
The Scars She Left Behind

Even after three years, the thought of her still torments Bryson's mind. He walks the halls of school only to hear whispers about what happened. What happens when his world comes crashing down all around him? Will he be able to pick up the pieces or will he need help? ♡ Read on to find out what happens ♡ -Includes strong language- -♡- Thank you for all the support! This was the first story that I started to write, the idea came to me all the way back in 2016! I didn't have any time to write it back then and it crushed me because I had my heart set on finishing this. I'm happy that I've finally finished my outline and can't wait to see where my story goes from here on. Thank you everyone for being patient, I know that it isn't perfect and I plan on editing and beefing it up to its full potential ♡ Copyright © 2018 Autumn Equinox

Autumn_Equinox · Realistic
Not enough ratings
42 Chs


The boys and I were going to set up at Jaden's in a bit. The only thing I was looking forward to tonight was honestly playing. I hated the parties we went to, girls directly threw themselves at us drunk out of their minds.

I pick up my guitar before heading out. The sooner I get this night over with, the better.

I was the last of the group to arrive. There was already a good amount of teenagers dancing to loud music with drinks in their hands. The boys were on the makeshift stage setting up everything we need to perform tonight.

"There you are!" Rylands shouts, dropping the cords he was holding to walk over to me. "I was thinking you wouldn't show." He teases, now only a foot away. 

"Why? It's only 9:30. The time we agreed to show up." I say pulling my phone out to prove my point. We were set to play around ten when everyone is here.

"I'm only kidding." He laughs, lightly pushing me. "Come help set up."

I help set up for about twenty minutes before I gave up. The boys were now focused on warming up before we start.

"Bry." I hear a girl call for me, but I only look around after I hear it the second time. I close my eyes praying it's not who I think it is.

I open my eyes, facing the back of the stage. There stood Summer. She was in perfect view, but only for me to witness. Her green eyes were as bright as day, burning a hole straight through my heart and sanity.

My breath hitched and I could feel myself pale. I hadn't seen her in weeks. My mind likes to play sick games with me, I thought I won this time.

"What are you looking at?" Ryland looks past my shoulder, trying to pinpoint exactly where my focus was. I tear my eyes away from her and grab my guitar. She's not real.

"Nothing." I respond. He just shrugs and turns back to his instrument. The crowd has easily doubled by now, stood in front of the stage watching our every move intently.

I try to keep my calm under the occasional glances from the audience as I notice Summer stop right beside me.

"You can't ignore me forever." She reaches out, but I step back right before she touches me.

"I can try." I fake cough, covering my mouth with my hand to try and be inconspicuous to everyone around. She shakes her head at me as she positions herself at the front of the stage to sit.

Of course, she'd show up when over half the school is in front of me. They already think I'm weird, but this would reach new heights. 

The crowd breaks my crisis as they chant our band name, Corrupt Youth. Ryland must've riled them up while I was losing my shit once again. 

"Everyone ready?" Ash turns to the rest of us, we all nod back in acknowledgment making the crowd get even more excited.

I turn myself away from Summer's prying eyes and pray I don't mess up big time because she's here.

Reese counts us in and soon our music is blasted through the house and probably to the end of the street.

I can feel Summer's eyes on me causing me to almost mess up when I make eye contact with her nonexistence. The boys give me a quick, confused look, but it goes unnoticed by our audience. I shake it from my mind and get my head straight for my solo that is coming up soon.

I've only started having these delusions last year. In my first experience, I nearly lost myself. She would only appear in my room or at school when there was barely anyone around, so to have her pop up here is way beyond what I'm used to. I hadn't prepared myself for this to happen.

At first, I was scared of her showing up. I knew she wasn't real and it terrified me that I created her in my mind. She wasn't actually Summer, this was a memory, a longing of wanting her back.

I haven't told anyone about the hallucinations in fear of what will happen if I do. I didn't want to be sent away and looked down upon like a freak. I knew it wasn't normal, and I hoped that it would just pass like a cold. But my wishes weren't answered as she sits staring at me, less than a foot away.

I finish my last chord, and the crowd goes wild. I gently place my guitar down and wipe my forehead.

After a few more songs. I'm pulled into a group hug with the rest of the boys, we all share a 'good job' before stepping off stage. I pack up my guitar and leave it out of sight of drunken idiots. The iridescent lights flicker through the room as the music kicks back in through the stereo system. I follow the band into the kitchen to get something to drink.

When I arrive, I can see Ash already pouring four shots for all of us. He hands each of us one, and down it. The alcohol burns as it goes down, but I welcome the calm it gives me.

I put my shot glass back down and grab a cup and fill it with the closest alcohol to me. I drink a good portion of my cup before filling it back up while the boys laugh at my ways. I never drank this fast but due to the circumstances tonight, I am now.

Summer is still following me, and my frustration is getting more visible. Why can't she just disappear?

I follow the boys to another room to hang out in. As if on cue, girls are already making their way over to us. I roll my eyes as a blonde looks at me, I did not want to deal with this tonight.

I excuse myself and find an empty room to sit down to gather my mixed thoughts and emotions.

"Why don't you want me around anymore?" Summer appears beside me as I'm taking another drink.

"You're dead." I close my eyes, hoping when I open them again, she'll be gone.

"But I'm right here." She smiles, pointing at herself. I breathe in deeply calming myself before I freak out over something that is even real.

"You're just a figment of my imagination." I say gulping the rest of my cup. I move to stand up from the bed when summer speaks again.

"I'm only here because you want me here." She says holding my wrist. I stare down at her dainty fingers, I can vividly see and feel her, but I know she not really here.

A chill surges through me and I shake her hand off me. Of course, I wanted her here but not like this. I wanted to know she was really here and not only a figment of my imagination. I want her alive.

I walk out of the room without a second look back as I go to fill up my cup again. The kitchen only has a couple of people in it when I arrive, so it doesn't take long to refill.

Summer is once again following me back to the room where the other guys were. Ryland had met up with Kylie and they were currently making out in the corner. Asher was chatting up some blonde who was getting a little too close for just meeting him while Reese was doing shots with another group.

Since Reese wasn't that preoccupied, I take a seat next to him.

"What took you so long?" He says once he notices me back beside him.

"Went to get another drink." I raise my cup before setting it down in front of me. He nods my way before grabbing another shot.

He hands me one, and I determine it's vodka by the clear liquid in the glass. We have had a couple and I can feel myself getting beyond tipsy now.

Summer was nowhere to be seen now. I let out a sigh of relief as I lean back in my chair. I hoped I wasn't too hungover tomorrow.