

 Every seemed to be a live statue no one dared to move but why . I'm the unseen Shadow Knight a few days ago I was battling over the eradication of a planet until I landed here it seemed the where they called earth but why was every one so at one place it was strange I need to.see more. I watched closely for any suspected movements but none it took me se time until I finally gave up this was probably not where I would find my answers so I turned ready.to go when a scream was heard I turned back and a lady was dead her head was sliced open but by who everyone else was still statue like then I sensed a different presence then everyone was set free like they had been spellbound before " it's back " " every body hide " ".save your self " they all yelled then a little girl and her mother stood in the middle of the crowd " mom I'm ......" " no don't say it " " ...mom" " don't say it " " IM SCARED AHHHHH" she was drgged away by some sorth of mystical force into the only place the moon light couldn't get to I must figure out what's going on

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