
The Scent Of Lust And Tears

Twenty-year-old Felice Bonny from Kingston knows many things. She knows how long she can hold her breath. She knows how many steps it is from her room to the garden. She knows that her stepmother doesn't have a drop of goodness in her body. She knows her father is wrapped around her stepmother's finger. She knows that she doesn't belong to the place she calls home. She also knows she's ignorant of the world beyond the walls of her home. Felice, daughter of a lord and former sailor, has lived a life in wealth. But wealth also comes with ignorance and captivity, or so does Felice think. Felice can imagen that her stepmother and halfsister see it as the opposite. Felice never expected to follow her heart. Never expected to follow her, and she deceased mother's, dreams. Never expected to see the ocean again. Smell it. Feel it. Never expected to sail over the many seas. To be free from the expectations her family had. From the upcoming forced marriage. The corsets. The dresses. Never expected actual friends. True love. Never occurred to her. In the slightest. Until she met the captain of the Black Pearl. Disclaimer!! **I do not own most of the characters in this story nor do I own the pirates of the Caribbean franchise. However, I do own some characters like Felice, her family, Prince Felipe, and other characters along with the story. I've also taken several lines from the movie to match my storyline up with the original, along with events. All credit to the creators behind this amazing series** --English is not my first language, so feel free to come with improvements:)--

evalouise789 · Book&Literature
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"Welcome to the Interceptor, Felice"

After all this time, I just ran. I had left my life on the bathroom floor, with the rags of the dress I was handed. I hadn't taken anything with me. I had nothing to hold onto. And I hadn't looked back. I hadn't said goodbye. All I left behind for my father was a note. A note with three sentences. The sentences to remember me by:

"You know this day had to come. I want to be happy, just like you once were. I will always be your daughter."

As I was running down the streets, the realization that I had nowhere to go hit me. I found myself wondering if this was the right decision. It wasn't too late to turn around and return without them noticing. But then I also remembered what was waiting for me back there, with my "family". And what about Elizabeth? For the first time since i was a kid, I found myself enjoying my company. I found myself happy. I tried protecting her back at her house, and I failed. With me now running from my old life because of what she told me, I knew I had to find her. I had to thank her. I stopped running, trying to catch my breath. Where the bloody hell should I go? I put a hand over my eyes, blocking the sun from my vision. The sun reflected in the ocean. Then out of nowhere, I knew.

Like the thought had always been there. The pirates arrived in a ship, so they most likely left in the same ship, "the black pearl", but this time with Elizabeth on board. I proceeded to run until I arrived at the docks. The streets were now cleaned up, mostly. I looked down the docks. Last time I was here, I almost drowned but got saved by that pirate. I wondered if the black pearl had come to get him. By the docks, there were two ships. One was larger than the other. It seemed like the larger one was about to get sailed. People strutted up and down the docks, loading the ship with supplies.

I grabbed one of the sailors' arms.

"Hey, do you know where that ship will be sailing?" I asked him, flashing my sweetest smile and fluttered with my eyes. The man in his mid 50th looked me up and down, and smiled.

"Ahh, her name is The Interceptor. She's about to follow the pirates that took the governours daughter. They think they have a chance against the black pearl" he said. "Why are you wondering, fair lady" I smiled, focusing on the ship. Ah, so they were gonna follow Elizabeth.

"Just curious," I said, and started walking down the dock.

I squinted my eyes together, debating on what I should do. It was impossible for only me to take over the ship, and I highly doubted they would let me onboard. And no way they would hire me. I'm a woman. Even though I have sailing skills, no one would let me join because of this stupid myth about women and bad luck. As I could see it, the only possible way onboard was to sneak in. I took a deep breath. It was clear it was impossible to sneak onboard without someone noticing. The docks were packed with people. I began running down the docks. I stopped in front of the two guards by the ship's entrance. I recognized them as the guards from the dock yesterday when I almost drowned. I put on my fake crying face and started catching my breath.

"I need help" I lied while crying. The two guards looked at each other.

"What is bothering you, my lady" the rounder guard asked me. I sobbed and pointed down to the town.

"That m-this man, he attacked me" I sobbed hysterically. "He just came out of nowhere and tried taking m-my clothes of. He ruined my dress!" I covered my face with my hands.

"Uhm hey, don't cry," the taller guard said, putting a hand on my back.

"Do something!" I yelled. They both got startled, and nodded.

"He won't get away, my lady!" the first one yelled.

"Not a chance" the other one agreed, and they both started running down the docks, desperate to find the man. I let my hands fall down my sides. Idiots.

I quickly fixed my hair and dress, looked around, and strutter onboard, without no one noticing. I got on deck, and immediately looked around for a hiding spot. I decided I should hide in the captains' cabin. It would keep me out of sight long enough for them not being able to turn around to return me when I got discovered. They had to let me come with them. My heart was pounding, but I realised I liked it. The feeling I got when something dangerous, or adventurous was happening. I saw the two guards returning to the docks, confused over where I went. I bent down and ran across the deck towards the cabin. I opened the door and closed it carefully behind me. My heart was still in my throat, pounding like it would explode any second now.

I pressed my back against the door and slid down to the floor. I rested my head against the door, hearing the sailors talk. I closed my eyes and smiled. I was actually here. On a ship. On the sea. About to rescue Elizabeth. I was about to experience the adventure for my life. I laughed.

Welcome to the Interceptor, Felice.