
The Scavenger of the Astral Plane

Bane Asteroth, a direct descendant of the wealthy and powerful Asteroth Family in the Agnus Empire renown for both their strong physiques and exceptional talent, was born blind and paraplegic. As such, he was labeled as a defect and discarded to a remote village in the outer area of the Grand Duchy along with a single maid as an act of mercy. However, he had an earth-shattering secret that no one knew about……..? Let's follow the adventure of Bane as he roams onto the road that leads everywhere, the space between everything, and the place you are when you aren't anywhere else, a journey within the Astral plane .............. This is a progression fantasy where the main concept is about the growing protagonist focusing on his growth and finding new meaning in his new life without looking for trouble everywhere. He tends to stay out of trouble in his own little place although not always successful as he seems to attract trouble like a magnet.

Astral101_ · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 1

Bane's consciousness gradually awakened.

'What's going on….. how is it that I have not died? I vividly remember being electrocuted by that bastard, how can I still be alive!'

'Somehow my body is not in pain… And I do not even feel the slightest discomfort? How is this happening?'

The memory of the prison guard escorting him to the execution room and tightly strapped both his arms and legs with the leather belts on the electric chair was very fresh in his mind.

How could he ever forget that little fat shit?

That little shit tightened his arms and legs so hard with the leather belts in the electric chair that it literally stopped his blood circulation.

Bane could tell that the short fat bastard did that on purpose. Maybe it was payback for busting three of his front row teeth a while back as well as banging his pretty little wife.

Even though this happened a few months before his execution, that petty fat bastard still held a grudge against him.

'Just how petty and narrow-minded one can be.'

He thought that it was all water under the bridge after that bastard had beaten him half to death with his bat and put him in solitary confinement without even sending him to the infirmary.

'I guess not everyone is as open-minded and magnanimous as me.'

Aside from that, he could also remember the cap with a saltwater-soaked sponge that was placed on his bald shaved head along with the electrodes that were attached to his shaved legs.

As he was blindfolded, he was unable to see the expression of that bastard when he turned on the switch of the electric chair.

However, the excruciating pain he felt when that powerful electric current coursed through his body was engraved deep within his soul.

It was the kinda pain that one could not express with words, a pain that far surpassed a human's capability to endure.

An ultimate kind of pain that would even make the world's strongest beings roll on the floor and shriek.

'Next time, I'd rather kill myself than go through that shit again.' He inwardly thought

This shit was nothing like the stuff one sees in the movies.

You won't see stars!

Your hair won't stand up! Not like I had any hairs left, but still.

As bane was lost in thought, the voice of a middle-aged man and woman suddenly rang out in his ears which abruptly caused him to jolt awake.

The man had an authoritative voice that commanded respect and awe. From this, Bane could tell that this man wasn't a regular person, but a man of power and authority.

Though he couldn't understand a word they were saying, he could tell that the man was royally pissed and extremely disappointed at something from his tone.

As for the woman, she had an extremely soft and charming voice but for some reason, she appeared to be quite sad and heartbroken.

'What the hell is going on and where the hell am I?' Also, who the hell are these people?'Numerous questions flashed into Bane's mind.

Without hesitation, He hurriedly snapped his eyes open to assess his current situation in a rational killer-like manner.

However, as he did, he shuddered when he came to the full realization that his eyes has been opened all along. But for some reason, he wasn't able to see anything except for unending darkness.

He couldn't even see the soft voice woman who was speaking next to him, let alone the man with the overbearing voice.

'What the hell is going on?' Thought Bane as a hint of fear and desperation came knocking on the door of his frozen and cold heart.

'Don't tell me I'm blind.' At this moment, a cold wave of dread washed over him as this thought crossed his mind.

He could feel the panic quickly mounting, his breath becoming shorter and faster as he started to hyperventilate.

He hurriedly clamped his eyes shut, and squeezed them with all his might to make sure they were eclosed.

He then snapped them open again while hoping that the result would be different this time and his retinas would be bombarded with different colors and figures.

Unfortunately, it was the same outcome. Whether his eyes were opened or closed, he was still incapable of seeing anything; he wasn't even capable of perceiving light.

However, he didn't quickly give up. Next, he tried to touch his face, making sure that there wasn't anything blocking his vision.

He then rolled his eyes left and right. He even turned his head around a little to change the angle of his vision.

Regrettably, no matter what he did, he was still surrounded by this endless pitch-black darkness where he couldn't see anything.

Though it was not known, Bane had a severe Scotomaphobia. He had an irrational fear of blindness which he had developed after being rendered temporarily blind by one of his victims.

At this moment, he was scared out of his mind, no longer displaying his cold and calm demeanor. He was in a complete state of panic and could feel nothing but blind terror.

He was shaking from top to bottom as he was engulfed with terror. It was as if someone has poured gasoline into the spark of fear that was gleaming within his heart and set it ablaze.

Even though he had Scotomaphobia, he wasn't afraid of the dark. In fact, he even welcomed it and embraced it. He did most of his atrocious act or as he called it "art" in the dark.

However, this time it was different. Realizing that he might spend his whole life trapped in this perpetual darkness and the dark cell of his opened eyes, he immediately sunk into despair.

"Please help! I can't see! I can't see anything!" Despite having his throat sealed by terror, he still mustered his remaining courage and asked for help. However, the only sound that came out of his mouth was a baby cry.

Normally, he should have been thinking along the lines of "Shit, was I just reincarnated? Am I a baby now?" After realizing that he was a baby and not an adult anymore. However, he wasn't able to think straight anymore as the terror of being blind eclipsed his judgment.

As Bane was plunged into a darkness deeper than the blackest night, a hoarse and robotic voice suddenly echoed out within his head.

At the same time, a tiny blue screen popped up in the middle of the unending darkness which was now his world.

[Astral Plane Scavenger System initialization.....]

[Initialization 1%...20%....30%…40%....50%….70%…..90%...100%]

[Initialization complete…]

[The Astral plane Scavenger System has successfully been bound to the host ]

[The Host will now forcefully travel to the Astral Plane through Astral Projection for the first tutorial]

[The Astral Projection will begin in 10 seconds]

[Note: When Entering the Astral Plane, Host will fall into an unconscious state during the stay.]

[Commencing countdown...…10....9...8...…7...6...5...4...3.......]

Bane was so shocked and frightened by these sudden developments that he froze as his brain couldn't process what was happening to him.

He didn't have time to react and before he could even say or think of anything, his consciousness was abruptly pulled out of his body into a strange whirlpool by a powerful sucking force.