
The School's System

Man gains a system while he is bullied. After overcoming his fears of the terrible acts they have caused, he starts to emerge himself into this new world of peace and trying to figure out how to use his new found system.

Shen_02 · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Chapter 50: The little Stealer

After Kumas payed gratitude to his grandma, he happily found that he over all had around one hundred and fifteen pounds and forty five pennies (£115.45).

Now for a person like Kumas, that was the most he will ever need, he just gasped at the amount of money he has and had gotten. He had bank notes for eyes, however, he quickly calmed down and thought.

'Now, I could easily spend this money, or I could use it to make more?'

Kumas knew which one he would like to pick, however stumped where to start.

'I still don't know where I can find a place to find it, I mean sure I could go to the store again but I don't want to be put in a position like that again. The security guard will probably kick me out.'

He shuddered and looked at the money again. He sighed, placed all the money back and got everything ready to go to bed on the sofa.

However before he could sleep he heard a creak. It was common for him to hear those things, it would either be a bug, or a rat. He could also hear it from outside, whenever an animal passed by.

He had done all the labour he had to do, and washed his uniform the good old fashion way. He was in a pair of clothes, lying on the bed. He was hoping to drift away and finally have a good night sleep, but the creak happened again.


When he listened to it, concentrating only his ears on to the sound, he felt something was off. Normally multiple small creaks would go by on the outside, and they would be squelched out by the mud, unless inside.

He noticed that the animal was staying outside for a bit too long. Kumas was afraid of what it was doing, so he almost lacklusterly got up. He blinked a bit, he pushed of the woolly blanket of him, but stayed lying down. He had not tested it, so curious, he tied out his new skill out of the premises of the system.

'Use X-ray.'

It was surprising and incredible at the same time, he knew what was happening, however, his eyes could have exploded any minute, he could properly feel the energy radiating out of them, as they glanced at what ever he looked at.

He blinked multiple times, and out of terror, almost screeched by what was outside. During the five seconds, he had seen a scary figure, it was gloomy and dark so he could not properly tell what it was and that there was another creak going of was terrifying.

He shook his head, closed his eyes and saw the mental image. At first it was the amazement of the cut perfect image. The wall was gone, the floor had shown the insides, but he did not pay attention too much on it. He could see the grass as it had swayed on the outside, even passed his furniture, however it radiated a weird glow.

He saw the uncanny figure again in his head. His whole mind was going crazy. He was ecstatic that he could do this outside of the school, it was like some superpower, and then you have the creepy guy outside, stalking you.

He was in a perplexed position, however Kumas was . He wanted to believe that it was just his imagination.

'I mean, how can somebody be like that.'

He snuggled back up onto his bed/sofa and tried falling asleep. He gleamed with a petty smile as he had his eyes closed.


They abruptly opened when with them being bloodshot.

'That is a person.'

Kumas got goosebumps, the tiny hills on his skin on every part of his body, it was weird as it a jolt of lightening wen through him. He breathed in and out, he was contemplating what to do.

'I can't keep doing this.'

He did not know when the X-ray would reload, he hoped he would get the notification, but to be safe, he waited to make sure he knew two minutes were gone.

While he was waiting, he looked around. He need a weapon, even though his whole body was scrawnier that a five-year old, he had to do something. He was scouting his living area. He could not see that well, so he imagined his room in his head.

'The only really useful thing is a wooden stick, but I guess it will do.'

He got up from his sofa, trying to make as little sound as possible, however his whole body was shattering as if he was going to get knocked over. He took a silent breath, focusing in the darkness, his eyes got used to it, with no light. He got up, making sure to touch all the non-creaky.

His foot touched the floorboard, it was cold and smooth, with chunky holes. He moved in the direction where no creaks arise, he would manoeuvre his foot at specific places, and made sure to keep an eye out for the guy. He used the x-ray again to determine where he was. The figure was there, next to the closing on onto the door. He felt like he was going to attack him but he moved somewhere else.

'It has to be a guy, he is so manly, right?'

Avoiding a sexist discussion with himself, he grabbed the stick lying against the corner, since it took a while, he was able to use it again. He wanted to make sure where he was and to be prepared for him.

He used it and this time he was lose to the window, which was on the right side of the entrance from the door. He kept on moving closer and Kumas saw his opportunity. He went over to the door with is skills one more time, and while he oved, with X-ray, he saw as glow, similar to the one he saw before. It had been radiant and he knew what it was pleasing him.

'It's the object in front of you, which are completely invisible because of the x-ray, right?'

He stared intently at a chair and he later confirmed it was one when it turned off. He smiled about that and kept on creeping. He was at the door, it was old and he was afraid of making a sound by opening it. But when doing so, he just made the guy terrified. He was shattering and Kumas was outside. It had a similar temperature to the inside.

He saw outside and stepped onto the grass, he had his shoes on ready and prepared and he once again crept over. This time it was harder as he was on long strands off grass. He pushed against the wood of the house, using it and being able to use it because of his low weight.

He turned the edge to see the man, and he guessed right as there was a person in complete black clothing, being able to hide in the inky black sky. Kumas would questioned if he would be able to see him, even though he could, it was very blurry because of what he was wearing.

He stayed in his position and though about going against him.

'I might be able to use the x-ray as some sort of night vision, but will the sight go al the way through?'

Kumas was curious about it, but he did not want to use his preferred weapon against him and he comes at him. He starting to sweat, his heart was eating faster than regularly and his eyes were blinking a lot- as if his eyes were closed.

'Calm down.'

All it took was one breath to ease him. It felt like taking a cigarette after a long hard day at an office company job, just hearing people complain about your work and hearing other people getting promoted. It was a drink with your friends after a hard break up. It was meditation.

Kumas was completely relaxed a prepared to do what he needed to do. He used the x-ray and closed in, it was slow and his x-ray wore off quickly after.

'Damn the five second rule.'

He kept his composure and looked at the guy, he still had not noticed him. He was cautiously waiting outside the window, preparing as if he wanted to take a peak. Kumas did not like that, he found it disturbing.

It was weird, he was angry, he wanted to smack the guy round the head immediately, but something held him back. It was not a voice, his mind was dead set on smacking him. His body was shaking, not from fear or from the harsh cold, but from the adrenaline pumping around.

Eye laser focus at him, but then they cleared out and looked around, making sure he would step at the right places.

Kumas had calmed himself once again with out him knowing, he knew that he had and he found it, weird. However, he knew the feeling all to well.

'Those guys that punched me and abused me from before, they did this?'

He shook hi head, he moved in quietly, each step carefully calculated so no noise was made. Once he was so close, it was inevitable that he would hear, however it was to late and before smack him round the head, he put his X-ray on so he would hit him properly.


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