
The Sanctioner of Demons [ Mlbb Fanfic ]

This is a story of a young kid, who's life been blessed with joy and happiness. He lived in an Empire, who's known to be prosperous in both Military, and Economical influences throughout the Land. Together with his beloved parents, whose well-respected of their feats as the Knights of Order, lived in a harmonious life. One day, a tragedy struck. The conflict of man and demons changed the young one's life. Will the young one withstand the trials of fate? Or will he lose the path of humanity and, become what he detested? What will it be? No one knows.... [ Mostly based in Original Mlbb Lore Story ]

Phel9195 · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Nightmare or.... Prediction?

Alucard's POV:

In the middle of nowhere, I'm alone in a place where no light can be seen, and everything is nothing but pitch-black darkness.

It's so dark....



. . .


. . .

"Why am I- *shiver* here? I was just at the house back then?! *shiver* How did this happened? How'd I teleported here?"

- I said in an anxiety tone.


"Mama... Papa... Where are you?"

- I cried in a scared tone.

. . .

Being in a lonesome and mysterious place, I couldn't help myself but panic.

. . .

And this time, I'M DEAD SERIOUS. *shiver*

. . .

As much as I am confused, I'm still thinking how I got myself here.


. . .

Which made me anxious.

. . .

"Mama... Papa... Where are you? Help me!"

- I cried again in a shivering tone

. . .

I cried for help, hoping that my mama and papa to-


I'm so confused right now, and here's THIS thing appeared out of nowhere too.

. . .

"What the heck is going on?! Why it suddenly *shiver* ... so cold...? *shiver* and... *gulp*"

- I rant because of extreme temperature.

. . .

My body....

. . .

I could feel it... it's screaming something, like sort of a warning...

. . .

A dreadful threat that lingers in this place.


! ! !

After experiencing this extreme strange sensation, all my thoughts that I've recollected earlier, disappeared in an instance.

. . .

Well, I don't know what's going on anymore.

. . .


Wait! Hold up!

. . .

My body... Something's wrong with my body!


My body's temperature, is so cold....

*whisper: OohH... So that's what the chilling sensation all about.*

. . .

Now that I know why I'm chilling like crazy, I can still not hide my trembling is unstoppable...

My body is numbing...




I mean... look at this! I suddenly have goosebumps!

. . .

"Mama? Papa?"

- I tried to cried at them again.

. . .

No matter how much I cried for help, even to my mama and papa.

. . .

"Mama? Papa? Where are you? Where... am I? What is this place?"

- I cried hopelessly.

"Mama, papa... help.. it's so... Scary..."

- I cried again.

. . .

NO ONE....

. . .

Heard my ceaseless call.

. . .

Knowing that tragic truth *sob* I just can't! *sniff*


Somebody, anybody, please *sob* help me *sniff*.

. . .

I cried to relieve my confusion, and get over with my disappointment.

I keep on calling and calling.

I even shouted so someone could hear me.


I cried non-stop, but still it can't be heard.

Like a helpless child, crying helplessly in a crowd but no one, ever tried to approach you. They'll just ignore you, like a trash, and yeah...

Crying is all I can do, no one helped me.

No one came to me.

. . .


( eerie mixture of different voices of Alucard voice )


. . .

Crying won't help, therefore, forcing to move myself is the help I need, despite having this ceaseless, unknown, numbing sensation which stopping me to move.

If no one's there to help, you gotta move, no matter how hard it is.


So this is what it's like, the old folks used to say to people....

"If no one's there to help, help yourself. You're the only one has the capability to do so."

. . .

So I wondered in a path of uncertainty. Walking in an endless darkness, is so scary.

So scary that Despair is gonna slap me hard in the face right now.

. . .

In a midst of confusion, my mind's creating an illusion in accordance of my thoughts.

"Give up. You can't escape in this place... A place where you, rightfully belong... This is your fate! YOUR DESTINY!"

- an unknown voice that whispers in my ears, creepily.

It's not an illusionary imagery that has been generated but an illusionary voices which whispering in my ears.

I don't understand what's going on or perhaps, it's not actually an illusion but it's darkness itself?

. . .

Whether it's just an illusion or darkness itself, surely, I let myself fall to temptation.

"Fear and Surrender are not, in my vocabulary."

- my 4 year old self saying passionately.

Now that I remember that quote....


. . .


"I talked all mighty and now, I... I... *sob* didn't realize it's this HARD! *sobbing*"

- I said in a shivering tone.

. . .

So, yeah. Temptations are a real deal. I know it sounds weird but, I'm going to give up, and accept reality.

A reality of no return. I shall dwell in this place, eternally.


Why wasting energy by the way? *laughing hysterically* My body, is numbing non-stop. So what's the point of my effort, knowing there's no path awaits ahead?


"Just... Give up! Stay in this hopeless place forev-!"

