
The Savior Of Humanity

Om a young and curious child who thinks that the information about the "Holy Land' are just rumours, but gets to know the truth once he gets his class. Fate favours him and he his favoured by a certain powerful species. Destiny changes and he has to fight it. Can he win? Can he get to know the things that destiny has for him? Can he know the truths? Can he save humanity? Can he.. become.. a GOD!?!? Stay tuned to find out.... My goal: Writing 5 chapters every week unless I am ill. Word Limit : More than 1500 words each chapter 5 Power Stones : 1 more chapter till I am not too Popular 1 Golden Ticket : 5 more Chapters

SSS_Shobani · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Huh? I Guess Shanti Did Not Lie About My Strength

It was surely a new beginning.

Om watched as his parent's car went down the road and disappeared, he then looked at the building behind him. It read in bold letters


Om glanced at the huge building, and by huge I mean Gigantic. Om had never seen such a huge and imposing building in his entire life. He looked at it for quite sometime and then entered the gates.

[Quest Completed] [Join A Warrior Training Centre]

[Reward : 20xp]

"This sure feels like a game. I guess I feel comfortable if it tells me game like notifications. Justice God also told me it modifies according to the person." Om talked to himself


The centre was huge and was build out of obsidian like looking rocks. He could also see many giant imposing sculptures of the most powerful Warrior's of all time. He also realised that space powers were also used to build this place as the inside was a lot larger. The insides had marble floors, and giant pillars supporting the place. Everywhere it was sparkling clean.

"Hey? You look lost are you new?" Someone shouted towards his direction.

Om looked around to find no one around him, he then looked at the person speaking, he was a boy who looked around the same age as him, and was a bit shorter than him. He was wearing the centre's uniform. He had a sharp but handsome face, his hair was a bit long but stylised. He also wore one red earring. Om pointed to himself and asked

"Are you talking to me?"

"Who else?" the person replied.

"Yes, I have just reached here."

"Glad to meet you, my name is Ashok, people call me the newbie helper."

Om found his title a little weird

"Just kidding I am also new here." Ashok laughed seeing Om's weird reaction

"Yeaaaa.. by the way my name is Om, I was told to report to the office to gain the ID card and other essentials, so can you tell me how I can get there. This place is hella huge.!"

"I feel you my man, here let me help you follllow me."

Saying this Ashok started moving.

"This guy is hella suspicious, be careful Om"

"Please be quite for a min... I HAVE TO GET A HANG OF YOU talking"




Om looked towards the ruckus and saw two guys bullying a boy. The boy was scared witless and it looked that it was happening everyday.

{For the sake of simplicity and because I am lazy we shall call then 1 and 2 for now. :| }

"What is happenning?" Om asked Ashok

'Nothing just some bullied, let us quickly move so they do not see us."

As Om was about to leave, he was suddenly presented with a quest.

[Quest] [Upholding Justice]

[Description : You saw two people misusing their power to bully the weak. Something has ignited inside you to uphold Justice.]

[Reward] [Instant Level Up][A Rare or above grade gift box]

A smile crept up his face, the fight was a gamble but the rewards were better.

"Let's go, we cannot be see-, wait,wait,wait.. why are you smiling like that? Sto-"

Ashok tried to stop him but Om had already rushed out, the two of them also saw him and Om started his provocation.

"Bullying the weak, Hahahahah, you guys are sure weak asses have the guts to fight me. Oh! how can you you must be scared, want to call your mommies?"

{For the sake of simplicity and because I suck at names we shall call them one and two for now}

"Hey man looks like another newbie has the guts to fight us" one said " Do not worry kid I will create an example out of you." 

By this time they had left the poor boy alone and focused totally on Om. Suddenly Om shouted

"I Invoke A Beginner Combact" 

Ashok had told him about a few things one of which was if he ever got in a fight he could invoke a beginner combact and this starts when both the parties are in agreement. He could only invoke the beginner combact. The advantages? Unless a teacher invoked this no weapons were allowed, and if a student's health fell too low he would be directly teleported to the hospital and deemed defeated. So it was a win-win condition for Om.

"So you know a few things huh. Don't worry we were not planning to kill you but this makes things easier." Two replied "We accept the beginner combact."

By now a crowd had gathered dou to the invocation of a beginner combact, mummers rose while a golden ring was formed in front of them.

"You may proceed" A voice came and initiated combact.

As soon and they entered the ring Two initiated the fight by suddenly rushing towards Om and before Om could realise he was punched in the face.

