
The Savior Return (Dxd)

This is the story of someone who has already made extraordinary feats in an unusual world. Why? that's because that person comes from the modern world where some people think that supernatural phenomena are illogical and a duping of science that has advanced civilization and made humans the top of the food chain. That person belongs to this society, at first he also did not believe in supernatural phenomena which according to him was just a fictitious story made up by the previous society to raise, frighten or worship other people. But who would have thought, he who doesn't believe in anything related to the supernatural instead supernatural phenomena occur to himself. At first, this man had just stepped into his teens. To be honest, he wasn't a pleasant person, everything he did was boring, unlike most teenagers who were always energetic all the time. Even after 15 years of his life, he still doesn't have anything to stand for or the motivation he wants to become. His mindset is like that of a grown man who thinks about work, eating, sleeping. That's the average man in the environment where he grew up. He also even thought of that life in his adulthood. It would be a pity if a man did not use his life to create something so great that it would be remembered by a number of people. The phenomenon that made him stranded in another world, people in his world often refer to this world as Isekai, which has so many stories in the form of novels, films, dramas, manga and even anime. Usually, in stories like this. the main character is excited to explore new worlds, adventure to new places, meet heroines who will go on a journey to defeat the demon king… and many more. However, for this one person. He was confused about what to do in this new world. His mindset was not like a normal teenager, so he did what he had to do there. In that world, for the first time he did what he wanted to do without having to following the flow of society. after gaining power beyond the understanding of modern humans. he is capable of being at the top of that world's society, even being able to side by side with beings of the embodiment of evil that is said to make the entire other world, engulfed in fear. After a very difficult and long battle, the man finally destroyed the creature, making himself a savior for the people of the other world. Time flies, still in another world. He doesn't have any goals anymore so he lives a leisurely life without any burden in his life now. But apart from his leisure life, he feels bored. with full life spur adrenaline, which can stretch life. When he was in a dangerous place known as the land of death, it was unexpected that he dared to challenge an ancient ruler. The ancient fairy's name was Oberon. The goal of him challenging Oberon was just for fun, thereby angering the Ancient Fairy. The result of the clash between the two great forces caused the spatial distortion to occur again. The same incident repeated itself to the man, sucked into the (Astrophysical) wormhole. He himself was not with Oberon, because the Ancient Fairy was very far away from the location where the spatial distortion occurred. That phenomenon made him return to his original world. With different traits and personality, as a result of his exposure to another world. But that didn't make him any better because he was back in the wrong place and situation.

Fuku_San · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter 1 part 4




I screamed in horror at this horror scene in front of me, I hope this is just my bad dream and I will wake up tomorrow, starting the daily Occult research club routine. With Issei's perverted joke that Asia praised, Akeno who was teasing me, or Issei, Koneko's little fight and Gasper, Kiba, and Xenovia were training, and Roseweisse-sensei was lamenting her worries.

That's right, even though there are a lot of problems between us. Occult research club can solve the problem no matter how severe it is.

However, I wished that this was all just a dream that didn't come true and soon I was slapped by reality the moment Issei's head rolled in the air.

I was angry, very angry at the person who had hurt my Issei like that. I just got him back after a long week of losing him, but I had to lose him again in a very short time. I ever have been let Issei die one time and I don't want to lose him a second time.

Everyone was burning with rage, while Asia and I took Issei's body, while I took his head and Asia guarded his body. I'm sure, with Asia's current strength, there must be a miracle happening.

I beg you, for the first time, I beg the god who was our enemy before. Please god, give Issei another chance.




The noise rang out behind me, as I looked back. What I saw was another despair... All of my peerage and reinforcements that arrived were all attacked by the humans, without them being able to retaliate. Akeno who was lying in a pool of blood as well as Kiba and Xenovia ...Is Koneko also getting hit, how about Gasper?

'Rossewei-sensei!, my gosh. his injuries are so bad!'

