
The Scarlet Avengers

There was an idea, to bring together a group of remarkable people. To see if they can fight the battles that the world never could. One would think that I'm referring to the Avengers, the Earth's Mightiest Heroes. However, I'm not talking about those guys, I'm talking about us. We sure as hell aren't heroes, nor are we great people. But that doesn't mean that we don't get the job done. We're the heroes who will do what needs to be done, and if that means going through other heroes, then we'll do it. We're the Scarlet Avengers, and if the world told us to move, we'll say no, YOU move. Because we're Earth's Deadliest Heroes... [This is based off of a set of characters that I am just now coming around to wanting to write about. They are all Mutants with powers that will aid them in the times to come. This is a mixture of Marvel comics and MCU, also don't come at me with comic knowledge, think of this story as an original thing. Otherwise stop reading if you want this to go how you want it to.]

Necro_ · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Great Power... 1


"What the fuck?" A group of young men said in sync, each opening their eyes to find themselves in an unfamiliar location. They all appeared to be within an apartment building. One that had an upstairs and downstairs. All the young men were very different from one another, to the point that they don't recognize each other. Eric looked at everyone there with an estranged look, taking in how they looked before noticing that they were all seated on couches. Each were wearing clothes that he knew that his friends wore when they were heading out to hang out. However, the people wearing them were not people that he knew.

"Who the hell are all you?" Asked an African American male. He had a lean build and a mean face. He sort of reminded Eric of Jason, the colored friend of the group.

"Hold on pendejo, maybe you should be telling us who YOU are." Pointed out another male, who had short blonde hair, green eyes, and a more muscular build. He rose to his feet rather quickly, the man's fists were balled up and ready to throw down. 

"Boys boys, how about we don't fight until we-"

"Keima?" Eric questioned, seeing a resemblance between his Japanese friend and the man seated nearby. The man looked to Eric and narrowed his eyes on him with a weirded out look.

"H-how do you know my name?" Keima asked.

"Whoa whoa whoa!" cried a gruff looking man as he rose to his feet unsure, "You mean little Keima? The little bitch who doesn't like fighting? THAT Keima? There ain't no way that you're him man, you look like you train in martial arts!"

"Micheal?" Eric called as he stood up as well, gaining the gruff looking man's attention. 

"Eric!?" Micheal called back.

"Wait if you guys are Keima, Micheal, and Eric....then that means..." The African American male deduced then looked to the Hispanic male standing bear him.

"Jason?" The blonde Hispanic called with uncertainty.

"Joel?" Jason called back.

"Oh my god... quick check!" Eric ordered, then immediately moved the pair of pants that he was wearing to see if his schlong was still there. The other men did the same, wanting to see if theirs were good as well. Collectively, the men let out a sigh of relief while Micheal frowned. Eric noticed this and looked at his friend. "Micheal? What's wrong?"

"It's...it's small..." Micheal said with sorrow.

"Oh god.." Jason mourned.

"That's terrible.." Joel agreed.

"We're here for you Micheal..." Keima comforted as he walked over and placed a hand on the gruff man's shoulder.

Eric nodded his head, frowning and silently mourning for his friend's plight. Then remembered their current situation. He looked over his four friends, taking in how they looked and was astonished. Jason Jackson, the brawling hothead of the group. The African American used to be 5"9, but now he stood at 6"1 with lean muscles. His Low Fade haircut looked spectacular now, finely cut as if it was just cut.

Joel Reyes was by far the tallest now. He used to be the shortest but now he was the tallest somehow. The Hispanic male now stood at 6"6, with muscles as big as Dwayne Johnsons', and a well structured jaw. He was the one who had the biggest heart in the group, sometimes playing the role as the Superman or other times being Captain America. He knew how to keep the group together, everyone collectively loved and hated him. Though he was most definitely the best one who knew how to fight, his black belt in Capoeira never ceased to amaze them. Joel's blonde hair was cut finely as well, looking like he had an artist doing it.

