
Omake: Who do like the most?

Kriiiiinnggg!!! The sound of the school bell sounded and the students started to pick up their things and walk out the room. Ichigo went to Urahara's place to meet up with the boys while Erza, Rukia and Orihime decided to go out to get some strawberry cheesecake as no one can defy her will on it.

They arrive at the famous café in Karakura Town. With full of excitement Erza went in first and looked at the pastries and sweets with sparkle in her eyes. The two young ladies stood behind her "I'll take 3 whole strawberry cheesecake, a strawberry souffle and a strawberry frappé please" Erza ordered "I like a slice of butterscotch with cheese please and green tea" Orihime ordered "Do you have rice dumplings with cucumber?" Rukia asked "No ma'am, I'm sorry but we only sell sweets and pastries" Rukia frowned and scanned through the menu and her eyes glittered "I'll have the bunny cake and Jasmine tea please" and the three went on the table in the corner to avoid any disturbances.

The boys decided to go to the same place because it is so famous that it got them curious. Ichigo lead Kisuke and Byakuya and got their orders except for the noble who hates sweets and just got himself a lemon ginger tea, when Kurusaki noticed the girls giggling. "Hey Erza's here, let's join them" but Kisuke grabbed his shoulder "Let's sit silently behind them so we can hear what they are talking about" he suggested while Byakuya just sighed and shrugged.

"Erza Chan can you really finish all three whole cakes and the souffle?" Orihime asked, Erza smiled at her and hummed as she takes a spoonful of the souffle "Why are you not even getting fat!??" She added "I don't know" she answered mumbling with the food "It's obvious as to where all the calories are going" Rukia stated pointing at her chest and the three laughed and the boys who are eavesdropping blushed at her comment.

"Say Erza do you like someone?" Orihime asked out of the blue.

"Yeah, I like you and Momo and Rukia and the rest of my friends" Erza answered in an impulse.

"I mean, do you have a crush on someone? Do you like someone in a romantic way?" She cleared.


"Seriously!?! Are you even normal? All the good guys are having a contest trying to win you and nothing?" Rukia commented.

"Uhm, I don't know, maybe, but I'm not really sure. Well, I'm not normal, am I?" Erza chuckled.

"Do you get jealous when someone flirts with a certain guy?" Orihime tries to get the answer out from her.

Erza stopped chewing rested her chin on her knuckle and nodded in a deep thought "Yeah but Gray and Jellal are not here so, not that I know of"

"Who the hell is Jellal and Gray?!?" Rukia asked in surprise. The boys behind them became silent and tried their best to listen to her every word.

"Oh, Jellal and I kinda have something, we are not official and did not end up together but I think I loved him and he loves me back, since he was a wanted criminal, the way he atoned his sins is by not allowing himself to love me" she explained

"That's so sad" Orihime said almost crying.

"Then who is this Gray?" Rukia added.

"Uhm... Gray is my best friend, he always strips it's his habit, we are so close that we can take a bath together, he may not say it or make it obvious but I know he sees me as more than a friend, he said the day he first saw me was his lucky day and that I was his lucky charm" she explained smiling at the memory.

"You take baths together? What kind of relationship do you have" Rukia spat and the boys nose bleed at the thought of it.

"What's wrong with a little skin ship?" Erza answered in innocence.

"You really are dense when it comes to romance" Rukia commented.

"Maybe, maybe not. Geez why are we even having this conversation?" Erza stated.

"Let's start with Ichigo, what do you think of him?" Orihime started interrogating.

" Ichigo is stubborn, short-tempered, strong-willed, and impulsive."

"Eh?!" Orihime reacted and Rukia nodded at her statement while Ichigo started to get smaller.

"He pretends to be cool. he is outspoken, hot-headed and if somebody picks a fight with him, he cannot help fighting back. Such a kid" Erza added.

"So does this mean you don't like him?" Rukia tried to clear it up.

"Ichigo is nice and sweet but I don't see him as a lover. I see him as a friend no... More of a younger brother, anyway I'm four years older than him in human age" she said straight.

"Damn you just got friend zoned, little brother" Rukia teased at no one. Ichigo went dark and gloomy hanging his head low while the two boys tries to comfort him silently.

"Thank goodness! I thought you'll take Kurusaki kun away from me" Orihime sighed in relief.

"I know how you feel about him" Erza chuckled.

"Is it that obvious?" She tries to confirm.

"Yes!!!" Erza and Rukia answers in unison however, since Ichigo is so upset he didn't hear what she said and Kisuke just gave him a teasing look hiding his smirk behind his fan.

"How about my brother Byakuya?" Rukia asked teasingly poking Erza's side.

"Byakuya acts in an aristocratic manner. He always seems serene and apathetic towards other people, even while actually deeply conflicted. He is notably calm, even in battle. He generally acts indifferent, bordering on arrogance, to most situations he is faced with, and rarely views his opponent as being worth his time." Erza described him which earned a surprise look from Rukia while Byakuya who heard everything tries his best to keep his composure his face twitching at the teasing pokes by Kisuke on his arms.

"So Erza Chan, is it a good or a bad thing?" orihime asked.