[Health -2] [13 remaining]

Om knew he would not die if he reached zero health but he still did not want to find out the state he would be in. It must be painful.

"How was the taste of dirt!?" Two shouted

Om quickly got up and saw one rushing in, but he was cautious this time as one punched him, Om used his small height and ducked down. One's arm passed above him as the momentum carried him. Om looked him in the eyes and smirked and them punched upwards directly at the chest.


[Critical Hit]

Sounds of ribs cracking could be heard as one was launched upwards a punch with 20 points of strength should not be underestimated at all. It must have felt like getting hit by a ram. Not much powerful like a speeding vehicle but harmful enough. Moreover it was a critical hit. One has fainted due to the pain.

"You tell me how it tastes!" Om shouted back. Om's critical punch had left the boy with 6 health points. Om then rushed to two. Two was still quite shocked by his friends fall as he did not think that a newbie could deal this kind of damage. Om faked a punch to the face and due to being confused, two fell for it he tried to block by spreading his legs and making a cross in front of his face but Om did the unthinkable, he slides beside him.

Om quickly punched him three times in rapid succession at the backbone and one time at the head.

[Critical hit]

Om had successfully taken down a bit more than three fourths of his health.

"You are a fool boy!!" Two shouted "Activate Bloodlust!!!"

The special skill of Warriors was activated. The boy glowed red. His muscles were expanding, his eyes glowed red. His health was increased by 25%. He had grown stronger. He dashed at a lot of speed and kicked Om. Om had tried to block it but it did some damage.

[-6 health][7 remaining]

"Om please look out, he has reached the bloodlust stage. He also has a ton of experience so pl-"

"Shut up Shanti! I know you mean to help me but please STFU for a moment for a moment. " He then calmed himself down

"He took a lot of health, he is more powerful. I have to think of something else."

"How do you like that" Two shouted

Om quickly looked around and his gaze landed on One, he was still unconscious and he quickly formulated a plan.

He started to provoke Two, "That was a shit shot, you are so weak, even my grandmother can beat someone with more power."

Two was getting madder and madder and he rushed towards Om. 

"Look out!!"

Om quickly ran towards One, and stood beside his unconscious body. Two quickly reached and punched with his full power, it was at this moment that Om quickly picked One up and used him as a shield. 

Bang! The strike landed on One and he vomitted blood his health was tending to zero and he was quickly teleported to the medics.

Two was flabbergasted, and Om used his opportunity to strike back. He spun and kicked two in the face.

"That! Was! A! DIRTY TRICK!" Two shouted as he rushed forward.

"Everything's fair in War" Om replied

The boy mad with anger punched Om, but he missed and it hit Om's shoulder. 

[-5 health][2 remaining]

While Om was spinning in the air due to the momentum he quickly activated bloodlust in his mind.

[Bloodlust Activated]

[Temporary Buff][+3.5 health][+0.8 STR and STA]

Om used the spinning momentum and kicked Two in the face. Due to the momentum transfer Two was also knocked unconscious.

[Critical hit]

[Quest Completed][[Upholding Justice]

[Rewards][Instant Level Up][Rare or above grade item]


There were many more notifications but Om was too exhausted . He fell down and was feeling weak. The effects of bloodlust had worn off and he was fatigued.

"Ahhh..." He signed "This is too much work." He said

"Winner of this combact is Om." The same monotonous voice came putting an stop to the fight.

"Om are you alright?" A worried Shanti asked

"Yeah, I guess so thanks for asking it hurts but please let me think for a while."


"Yo Om you good?" Ashok lifted him up and asked.

"Yeah let us go to the office."

"Sure, lemme help you" he said while supporting him."

As they were about to leave the boy who was getting bullied stopped them.

"Thanks a lot for saving me earlier, you did not have to fight for me."

"No worries man." Om replied "But can we talk later I need to rest."

"S-Sure" He stuttered and gave way.

Om reached the office and collected his things. He got a ID card that became soul bound to him as soon as he placed a drop of blood on it. It worked as his room key, ID and money storage. Om then received his uniforms, a tablet. As soon as he took the tablet he got a full map and every necessary details about the Training Centre.

Ashok then helped Om to quickly reach his room and then he bidded him farewell. Om was so exhausted that he had no time to look at the notifications and he quickly slept.

You could only wish he had seen the messages as he was about to get a big shock. A shock that would be with him was lifetime and would decide his FATE......