
Conference 2

The river was never the same, you never see the same river.

We are spiritual beings.

We are human experience, living in a human body.

As human experience, it's challenging.

We didn't came here to be angel or god. You don't need to have a perfect quiet place or perfect relationship. Change always possible.

We can always evolve no matter how terrible things are.

The moment in time.

It might be trigger by trauma response.

That moment in time, it might do better or different.

We need to be more gentle or kind to our self.

It's not always consistent, not linear.

We go spiral.

We can do a little different.

We have restrict resources or what ever we ever need in our life.

By everything happening around us, we're nothing

By everything happening around us, we're nothing.

But she said, we have everything we need.

The goal of living is just to live

Who do you want to be?

What is your spiritual person?

What would you want to change to become a spiritual person?

When you know something, you close the door.

By not knowing, you are open to possibility.

Kathlyne Maki-Banmen
