
The Scars She Left Behind

Even after three years, the thought of her still torments Bryson's mind. He walks the halls of school only to hear whispers about what happened. What happens when his world comes crashing down all around him? Will he be able to pick up the pieces or will he need help? ♡ Read on to find out what happens ♡ -Includes strong language- -♡- Thank you for all the support! This was the first story that I started to write, the idea came to me all the way back in 2016! I didn't have any time to write it back then and it crushed me because I had my heart set on finishing this. I'm happy that I've finally finished my outline and can't wait to see where my story goes from here on. Thank you everyone for being patient, I know that it isn't perfect and I plan on editing and beefing it up to its full potential ♡ Copyright © 2018 Autumn Equinox

Autumn_Equinox · Realistic
Not enough ratings
42 Chs


I wake up to my phone vibrating. I roll over deciding to just ignore it, whoever it is can wait. to my dismay, my phone continues to go off until I decide to finally check who was bothering me.

Reese had been trying to get ahold of me for the past hour and was freaking out over me not responding. He truly gets out of control when I don't respond to him, one time I had my phone off and he showed up exasperated while I was working on a song. When I turned on my phone, it blew up with a shit ton of messages and phone calls.

I text him back telling him I was just sleeping, and not to worry about me so much. After texting him I head downstairs to grab something to eat.

I run into my mom walking down the stairs. She seems more than happy to see me up and functioning again. I force a smile as I pass her on my way down.

With my phone in hand, I check the time to see that I've only been asleep for a couple of hours. Dinner had been made earlier but my parents knew better than to bother me.

I end up heating the leftover food from earlier and sit quietly at the dining table. Halfway through, my stomach starts to turn slightly, it was as if my emotions were getting in the way of my appetite.

I get up and throw the rest out. I knew I wouldn't be able to get the rest down, but at least I got half.

I saunter up the stairs back to my room once again to sleep the rest of this night away.


I turn my alarm off on my phone after it goes off. I sit up and rub my eyes trying to wake myself up more. Why did the school have to start at the ass crack of dawn?

I walk over to my dresser throwing the first items of clothing I could find and throw them on. I finger comb my dark hair not bothered by the mess I most likely looked like. I didn't care, I didn't have to impress anybody.

Feeling somewhat better from last night, I grab something to eat before I grab my shoes and bag and get ready to leave. I'm glad that I hadn't run across my parents this morning.

I toss my keys as I walk outside, unlock my car, getting in, and head towards the high school. After parking my car, Reese looks over and makes a beeline to me. Asher, who was close behind, looks around confused before setting eyes on Reese and I. Our group consisted of four boys; me, Reese, Asher, and Ryland with his girlfriend, Kylie. We'd always been a tight-knit group.

"Hey, man." Reese greats me with an exhausted smile.

"A little warning before you disappear next time." Ash pants, overly dramatic. He never was one for physical activity of any kind unless it included football. The dude is very lazy, but he never backs down in a game.

"You only sprinted a couple of feet." I point out earning a glare from him.

Ryland shows up shortly afterward with Kylie. It seems they're always with each other, the only time they're not is when we deliberately plan a guy's day only or have band practice.

We chit-chat for a bit, but we all walk to our respective classes after the bell goes off. I walk in just before the final bell goes off headed to the back away from everyone.

I had no idea what was going on in this class, I really gave up on trying to pay attention. I'm surprised I've made it to my senior year at all. It was probably out of pity.

I look up as everyone turns to look back at me, I glare at everyone, not knowing what was going on. The teacher in front says my name, and I look up expecting her to get on with it.

She asks me a question on the current curriculum and I blankly stare back at the teacher, not caring how jaded I seemed. Why did teaches have to always call on the people who don't care or know? It only makes them look worse when you call them out front of the entire class.

"Why call on me? It's obvious I don't fucking know or care for the matter." I glare back at her. The class starts hooting and gasping about what I had just spit out.

"Mr. Coleman, I will not tolerate that kind of language in here." She scolds me, to which I scoff back.

"I don't care."

"You've earned yourself detention." She snaps back, the students roaring again at the scene before them. I almost laugh at her threat. It's not like I've never been in detention before. I'm in at least once a week.

The bell for lunch goes off and I set off to detention. The room was filled with the usual students except for some girl I've never seen. I sign the sheet stating that I in fact showed up and take my seat in the back as usual.

I didn't get how detention was that big of a punishment. I really didn't care if I missed half of my lunch, and it wasn't as if I'd get anything done in here anyway.

I look over as someone pulls the chair out from next to me. Jaden smiles at me as he sits down. He was on the football team, I only know him because of Ash. He often begged the group to go to the games. He always acts like a big shot when he walks through the halls or class. His nose stuck up with a permanent smirk planted on his lips as he nods at every girl staring in his direction.

"I heard you cussed out your teacher." he laughs my way. I shrug back in response, it wasn't that big of a deal, much worse has gone down at this school.

"Some girl narked on me for copying off someone's homework." He explains his reason for being here. I could see him doing that, it serves him right. He finally gets the idea that I do not want to talk and turns his attention to his phone.

I pull out my own as I scroll mindlessly through Instagram. I didn't get the point of detention, teachers sent us here as a punishment but most of the time, the teacher in charge could care less about what we do.

The second bell into lunch rings and I rush out, eager to get away once the teacher lets us out. I did not want to deal with Jaden trying to converse with me again. He has some stupid idea that since we're both in detention, we're close to being best friends.

I zigzag around pushed out chairs in the cafeteria to get to my friends. The table smiles my way when they see me finally joining them.

"There's our trouble maker!" Reese exclaims and I punch his shoulder right before taking the chair beside him.

"Did you actually cuss out your teacher?" Ryland asks and everyone looks at me, expecting an answer.

"I only said that I didn't fucking know an answer." I reply.

"That's it?" Ash goes on.

"And that I didn't care what she thought about me swearing." I end and the boys laugh. They always asked about what I did to get my detentions and we'd all end up laughing about the whole thing.

"Man, I would never have the guts to say that." Ash says after the laughter dies down. Hell, I wouldn't have had the guts to talk back to my teachers three years ago.

Everyone continues in small talk for the rest of lunch. Only Ryland was still eating lunch because he was so caught up in Kylie. I couldn't remember that last time I've eaten lunch at school. I've gradually stopped over the last three years.