"Byakuya is very perceptive, fully aware of the limits of his abilities, and anything he states in comparison to an opponent is usually justified. He is not good at expressing what he feels. He pretends to be stoic everytime and rarely talks" she sighed and took a sip of her strawberry frappé and smiled with satisfaction.

"I can't believe you, you feel nothing even after the incident at the manor or let's just say even after your amusement park date!?!" Rukia asked running out of patience, her questioning caught the boys' attention.

Erza suddenly blushed and stuttered crazily "I, I don't know... He was so nice and his hands were gentle tending my wounds after we fought at the manor. He's cute and makes me act like all girly and stuff. I liked the way he kissed me- saving me from the boys at school and the carousel thing... So, ugh... I don't know okay" Erza said sheepishly, looked away and pouted crossing her arms across her chest. The two girls giggled widely as Rukia nods in approval, Kisuke was nervous at Byakuya's smirk.

"What happened in the carousel?" Orihime asked cluelessly.

"None of your business" she said as Erza took another bite of her second strawberry cake.

Rukia squealed and giggled covering her mouth "Then what do you think about Urahara?"

Erza blushed and stuttered "Oh Mavis why do I have to answer you?" then she remembers the day he took her in mending her wounded hands.

"No fair, you answered our question about Ichigo and Byakuya!!" screamed the two girls in unison

"Hush, don't shout, there are other people peacefully eating here. " earning Erza's death glare.

The red head closed her eyes and sighed deeply before saying "Alright, I think it can't be helped... Kisuke is laid-back, optimistic, jovial, not sure if his humbleness is fake and eccentric man, care-free and loves idle conversation, some times speaks politely but sometimes sarcastic"

The two girls nodded as a sign for her to continue while trying their best to hold out a giggle. "I think he is deceptively cunning at times but haven't seen his serious side when I'm around. To top it all he is a pervert!" she added.

"Does he do lewd and perverted things to you, huh?" Rukia teased.

Erza let out a silly laughed before stating"Maybe he did not meant for it to be serious. I mean, he is super annoying but at the same time he is the warmest person ever and I kinda miss him when he's not around and I have to admit he is equally handsome compared to the others"

"Ok, I should consider him my brother's love rival then... How about Ashido?" Rukia continued interrogating.

"He is a man of courage. Ashido is rather serious most of the time, having carried the mental scars created by the deaths of his teammates for many centuries. The very reason he said he stayed in Hueco Mundo so long was to avenge the deaths of his friends and protect the Human World by killing as many Hollows as he possibly could. Quite impressive I would say" Erza stated with sadness in her eyes.

"You like him?" Orihime cut her off.

"I can't really say, see, after several centuries of living alone in Hueco Mundo, Ashido still harbors a sense of sorrow at having lost his companions and after what he said before leaving I know he likes me and sacrificed his freedom to protect me, it's early to gauge but he might have a chance" the red head said sheepishly.

"Oh, really? I must tell my brother to put more effort, he might end up loosing to his rivals piling up. Then what can you say about Aizen Taichō" Rukia probed even more.


"Sōsuke Aizen"

"Sōsuke !!!" she said suddenly feeling dizzy, her eyes blurry, she traced her lips lightly with the tip of her shaking finger. Erza felt her face flush warm and the hairs on her neck stand. Something fluttered in her stomach. In that moment she knew that if she spoke, her words would fumble and she wouldn't be able to make her usual witty remarks. Right there and then, she was at a loss for everything; no words, no breath, no thoughts. The only thing that came out of her mouth at that moment was his name, "Sōsuke ... Sōsuke ... Sōsuke " she whispered, her eyes comically spinning, drooling and nose bleeding.

"Erza?!?" Inoue asked, her face clueless and full of concern.

"Hey, Erza what happened to you? Are you okay?" Rukia shakes her up.

The school's famous trouble makers approached their table trying to hit on the girls. Erza snapped back to reality when one of the guys grabbed Inoue's arm. Ichigo and Byakuya was about to help the girls out but Kisuke stopped them and signaled them to sit back. 

"Remove your filthy hands off her, you fiend!" Erza warned them with her famous death glare.

"This one is cute too" one of them grabbed Rukia's arm.

"I said scram or you'll never see the light of day!" Erza said sternly standing up trying to keep her cool.

"Oh my, what a beauty. I'm scared gorgeous" the leader went to stand behind Erza and touched her behind, in an impulse Erza turned around to face him and she stepped back, balancing her weight on her left foot, and threw her right fist out in a curved punch at his temple. Turning ninety degrees to the side, she brought her right forearm up to counter his blow, formed a fist with his left, and threw it at his outstretched jaw. Her foot came up from the floor and kicked him in the face. She pulled him to his feet, almost tearing the collar... She heard the slight rasp of material ripping. "I'm granting your death wish" she growled and threw him to his group.

"Who wants to go next?" she asked the gangsters in a serious terrifying tone her eyes burning, her face darken. They were all enveloped by fear and picked up their leader and ran away. Erza sat back down still annoyed and continued munching the last piece of her cake. The two other girls sweat dropped and before they can even say a word Erza said "Don't say a word" and they just sighed and finished their meal.

The three boys spying in the other hand was amazed by her at the same time was terrified until Kisuke commented "She's really a waifu material" and giggled, Ichigo's face twitched in confusion and Byakuya nodded with a smile.