

*ding* *lvl 36* "Hooh haaah hooh" she breathed heavy "Why did everyone have to attack?" "LITTERY FUCKING EVERYONE FROM SANS TO THE LAST CHILD!?!?" She screamed into the dead air, She fell to the ground in tears "i..im i murderer" she said though her tears... "you know what they say kill one murderer and there's still the same ammont of murders, kill multiple tho and your a hero" A voice commented "HUH" Frisk lept into the air to see "the mystery man?" She questioned surprised "I have a name you know, but yes my name is gaster and im here to offer you a deal." "Wh-what kind of deal?" She questioned, "A very simple one, ill give you the power to escape this, *he looked around before continuing* hell" "A-and what do you get in return?" She carfuly asked, "Ah i don't ask much but, To never let another world end up like this, You may do as you please if you agree to that condition" Frisk looked to the ground in thought 'This is it! We can leave this hell!' She thought but 'What if i can't hold up my side of the deal? What then?' "I see your uncertainty but with your 'power' you wont fail, So do we have a deal" They extended their hand "Hm... I agree" Frisk said reaching out to Gasters hand, As they shaked hands Frisk felt a feeling of power and knowledge overcome her "!" "Then it is done i hope you enjoy your newfound power and knowledge, bye" He disappeared into thin air "Huh, Welp to that dust world then, lets see.." She then disappeared into the air.