Keima Mitsuhidei, the quiet one of the group as well the nerd. He had the biggest brain out of all of them, his dark brown hair looked almost Anime-like. He had the defined muscles of a martial artist, as if he studied Karate, or more, for years. The Japanese males black irises remained locked on Micheal, tending to the man still for his schlong shortage. The Japanese male now stood at the same height as Jason, being 6'1 as well. 

Micheal Baines was by far the shortest when he was originally the tallest. He was by far the most dangerous out of all of them. The man was a biker who was always prepared to throw down. A lot of the time he gave off the bad boy vibe, almost like Wolverine. Micheal had a full grown beard with long dark brown shaggy hair that reached down to the nape of his neck. His hazelnut irises slowly locked onto Keima and gave him a reassuring smile, though he had to slightly peer up at the man now. Micheal stood at 5"11 now, with muscles as big as John "Can't See Me" Cena's. 

Eric Krüger finally did an inspection of himself, looking over his own body. He saw that he was as buff as Chris Evans when he was Captain America. He rushed over to a TV nearby screen and peered into it. His own irises were hazel yellow, looking a little radiant as if they were the sun itself. Frowning, he turned and noticed that a table had appeared out of nowhere between the couches. "Uh guys...where did that table come from?" Eric questioned, and watched as his friends locked eyes on it. There was a note on it, one that was picked up by Jason as he reached over.

Jason stared at it weirdly then started to read it out for his friends. "Dear five Amigos", Jason began to say, "You have all been brought to another universe. Each of you have been gifted with something to help you survive in this world. You don't know me but just expect that I have given you something that many others would die for, literally. You all have identities, bank accounts, and will eventually have to build a life here. By the time that you are done reading this, your gifts will begin to appear. So I hope that you give me great content, for entertainment of any kind is what I feed off of!"

As if on cue, Micheal began to groan. His body began cracking and snapping, dark brown fur grew on his skin to the point that he could have been mistaken for being Chewbaca. His head grew larger and his mouth elongated, until eventually it resembled a monstrous brown wolf. The transformed Micheal growled as his legs became hind legs, and his feet resembled a canine now. He got down on all fours and continued to growl at his friends who backed away from him now.

Next was Jason, he looked at himself and saw that his body was steaming. Not long afterwards, his eyes gave off a blazing hue before his body lit up on fire. He screamed and panicked, running around trying to put the fire out. The African American male continued to scream as he ran over to Joel. "Help me!" Jason cried, "I'm on fire! Joel do something!"

Joel's eyes widened, he held his hands up just as Jason ran into him. Joel began to panic, believing that he was about to be lit on fire as well. To his surprise, he simply stared at Jason weirdly. His clothes lit on fire, but Joel himself appeared fine. It looked as if he couldn't feel any pain from Jason, as if he was invulnerable. 

Keima's hands and eyes gave off a faint blue glow, to the point that he stared at his hands in shock. He waved his hands, trying to make it stop. Though that only made stray orbs leave from his palms each time that he did. Eventually one of the orbs hit one of the couches and caused a small explosion. It sent the couch flying to the other side of the room, smashing against the wall.

Finally, Eric felt as if his body was tingling, shivering. He started to get an intense headache, to the point that he gritted his teeth and felt as if he were in pain. He knelt down on one knee and held his hands to the sides of his head. It wouldn't be long before he felt his muscles spasm with pulses from time to time. Until eventually his nose began to drip with blood. Eric and all of his friends were going through some intense pain, unlike anything that they had ever experienced. Until eventually, each began to pass out from what they felt leaving none awake. 

'What the hell...is going on?' Eric thought as he lost consciousness. 

{Four Hours Later}

Eric groaned, he felt as if his body was sore, to the point that he worked out. When he opened his eyes he found himself in a hospital bedroom. He blinked a few times then began to sit up as he looked around. It wouldn't be long before he found a nurse coming over with a beaming smile on her face. She looked over Eric before beginning to speak. "Mr. Krüger, my name's Stacy", she greeted, "Are you feeling well? You and your friends were in the midst of a fire. Can you tell me if you remember your name?"

