
The Sanguine Lord ( Urban Fantasy)

Title: The Sanguine Lord In the year 2078, Alex, a half-blooded vampire living among humans, discovers his real nature and is forced to quickly master his newly gained powers. But a note left by his father changes the direction of his life. As tensions rise in humans because of mysterious disappearances happening all over the world, Alex is forced to confront the force behind those events and save the world from impending doom. _________________________________________________

Parzivaall · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
78 Chs


Alex woke up to the sound of his cell phone ringing violently. He groggily opened his eyes and a luxurious ceiling appeared on his vision. As his mind cleared up, realized that he was sleeping on the couch.

He grabbed the phone off the table beside him and glanced at caller ID. It was his mother.

He hastily accepted the call and a holographic image appeared in front of him. But it wasn't his mother. It was a man with slicked-back black hair and very deep red eyes. He looked a bit unnatural like his face wasn't something that a man should have.

Sleep evaporated off Alex's mind as he sat up on the couch, surprised by the appearance of a man he was unfamiliar with.

"Who are you? "He asked the man who was smiling.

"Well, aren't you a bit of forgetful? You just visited my house yesterday. How was the trip? "The man said, his smile widening.