Actually, who are we fighting right now, why is it so difficult for the entire corps of devils to fight just one human? Issei with his new power is easily defeated by his even though... Issei defeated Cao-cao who was in Balance Breaker condition very easily. But, in front of those humans, his new powers are like a joke.

Speed, Strength, Intelligence… etc. are all at terrifying levels. Serafall-sama and Fallbium-sama are having a hard time fighting that human. Even Ajuka-sama getting involved is still not enough to stop the terror creating that human, I heard and see for yourself if Ajuka-sama prefers negotiation over dominating force.


Asia was screaming hysterically next to me, I turned quickly to Issei's body which didn't have any changes which made my anxiety even higher.

'No don't say that I beg you.'

Very stiffly, I turned towards Asia. However, hope again disappeared when I already knew her answer when I saw she was also in despair. She put her hands together and started to pray to the god she believed in.


She screamed while sobbing, thinking about losing Issei again for the second time...I don't want that to happen either.

When confusion and despair engulf us, it is when hope emerges. The last hope is to change the current emergency.

A girl who possessed authority, a beautiful young girl with blue eyes, flew using the wings of fire on her back and landed safely on the ground. She was Ravel, one of the women who admired Issei.

After getting off, he rushed to Asia who was desperately trying to heal Issei even though nothing happened at all as if his body refused to be healed.


She was just as surprised as everyone who came after her, some so many people cared about Issei. That's how many people supported her here.

'Therefore, Issei-kun...please, don't leave us again'

I am very sad from the bottom of my heart that makes our memories of togetherness come back at a time like this, which makes my heart hurt even more.

"No...no other choices"

Ravel muttered, she also cried for him. so many people love her but why did he have to go through all this?

It was unexpected from Ravel that she would use her clan's forbidden technique, I've heard rumors that the phenex clan could use the Pheonix transformation, in that form their power is said to rival the old Lucifer's and also in that form she gains immortality, but its use is also very limited because the longer the user maintains his Pheonix form, the user's age will be cut very quickly so that death cannot be avoided.

Sparkling light rises and forms a pillar of Fire around Ravel. Meanwhile, I have to protect Issei's and Asia's bodies from the firestorm that is very close to us. At that instant, the flames dim and reveal Ravel's Pheonix form.

Even though she isn't as big as described, I can understand if Ravel is still very young. Then she flew towards us where she stopped near Issei's lying body, then her wings of fire fluttered which then enveloped them all. Embracing everyone in his warm embrace.

Inside the arms of her wings, the heat wasn't that painful but the heat from the flames brought a warm feeling. It then slowly restored everyone's energy as well as everyone's body, including mine.

I felt my strength recharged and my body didn't feel heavy anymore, once I got my strength back. I immediately helped Issei as best I could from before.

"Asia…please do again and maximize the power of Twilight Healing!"

Even though it sounds forced, I have to do it... for the sake of saving Issei.

"Haa… Bunchou!"

She also didn't mind at all, instead becoming more focused and calm, where her healing light slowly focused on one person. With the help from Ravel, slowly Issei's head reconnected.

"Keep going, Asia!"

I pushed Asia, even more, to continue channeling her energy into her Sacred Gear, the result was already visible where the skin from around the neck where she was cut, had covered the gap to the point where I was sure that we could save Issei.

However, when I looked again at Asia… she already looked pale… she had run out of magic energy, but we can't stop halfway like this.

Asia..please survive a little longer again, we can save Issei just a bit more!

She had tried her best to maintain her focus. But, Asia couldn't hold on any longer, it could be seen from her uncomfortable expression. Even though Ravel had already formed a healing environment from hugging her wings, it was still lacking due to the speed of the energy released which was unstable and Asia could lose healing her.

If that's the case, then I'll give you whatever amount of energy you need.


I probably surprised her by suddenly tapping the back of her hand quite strongly. Without another word, I immediately channeled my energy into the Sacred Gear Twilight Healing. Asia understood what I meant, she no longer needed to worry about running out of energy and just focus on healing.