Eric watched as she placed a hand on his forearm, he was about to answer her until he heard her speak again. Though this time, her words came out of her but her lips weren't moving. 'So this is the target, he looks so confused', The nurse thought, 'I'll need to sedate him before he tries to leave.' 

Eric's face began to contort into confusion as he stared up at her. He was about to speak, but thought against it. The nurse seemed to notice this, and slowly moved one hand behind her back. "Mr. Krüger...", She called, "Maybe you should take a nap."

Moving quickly, Eric tried to get out of the hospital bed. The nurse however proved to be quite resistant. She moved to be on top of him and pinned him down with her forearm against his throat. Her other arm sprung forth at him with a syringe filled with a white substance. She went to jab it at him, aiming to stab him in the chest with it. Eric let out a cry of effort, aiming to push her off of him. Instead, the nurse's body went flying across the room and smacking against the wall with a crash. Eric looked at the woman, staring at her for a few seconds as she groaned. Before she could rise back up, Eric held his hands out at her but nothing happened. The woman seemed to scowl at him in anguish, then lunged at him. Eric's eyes widened from fright as he thought of sending this woman flying. This time, her body did go flying back against the wall. Deducting that his sudden powers worked off of thought, Eric used a mental command to keep the woman where she was.

The nurse strained suddenly, then let out a cry of pain as her body began to be pushed into the wall. Until eventually the sounds of bone being crushed could be heard. Eric's eyes widened as he watched the woman's body slowly get squished. Quickly commanding it, Eric allowed her to fall to the floor out cold from the shock of the pain. That said, he too was in shock at what he had done. That was when a rumble was made before he had time to process what he had done. Lifted his gaze, he watched as the wall behind the woman blew apart.

Eric moved his hands upwards, as if to shield himself from the debris. Luckily for him, he didn't have to worry about anything. That ended when he saw Jason lit on fire once again and staring back at him with blazing eyes. Behind him was the transformed man wolf that was Micheal, along with them was Keima and Joel. All looked to be wearing hospital gowns, except for Jason since he was on fire. Micheal while in his wolf form was covered in blood from his forearms, hind legs, and muzzle. Joel and Keima looked fine, though there were a few bruises on Keima's face and arms. Eric was still under his stupor before he moved himself to get out of the bed and unhooked himself from the IV unit that he had been plugged up to.

"Eric, you alright man?" Jason questioned with a hint of concern.

"I-i'm good." Eric reassured before getting to his feet and walking over to his friends. His eyes landing on the woman whom he had unintentionally crushed. Though he did hear two words be uttered from her breath, two that he didn't think that he heard right.

"Hail...Hydra..." She uttered to herself.

'Where have I heard that from?' Eric thought then looked at his friends once more.

"Okay, we met up so what's the plan boys?" Jason said before look at his friends behind him for ideas.

"We run." Eric said with no hesitation.

"Run where?" Joel asked.

"Anywhere but here!"

At that moment, the group turned their attention to Eric's hospital dorm door bursting open. Joel moved as if he were a blur, shielding his friends with his body as the door collided with him and richocted off of him. Storming in were men wearing black combat gear with the insignia of an eagle on it. Each had rifles pointed at the group of friends, as if they were monsters. Even more popped up from the hole that Eric's friends made when coming to rescue him. That was when one of the men began to shout at them.

"Put your hands in the air and get on your knees, now!" The lead soldier demanded.

Eric and his friends looked at each other, unsure as to what they should do. Micheal however began to let out a low growl as he bared his fangs. Eric looked over at his friend, then at his own hands before looking at the armed men before them. He balled his fists up and began to inhale and exhale.

"What do we do?" Keima said mostly to himself.

