
The scarlet Lamb

Summary The story is a fantasy story with a slight horror aesthetic coupled with slight romance but not too much for this is mainly an action novel. Disclaimer: lots of gore and profanity will be used, with lit RPGs. Yes it's another reincarnation story but one where the MC doesn't know how to make everything in modern time. There will be slight evolution but not much for I want to keep him as close to a sheep as possible but he will get humanoid form but he won't turn into a human. No Graphic R18 scene. I'm not writing a smut story! I will add art of the characters and monsters as much as I am able to in the comments at the end, so please check them out when you finish reading the chapter! If you really like the story and or character art please help support my work by visiting my etsy store where I will be selling them on t-shirts or other nick-knacks. Alright that enough self promotion now onto the main sum. Summary: Enter the world of Redsorrth, a world filled with magic and dangers >:)! A world filled with all the fantasy classics like dwarves, elves, beast-men etc.. with classic monsters such as… goblins, demons and dragons. This fantasy classic story takes place where our hero Babbitt is a newborn sheep where he must survive to become a shepherd, but how will he survive when his race is always being hunted! For sheep flesh makes the best sacrifices to the gods as well as to feed their enemy stomachs, for sheep is the most prized of delicacies! For they are Hunted down for their wool, blood and flesh, while their innocent souls make the best conduit for the demons and gods alike. How long will he survive being born at one of the human farms? Will he escape to find the higher forms of his race? Or will he forever be stuck as a sheep for the slaughter? Will he meet a cute female sheepy…. Well I guess the only way to know is to read and find out!

Sulfates_Cidif · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The Bedtime Story   

As the eclipsing sun smiles upon the lands, it's brought with it the pores of blood that rained from the sky that came from dying gods! But gods were not the only beings to fall! For so too did Dragons fall wing-Lessly to the scorching earth below! Filled with expressions of unwillingness and regret! But as the dragon suffered, they made sure that their foes suffer more, for they set ablaze the elven forest of old, they turned human cities to ash! They toyed with the orcs and trolls!

But made "bed" deals with the satyrs... But those "bed" deals didn't last for the satyrs played the harlot with the demons to circumvent the dragons war efforts. For the whole earth was filled with strive for every race was at war with each other, for they all sought the same thing and did not want to share. They all sought… the lambs of old!

As bodies piled into mountains, as spilled blood became oceans, the races of the world pushed further into shepherd's lands! But the shepherds were formidable and mighty in their magic! Though few in number they were considered the world's strongest creatures to ever walk the mortal world! For so desired were their corpses and souls that the gods and devils would gladly start wars of any one body!

But no matter how strong their twisted magic is, the shepherd could not stop what was to come! As each shepherd fell a god would receive strength! For every shepherd that fell, their flock would fall with them! Though they could summon mountains, turn the sea into desert, turn desert into lush forest they could not stop the world! But as the world came for them, the world was not ready for what was to come! For the shepherds still had one card to play!

The surviving shepherds looked to their king, their spiritual mountain and as their king looked at the last of the herd, the king's heart grew cold! The once vibrate peace loving shepherd of them all turned…. Into a monster! He sealed away the light from his heart and put a curse onto the world! His last record words were:

[So… you would doom my race for nothing but to fill your own stomachs! You hunted down my children with glee! You stole and hunted my shepherd daughters for your own uses! If power is what you fight for… if power is what you want… then I shall make it so that you will never stop fighting! You O! wicked generation will have to keep killing for generation to generation! For your greed and lust, you shall never know peace! For this I swear on the name of my god!]

When the "cursed" king finished his spill he committed the ultimate taboo for his people! He sacrifices souls of his dead ancestors with their corpses that were so sought after! For even their bones held might strength! Fueled with the power of thousands of generations of shepherds, their king tried to punch a hole into the world laws…

but even he found it to be impossible, for he himself was yet to be a god and only a god can change the rules of the world! But even so he didn't give up, for he even went as far as to use his very own soul! But even his soul wasn't enough! So, he pleaded to his god for aid! And aid the god gave!

For he sent down a beautiful scarlet golden baby lamb filled with divine power. Seeing the baby lamb, the king wasted no time to draw from its power even if the process was extremely painful to the baby lamb! Seeing the king not even hastate to make suffer the baby lamb. He had disappointed his god!

For the king never knew that he failed his god test! For his god never wanted him to sacrifice his gift like that but to use it to save the remaining herd… However, this too was but a test to see what choice the king would make, would he turn back now and use the lamb power to save his people or would he fully follow his now darken heart and use it to curse the world!

Seeing their king lose his mind the remaining shepherds pleaded to their god to save them! And saved them he did, by turning them into stone! For only by becoming stone would they avoid a fate worse than death, but while they were slowly being turned to stone their god whispered to them one last time... With loving words his voice gave them hope for he said [In the ages to come the sun shall be covered by the moon again! Its eclipsing light shall shine on a new lamb…

A lamb who shall free you… a lamb who shall lead you… A lamb who will sacrifice everything for you! For he will not curse the world but embrace it! However, your elders shall be released first! For when his time is near you shall lay the path for him!]

When the shepherds heard that they rejoice in the fact that their legacy will live on in another! With merry smiles they accepted their fate! Now locked away in a cold haunted temple they wait… they sleep… waiting every more for their chosen time.

[... The end!] yelled the boy father as he slammed the book close

[No! It can't end like that! What happened next? What curse did the lamb king set onto the world? What happened to shepherds that didn't get turned to stone?!! And that golden lamb…. Come on father, continue the story! I have to know what happens next!] wined the boy

[ No! Son] replied the man sternly then continued [You have a long day ahead of you in the farm tomorrow! You have to get up early so it's time for bed. I'll read you the rest some other night, but for now bed!]

[Yes... father] replied the boy weakly

[ Good boy Lanthios] said the father loving

[But, father, is that story really based on true events?] Lanthios asks questioningly, while fighting to keep his eyes open.

His father paused for a moment as if he was deciding something in his mind, but after shaking his head for a second replied [ No! It's just an old legend told down from generation to generation. Now get some sleep.]

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