Not long after, I was surprised by the hands that gathered on Asia's hand that was healing Issei.

Those hands were from Akeno, Kiba, Koneko, Gasper, Xenovia, Irina, and Rossewesi-sensei. All members of the Occult Research club were gathered here, even though their bodies had not fully recovered from that human attack...but, because of the relationship Issei built thanks to himself, his is that we can be in the position now.

"Don't give up, Issei-kun!... You promised me that we would date again!"

Akeno said while sobbing, I know it's not the time to be jealous but can you not say that in a precarious situation like this?

"Senpai…you promised that you would treat me to sweets! So get up and keep your promise!"

Just like Akeno. Koneko-chan burst into tears when she spoke.

"Issei-kun, we still need you"

"You promised to give your child, so don't die yet!"

Kiba and Xenovia also hoped for Issei to wake up, just like Gasper and Rossewise-sensei.

"Issei senpai! You promised to play another console game with me! "

"We have another additional class, Issei! So wake up!"

Everyone has hoped for you Issei, so wake up and come back to us all...We all will do our the occult research club's daily life again.

When everyone's feelings merged, that's when the healing power surged up until Asia was overflowing with energy. However, there was no other reaction even after forcing Asia's Sacred Gear to its maximum potential. But still, there was no sign of his body going aware.

"You will not be able to heal him in that way"

A voice seemed to appear from the depths of the darkness startling everyone, as everyone turned to look where the voice had come from.

And everyone's eyes are focused on the one person who is the cause of all these tragedies


Just as I was about to explode enraged, he immediately stopped me from speaking by placing Ravel on the ground.

'Since when!'

I didn't even notice if Ravel had returned to her original form, it seems like she was forcing herself or, from that man's actions.

Not long after, Ajuka-sama ask questions when came down with Serafall-sama.

"What do you mean??"

The man stroked his chin for a while, before finally explaining what his words meant.

"The slash I swung earlier was from one of the strongest techniques I possess… I infused some power into this blade, which was not only lethal but had a negative effect… a slash that cut through time and space."

I and everyone do not understand what this man is saying, but it seems that only Ajuka-sama understands what this human means.

"That's right, in this world only I know how to cure those negative effects"

He said with a blank expression. This time, what this man said shocked everyone.


I exploded in anger… it can't be healed, only he can heal Issei?.

"Rias-chan...please calm down, we all know that you and some of your members are also angry. But we can't make that man go berserk again!"

Serafall-sama came up to me and reprimanded me, I thought why should I just stay here? Is my argument not needed!?...he is the cause of all the tragedy that befalls us all!

"Well, ~...I know your anger, even though this is just a rear misunderstanding. However I won't apologize, after all, we are now on a battlefield where all rules don't apply, only one rule applies... win or lose."

Then he slowly came over here, which made everyone alert and got into battle stances.

Will he attack again?

When he walked closer but was stopped by someone blocking his path, she was a young girl with long black hair that reached her hips and black eyes, what was different from her appearance was that she had pointed ears and reptilian eyes.

She spread her arms as if not allowing the man to walk any further.

'Good! Ophis-sama is on our side!'

I was happy when Ophis, the Dragon Ouroboros was on our side. Now we can press him to tell us how to save Issei.

"Hoo~...Are your's think will I'm scared and doubtful...just because you have the appearance of a child. Your leaking dragon aura can't be hidden by my eyes...are you trying to intimidate me?"

After saying that, he let out a terrifying chill making all of us including Ophis tremble in fear.

He gave us all the feeling of a nightmare as if the scythe of a grim reaper was ready to take our lives.

While everyone was drowning in fear even the Demon King and the being called the Dragon god Ouroboros trembled in fear before a single human.

'What presence is this!?…a nightmare?'

I thought, A giant creature with red color, black wings, and large horns on its head,In the red world. This creature was formed from his aura alone and can draw us all into an illusion. We all saw his aura shadow, which could cause deep trauma.

A moment later, the man's hand moved which made Ophis even more shaken and could collapse at any moment.


