kate requested to speak to the school's  Chapel prefect boy,she walked over to him.

"Hi I'm kate"She said introducing herself to him.

"I'm John, I hope all is fine? He asked

"Yes,everything is fine,but I have observed that the way the Christians do in this school and I don't think it's acceptable. "Kate said.

"This is as a result of some deep circumstances  surrounding us in this school."John replied.

"I don't understand what you are talking about,can you explain further?"Kate asked.

"I understand that you are a new student but I'm  sorry Kate, I have to go,the school authority gave us a limited time for our bible study and we have used it,there's no time for me to explain all these to you,the school management have given us a very short time for bible study and if we violate the rules,bible study will be canceled and the only time christians will get to meet together will be on Sundays. I have to go now we'll talk some other time. John said as he walked away.

Kate went to meet jane,she asked her of what took her so long.

"I was asking him some questions about the reasons why Christians acted the way they did in this school but I didn't get anything from him." Kate replied with a questioning look.

"Don't worry you'll get to understand sooner or later,I was once in your shoes before."Jane replied with a weary smile.

Kate followed jane to the hostel,a lot of things were going on in her mind, she decided to ask jane,it seemed that jane knew something about what the Chapel boy refused to tell her. When they got to the hostel, Kate mistakenly bumped into Monica.

"Are you blind or something?Monica asked.

"I'm sorry" Kate said as Monica walked away from her.

"Have you met her before?"Jane asked.

"Yes..why did you ask?"Kate asked her.

"Nothing,never mind." Jane replied.

"Jane...Jane,don't go,we  need to talk." Kate said.

"I'm not interested." Jane replied and walked away.

Kate was left dumbfounded,she was tying so hard to unveil some things but Jane was nit ready to give her the information she needed, she was a new student and she didn't know anything about the school. She had no one to ask questions from,she looked all around her...no answers,she prayed silently in her mind and hoped to get a meaning to everything.

*****     *****       *****

In another realm,there was a mighty ocean,in the ocean were a lot of young pretty girls in it,they were all bowing to a golden staff ,on an empty magnificent fish like decorated chair appeared a pretty young lady,there were lots of bead adornments on her waists and a lot of colorful beads on  her hair.

"All hail the most beautiful The girls said in unison.

"Now let's transform to our water world form"The pretty princess commanded.

    The girls transformed from their normal human form to their water world form. The transformation of the princess,their leader, happened in a colorful way. The girls sang for some minutes then the princess transformed into a very big memaid with her tail rising above the others.

"The aim of our meeting here this night is to discuss on how we are going to get the new students initiated into  our group." The princess said.

"Please permit me to say princess, we do not have an appointed chosen"A girl said.

"Don't be faster than your shadows."The princess replied.

"I'm so sorry " The girl apologized.

"Apologies accepted,the next time we meet the waters will appoint a chosen and I will allocate more powers for the initiation of the new students into our group." The princess said.

"All hail the most beautiful" The girls said.

"Now disperse to your various abodes"The princess said and they all disappeared.