"We fight..." Eric stated, and felt his friends eyes land on him. They each looked at each other afterwards, then began to show a determined look on their faces. The first to strike was Joel, moving faster than a speeding bullet and sending a straight punch to the soldier who had ordered them to stand down. He continued to speed blitz these men, sending them flying and smashing through walls. Next was Micheal, letting out a snarl as he pounced at the other soldiers in the hall outside of the large hole in the wall. Gunshots could be heard firing at their transformed friend. Despite being shot at, he slashed through them like butter with his claws. Even going so far as to rip off one's head with his elongated mouth after biting into their neck.

Eric, Keima, and Jason stuck together as bullets were fired at them. Believing in himself and with a rush of adrenaline, Eric outstretched his hands and commanded for the bullets to stop. As if on que, the bullets halted 6 feet from them. It was as if an invisible barrier had been made to halt anything headed their way. That was when Jason outstretched his own hands, and unleashed a torrent of scorching flames at their assailants. The blazing heat was so strong that Eric had to wince and shield himself. He glanced to see what Keima was doing and found their Japanese friend going to work.

Keima was fighting almost a dozen men, his palms giving a blue aura like glow that hued with electricity. He sent a palm strike into one man's chest, and blew a hole in them. With a spin, he sent a kick with the back of his foot heel into one man's temple, snapping their neck. He ducked as if on instinct, narrowingly dodging being clocked up side the head by one man's gun. Then with a rising uppercut, he slammed a fist into that same man's lower jaw.

Eric turned his attention back to the men that Jason had scorched, and found nothing but charred meat and blackened bones. Eric lost concentration on holding the bullets at bay after seeing that, and heard the bullets that he had stopped from hitting then fall to the floor. He was starting to hyperventilate, having never seen nor smelt dead human flesh before. He could hear the fighting continuing on all around him as he tried to get control of his breathing. It wouldn't be long before he got down on one knee, and felt a mild headache come over him. He looked up to find Jason continuinously firing torrents of flames into the doorway that the soldiers came from. Keima was the one to help him up, having finished his bout with the soldiers who tried attacking them from behind. The man helped Eric up, then had him look him in the eyes. "Eric, breath in and out...in and out." Keima instructed, speaking in a comforting tone.

Eric began doing as his friend said, then felt a calming effect come over him. It was as if Keima was inducing a calm attitude to come over him, to calm his nerves. Because it wasn't even 10 seconds later that Eric was breathing normally now. "You good man?" Jason called, having ended his fiery carnage and came over to check on his friend.

Eric glanced over at the the still scorching African American, and gave him a thumbs up. That was when Joel seemingly appeared out of nowhere, his fists up to his forearms covered in blood. "We gotta go, there's more coming." Joel stated, just as Micheal still in wolf form peeked his muzzle inside to still see his friends there.

"Then let's go, we'll figure out where we're going later." Eric decided hastily.

"Who made you in charge?" Jason questioned as Eric straightened himself and stared the man in the eye.

"No one, but I don't hear you coming up with a plan, matchstick." Eric replied, then ran out through the hole in the wall. The others soon followed after him, just about catching up with him as they ran through the halls. The hospital that they were in didn't seem to he one, for it soon started to look more like a castle rather than a hospital. Eric didn't know where he was going, he was only running until they arrived at a dead end. He and his friends came to a stop and stared at the stone wall before them.

"Well nice going dumbass, you lead us to a fucking dead end!" Jason berated, but watched as Joel rushed forward and slammed a fist through the wall. The wall before them was pushed outwards, revealing an icey tundra landscape. They were 10 stories above ground, looking down a castle. Eric's mouth was agape, not knowing what to do or if they would survive jumping out of the hole that Joel made. That was when they saw something speeding towards them, bolting at them at breakneck speeds. It was a sleek black plan, that looked quite advanced. It soon arrived to their location and hovered near them. A ramp was opened revealing a middle aged ginger haired man wearing an odd pair of bifocals.

"Come with us, we're here to save you!" The man called out, but found Eric and his friends stare at him wide eyed. They knew who this man was and was starting to think that they were all of an acid trip.

"Cyclops?" They all said in sync, though for Micheal it sounded more like a confused canine sound since he couldn't speak English while transformed.