Something unexpected happened...what we all think, didn't happen. He just stroked Ophis's head gently and passed her without being confronted by her again.

Ophis had a strange dilemma when her head was petted by that man.

Then the man continued to walk without anyone blocking him, we all couldn't stop him because we still had that nightmare, even when he had stopped showing his aura...I wanted to move, because of the direction he was going Issei, was lying down next to his there is Asia was still focused on healing him.

Asia was still focused on healing without noticing that the man who was the cause of all of this was right in front of her. Then that man did an action that we couldn't expect any more.

He tapped Asia's shoulder, distracting my [Bishop]'s focus which made his attention blurry, and turned to the person who was patting him. Instantly making Asia tremble in fear.

"Calm down, let me do something"

he said while pushing Asia aside making us watch the next action he will take toward Issei.

The man stretched out his hand, and in the palm of his hand, a small magic circle appeared which immediately enlarged to completely cover Issei's body.

I was wondering what it was. However, I didn't dare to open my mouth but instead, Asia was the only one who dared to speak while everyone was still traumatized because earlier that man scared us with his sinister aura, whereas Asia was focused on healing Issei...so she didn't feel the horror.

"What are you doing sir?"

Asia asked in a trembling tone, the man only responded with a smile without answering and just left, he locked Issei in a magic coffin.

Back to his position, while he was walking everything was quiet because everyone was silent and still experiencing trauma.

When he turned to face us all, he spoke which was not directed at us.

"I know you're there...get out, or I'll drag you out"

His tone of voice was commanding...deep and calm, yet deadly. As expected, someone came out after he was already found out.

This person who came out of hiding came out from the fog that appeared suddenly. I know who he is, one of the humans from the hero faction who terrorized the underworld before this man's arrival.

We defeated them all, we should have won against them. But the sudden arrival of this man turned the situation upside down now. Just one human changed the situation in a war that was expected to win before now having to swallow a crushing defeat. Just because of one human.

"I'm sorry sir"

He lowered his head in apology before continuing to speak.

"I am Georg the representative of the Hero faction"

"Ooh…you are the partner of the man who summoned me?"

Georg nodded his head, even though he was in tatters because he had just finished fighting us and the underworld.

"Another reinforcement will arrive in a moment, and reinforcements the next time someone is the too dangerous and troublesome rush here at full speed…we assumed you were on our side, so we decided to take you withdrawing from this battlefield."

The man thought before answering.

"Umm...I also need an explanation about all of this, so you guys owe me an explanation...alright, let's back off. I'm already bored here anyway."

We all couldn't believe this guy casually speaking like that. Even though there was one of the peak powers of the world here and also 3 of the Demon Lords were present... were all of us nothing more than an outlet for his boredom in her eyes?

"Have you brought the body he?"

"Yes sir, thank you for your concern?"

"Ou…good, bury him properly"

The conversation continued as if we didn't matter here.

I wanted to get angry, but I couldn't. Because that man was so strong. Even stronger than everyone here. I don't know what happened to Ophis, why couldn't she stop that man when she was a god here, what else would one strongest?

"Then…let me guide you"

Georg opened a purple mist from empty air, it was the door to the world of Dimension Create. One of the abilities of his Sacred Gear is Dimension Lost.

"Wait, master!"

Only Asia was able to move normally here, and she stopped the man. The man seemed to know what Asia was going to ask.

"You guys just calm down... your friends won't die because I trapped him in a time chest... the rest you can analyze the magic formula yourself."

Again, he gave us incomplete answers… then before entering the world of Dimension Lost, he glanced at us while turning his back on us and said.

"If you want the answer, search and meet me again"

Together with Georg, he entered the mist and disappeared from our sight, and stopped his terror in the underworld.

We lost, all the experience and strength we gathered was nothing in the presence of one human being. This was a humiliating very defeat.


My body suddenly collapsed as if following my feelings.


I screamed hysterically, because of my defeat and weakness. then I lost Issei again for the second time.

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