- I shouted as I bawling.

The moment I'm despairing, suddenly, a glimmer of light appears.

Well at first, of course you'll be surprised, seeing a gleam of light in this pitch-black darkness.

"*amazed* Is this... what they call... 'Miracle'?"

- I said surprisedly in my thoughts

. . .

My anxiety and my fear disappears in an instance. I wasted no time, I quickly head towards that light.

As I'm drawing closer, I saw two silhouettes ahead, a male and a female silhouette.


I'm so scared, and I even assumed that the two silhouettes are my mama and papa.

*smile of relief*

I can't help myself but let's out a great smile of relief.


- I shouts as loud as I can.

I extended my hands, as hard as I can.

My face is brimming with extreme excitement, and hope.

And finally, I can leave in this nightmarish darkness.

Narrator's POV:

The moment when young Alucard enters the gleaming light, all his expectations, all of his hope, all of excitement and all of his thrill to meet his parents, SHATTERED in an instant.

A light which ought to be salvation, he witnessed nothing, but a dreadful scene.

A scene where:

(1) Lots of human corpse lies on the ground, and;

(2) A ravage battle occured in the place where he stands on.

. . .

Witnessing a sudden, gruesome events, he could not utter a word.

But his expression tells thousands of words which he, himself can't say aloud.

Young Alucard, who's expectations so high that it SHATTERED cruelly in front of his eyes.

His eyes, which are filled with Hope, now replaced with extreme disbelief.

His fist clenches firmly, his feet are trembling, and he gritted intensely.

He stands motionless, in the midst of the battlefield.

He witnessed inhumane massacre, right in front of him.

. . .

In a chaotic battlefield, where human-like figure warriors stands valiantly, were killed.

Their faces are unrecognizable but their blood that spilled in a bloodthirsty ground, and that splattered on Young One's face, are real.

. . .

Shocked by the unexpected events, young Alucard starts to walk unconsciously.

He wandered across the raging, cruel battle.

Many have fall...

Many have died....

. . .

Slashed, stabbed, decapitated and some exploded, in a cruel manner of each and individual's demises.

Waltzing in a symphonic, cruel sonata, two silhouettes intrigues the young boy's curiousity.

The two silhouettes of a person, confronting the two-winged silhouette.

One silhouette, extending it's hand on the helpless kid-like silhouette, and the other stays up front, like it's sorta protecting the two silhouettes behind him.

Battle rages but the tears of a shocked lad cannot be hidden.

His eyes widen, his tears shed non-stop unconsciously, as he watches from the battle.

Young one, whose confused as any other, do not understand everything that happened in his eyes.

He's confused, really confused that he runs towards the battling silhouettes.

His eyes are filled with countless questions, and seeks nothing but answers. His attention, is now focused in the silhouettes.

He persistently tries to reach, reach, REACH them with his right hand but the two-winged silhouette casted something...

Something which made the entire place covered with reddish blood.


. . .

Alucard, who's running and reaching out the two silhouettes, halted and bathe with blood.



Everything were covered in blood.

Alucard, who's still trembling and scared, still insist on extending his right arm, hoping to know who the silhouettes may be.

He reach, reach, REACH persistently, and suddenly, the place is glitching.


His right arm that's covered in blood, glitches to something unexplained.

His shocked expression, glitched from terrified to sadist.

*sinisterly grin*

The lonesome Alucard, who stands in the middle of the battle, glitches to something.

*wind is howling eeriely*

Something is embracing him from behind.

A vestige of an unknown with no clear form but emits nothing but peril.

*evil laughter*

The young one still keeps on spacing, and didn't noticed that someone, is calling out his name.


- an unknown voice shouts.

Alucard failed to notice the voice as his attention is only focused on watching his bloodstained arm.

And the perilous vestige, keeps on embracing him firmly.

"Alucard, WAKE UP!"

- an unknown voice calling him out.

Alucard stares at his bloodstained hand, failing to notice the voice for the second time.

Alucard, who kept on starring on his right arm; and the vestige, that keeps on embracing him, they've slowly merge into one.

. . .

His blank state expression, and the vestige perilous glare, starting to resonate.

* a faint, evil laughter of Alucard*

And he lets out, a sadistic grin.

A grin that's indescribable, from the innocent child like him.


- an unknown voices shouted loudly in unison.

" ! ! ! "

This story is for the sake of FanFiction. I don't claim the Original Mlbb Characters as mine, they all respectively belongs to MLBB.. All credits belong to theirs.

There might be similarities of Mlbb's story plot but trust me, I based this on Mlbb lore. And I want this fanfiction believable.

Thank you very much for reading this Fanfiction.

If you're confused, I'm so sorry to hear that. I'll be explaining it in the next chapter. I'm sorry if this chapter is a Ghost. I'm very sorry y'all.

Phel9195creators' thoughts