
Chapter 1

Brightstar Elder’s Quarters

::You’ll be landing soon and I’ll finally get to see you,::Michael’s new friend spoke in his mind. Michael hadn’t told Mommie, Poppie, Zadda, or Grandpa that he had a friend. This friend was special and Michael wanted to keep him to himself for a little while longer, before the grownups started with their rules and questions.

::Do you still want a kitty?::Michael asked earnestly. He wanted to please his new best friend.

::Kitty?::the mind voice questioned.

::You know, cat, a young cat,::Michael explained.

::Oh, yes. Will they let you bring me one?::

::It’s the cat that gets to choose. I’ll go and find Aloysius and ask him. He’ll talk to you and help me pick::Michael slipped out of Quarters and headed to the mess.


::Michael? Why aren’t you in Quarters? We’re about to assemble to disembark.”

::I need a special kitten for a friend.::

::Where is your friend?::

::In my head, he’s down there waiting for me. He’s six.::

::Go back to Quarters before your mommie starts to worry. I’ll see about a kit for your friend. Shadow had a brother in his litter.::

::Thank you, Aloysius.::

::You’re welcome, now off with you before your mommie notices you’re missing.::

Knowing Aloysius was right, he teleported back to his room just in time to hear his mommie call his name. 1

A baby is God’s opinion that the world should go on.

—Carl Sandburg

Castle Air: 06:00 tines

Naffie, TeBron and TeZaron’s offspring, came running into the slumber chamber to see his Earthen Zinna. ::Mommie, we have to hurry up or we’ll be lateHe’s waiting for me.:: His whole body trembled with excitement. Naffie peered at Syn’s image in the mirror.

::I can help you dress, Mommie.::Naffie stood behind her, fidgeting.

::The ship is thirty motsout. We can transport in secs. Even after the ship lands, it takes timeto disembark. Why are you so wound up, sweetheart? Who’s waiting?::

Syn put her hairbrush down, swiveled her chair, and regarded her offspring in befuddlement. Ever since the Brightstar came within hailing distance, Naffie had been bubbling over with excitement.

::Someone that will be mine someday is on the ship.::He smiled and his face lit up with joy. ::It’s something I asked the Goddess for.::

Whatever this is, it’s something Naffie really wants.

Curiosity swept over Syn’s face. She decided to probe deeper. ::Did you ask for something from Prince Juraensand Prince Mark that they’re bringing back?::

::No, but they are bringing him back with them.::Syn turned back to her mirror, her stomach brushing the front end of the vanity.

::I’m going to see if Zadda is ready.::Naffie ran out of the room, almost knocking over his Poppie.

Zaron put his hands on Naffie’s shoulders. “Whoa, offspring, take it easy. Zadda will still be there if you walk.” Naffie slowed down to a trot and headed for Bron.

Zaron came up behind Syn leaned over, and kissed her on the back of her neck while circling his long arms around her belly. She shivered. ::How is our femspringthis rising?::

::Lively. She’s been kicking my bladder all rising, that’s why I’m running late.::

Zaron knelt in front of his PaChette. ::Youdon’t have to go and meet the ship, PaChette.::

::You and Bron are the WarriorPair that heads the Councilof Elders, of courseI have to meet the ship. Anya is also planning to go as are Ellen, Adele, and of course TeAllen and TeWellwho will be there to inspect the new fems::Syn chuckled.

“You’re far along, PaChette, and still so active. I don’t want something to happen to you or the bebe.”

::Earthen femswork almost up to delivery. We like to be active. Actually, it’s generally better for the bebe if you are. Besides, all the other femsare just as pregnant as I am and I’m betting that most of them will show up to welcome the new ones, along with every unbonded WarriorPair on the planet.::

“TeWell and TeAllen are hopeful that the Goddess blesses them with a fem this time around,” Zaron said in a serious tone. “They are the only remaining council members who have not, as yet, bonded to a fem.”

“What are Mark and Juraens bringing back for Naffie? He said something about a ‘him’.”

::They must have found Naffie his own kitten,::Zaron answered, touching Syn’s shoulders. Syn leaned into his caress.

::That must be it, but I’m not sure. A kitten doesn’t feel right. This is something of importance.::

“Didn’t Mark and Juraens say in their preliminary report that they bonded and their bonded had an offspring?” Syn leaned over and struggled to put on her shoes.

::Yes, a boy named Michael. Let me help, PaChette. I have no idea why you insisted on hosting this moontine. You are too far along.::Zaron sounded worried.