
The Scavenger Fate

Just another isekai trash. same old concept but with a little dark twist. same old plot but with a little darkness. same old struggle but a little elaborate. same old MC but a little different. same old world but with infinite possibilities.

arnav_chandra · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs


The monster was fighting the remaining 3 soldiers and one can easily tell that they are being forced back by the monster.

Looking at my back I saw the slaves looking at each other in confusion. Taking a deep breath I looked at them and said in aloud tone.


Hearing my loud words the slave started looking at me. I looked behind seeing the monster was still busy with the remaining 3 soldiers-

'Good! It didn't heard me. It is busy thanks to those soldiers.'

I looked at the slave and waved at them gesturing them to follow me. Since the slaves were confused they started following me. After some time all the slaves and I climbed the mountain. I gestured them by pointing at the monster and then at the boulder and then made a pushing action.

Hopefully, the slaves looked at each other and looked at me and nodded. Soon all the slaves and I started to push the boulder and the boulder started moving.

One of the soldier saw us and nodded showing that he understood our plans.

"Onye ọ bụla na-ala azụ."

Shouting those words the three of the soldiers moved back. Before the monster could understand anything it punched the oldest soldier in anger, killing him on the spot. As he still hadn't noticed the falling boulder and was still busy dealing with the remaining 2 soldiers he didn't saw the incoming boulder.

Instantly the boulder fell on monster and the monster along with the boulder fell of the mountain.


Seeing him falling of the mountain naturally I was satisfied and the slaves started hugging each other.

As we went down I noticed the dead old soldier. On his waist was a red silk cloth with golden embroidery. In my previous world I had a habit of stealing everyone's wallet as I walked on the streets. Maybe that same old hobby kicked in and I reflexively took the red pouch. Seeing the red pouch I thought-

'Old habits die hard.'

I looked around making sure no one noticed me as I move towards the rest of remaining group. They were discussing something. One of the soldier looked at me and said-

"Ya mere ọ bụ atụmatụ gị?"

Naturally I didn't understood what he was saying so I kept quiet. Seeing me for a good few seconds he sighed. And ordered the slaves to move. Since there was no one to move the carriage the two soldiers pushed.

After few hours as all of us were moving for quite a long time, we all decided to rest. All of us resting inside a cave and were not lighting up any fire as we were afraid to attract any more monsters.

As everyone were sleeping and one of the soldier was outside the cave guarding I took out the red silk cloth pouch and looked carefully at the inside contents.

In the cloth pouch were seven injection. Three of them had transparent liquid inside while four of them had purple liquid inside it.

Looking further I found a small ring inside it and 17 gold coins. Seeing the coins I thought –

"Well I could use these coins in the future once I escape"

But looking at the ring I was pretty curious. It was made of gold and had a griffin symbol inscribed on its topmost region. Seeing the ring for few more second I wore the ring and said-

"What the heck is this ring?"

"It is a translation tool used by the nobles. And since there is a griffin inscribed on it that means it belongs to the Hemington dukedom."
