
The school bet

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Read The school bet novel written by the author Odaro_Mirabel on WebNovel, This serial novel genre is Teen stories, ✓ Newest updated ✓ All rights reserved


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宋欢和林嘉愿分手三年后,意外重逢,重逢后的两人虽然心怀对方,但是都不愿提起往事,更不愿意拉下面子说一句求和的话。 而重逢的两人各有各的烦恼,宋欢的现任男友劈腿女秘书,宋欢不痛不痒向现任男友提出分手。 宋欢和林嘉愿多次在医院相遇,闹出了许多麻烦,矛盾多次升级。 林嘉愿:我们之间不是一个爱字就能说清楚的! 宋欢:我知道我还是爱着他的,但是我们没办法不去提起往事,因为是过不去的坎! ………… 两人又失去联系,朋友们听说两人之间的故事,却有心无力。 一年后,林嘉愿父母着急抱孙子,作闹让林嘉愿相亲结婚。林嘉愿最终向父母妥协,多次相亲没有结果。 偶有一次,遇见以前的朋友与宋欢在一起。又再一次心动,这次朋友们倾力帮忙,制造两人相处机会:在朋友聚会中,宋欢意外醉酒,两人终于解开了多年的误会。 林嘉愿:原来我们都以为自己爱对方,胜过爱自己。其实,这只不过是自私的借口罢了! 宋欢:原来我们都曾为了对方着想,而伤害对方! ………… 此后,林嘉愿洁身自好,并且霸气官宣,打发了宋欢身边所有对其蠢蠢欲动的烂桃花。 林嘉愿:此后,你永远都是我的最佳首选! 宋欢:此后,我永远爱你如初,待你以诚!

林嘉愿 · General
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One piece: Obsidian

"Once, a lord of light banished dark and all that stemmed from humanity. And men assumed a fleeting form These are the roots of our world, Men are props on the stage of life and no matter how tender, no matter how exquisite.... A lie will remain a lie." ------------------------------------------ First time writer. I had an oc idea and had wanted to get into writing as a hobby for a while and took the leap, might take a while before things get interesting. In terms of actual story structure as it relates to genre and intended demographic, the feel I'm going for is Shonen action mainly because it's what I know best. Additionally, the story will mostly follow canon for a long while. While the medium of fanfiction, in my opinion serves the purpose in allowing change to a piece of literature in the hopes of improving it, just as films allow conveyance of ideas/mood through camerawork and games allow relation to or identification with the main character via personal choice, I don't think I can do that for one piece by changing the course of the main story extremely, only by expanding on forgotten histories of the world MC is an OC that will travel the seas in the beginning of the great pirate era My original idea had a devil fruit and while I was working backwards that fruit didn't change. 'Recommendations' as to the course or content of this fanfic are not appreciated but analysis and constructive criticism of my general writing style are immensely appreciated. I need data to study if I ever want to get better at this The uploads here will most probably never be consistent much less super regular. Despite being male, I took the challenge of writing a female main character (Kill me now...). Why you might ask, because I personally find female characters more challenging and interesting to write, though she may come through a little too masculine for some tastes as a consequence of my inexperience as a writer. Also I find I think of more options when describing the look and distinctive features of female characters. If the concept of a female protag in itself turns you off I don't mind, as I said I'm just doing this as a hobby anyway. I don't own One Piece, the characters, or writings thereof, only the original characters and locations.

Person_27 · Anime & Comics
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