
The Salvatore Family

One case changed everyone's fate from a simple, quiet life to waves of trouble and a complicated life when a young lawyer and her acquaintances became involved with the mafia gangs.

DaoistEMXq3N · Teen
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2 Chs

The Trial

In the middle of the huge courtroom, the young lawyer stood and in her first steps towards the young man who was sitting cold, and seemed uninterested in everything that was happening around him, and this affected her more than before, the judge spoke, saying:

"Miss Sophia Hamilton, speak up."

Sophia walked over to that young man, his lips a wide smile and well... he shows no regret.

"So, Juan I would like to ask you only three questions, and I hope that you will answer honestly, please."

"ok, sexy"

He answered with enjoyment and his smile was getting wider and more provocative!

"Have you ever had a relationship in your life?"

Everyone was surprised by her irrational question! But that's okay, Juan answred:

"I don't know what it has to do with our case, but well, actually, I'm a Virgin, sweetie, for simply being too young for a relationship."

And he continued, looking at the girl who was sitting on the chair and next to the table that belonged to Sophia:

"I didn't rape that girl, so naturally I should be a virgin?"

A hot sigh left Sophia's depths and said:

"Well second question, do you know that girl?"

"I do not know."

He answered simply and with a biting irony, affecting the psyche of that girl

"The last question, do you drink alcohol? "

"Sometimes, but not to the point of drunkenness."

That lie that almost killed her, she sighed and then stood in front of the judge

"Will you, Your Honor, permit me to bring my first witness?"

A Japanese woman entered, and Sophia said whilshe looking to Juan:

"Your Honor, this is an expert, to examine the virginity of this young man."

after a moment...

"He lost his virginity, Your Honor."

Her words fell like a thunderbolt on everyone, following with a file throwing from sophia to the judge.

"This young man is drinking to the point where he sees the horse as a mule. As for the second photos, they prove that he knew the victim before."

She handed it to the judge.

"Sir, I tell you that this young man is definitely lying. Looking at the photos, he had a close relationship with our victim, and the other photos show that he drinks and gets drunk. Mr. Judge, look at the real tests that."

Then she turned and looked at three men, sitting in front, and their gazes, to say at least, hellish!

"He's an addict and a pervert, I think it all came from his brothers and their shady past, and now, Your Honor, I hope you'll make your judgment now."

The judge sighed and looked at all the evidence lined up before him, literally proving that Juan had committed the crime of rape.

"By virtue of the authority granted to me, I…"

"Your Honor, I apologize for interrupting you, but I hope you will implement the second option."

Sophia suggested the second option, and the judge knew what she meant.

"If you mean a marriage Miss Hamilton, he's still under the legal age."

The judge looked at his birthday and smiled.

"Right, Miss Hamilton."

Sophia came forward with a smile in her face

"I guess he'll be eighteen soon after three days, he chooses either to marry or to rot in prison?"

"The second is better."Juan replied.

A side smile fell on Sophia's lips

"Congratulations on your marriage, the Salvatore family, but with conditions that Mr. Juan will not transgress with her, whether physical or psychological, or will be subject to a monetary, right?"

Sophia came out while massaging her scalp, it was the first time she had a trial like this, her friend ran to her saying:

"Did you win the case, Sophia?"

"Yes, quite easily, I want a cold lemonade and a chocolate brownie."

Three men have gone out, accompanied by the fourth who is Juan

"You will pay for your insult, lawyer!" Alejandro Salvatore is the eldest of his siblings

"I am waiting impatiently, Mr. Alejandro."

"You have great confidence, but it will shatter and you will find yourself at our feet." Cesare Salvatore, the second son of the family, similar to his older brother Alejandro.

"Come on, Mister Cesar, stop threatening me and your brother."

She laughed sarcastically then left with her friend, but before that she added:

"I didn't wear this dress in vain, understand? And i'm with the truth and justice, not your bullshit and threats! Thank you now because when you have a sister you understand the meaning of rape and the meaning of your sister's loss of her most precious honour."

She left amid their looks, she doesn't care that much, because she tries as much as possible to go through life for justice, she got on her motorcycle and left for her house, feeling tired and at the same time feeling happy.

"The Salvatores are really crazy! Starting with their brother Alejandro and that rapist Juan, four brothers are idiots. How did your mother bear you?! I know very well that she died from them."

She went into the kitchen to make some tea to relax, and sat on the sofa looking at the TV screen, waiting for any information about today's trial.

"They're good at hiding things!"

She turned off the TV and took her steps into the classical music box, took among the regularly lined discs, loves this kind of music simply because she considers the only memory of her parents, seeing them dance romantically and love flowing from both,

let out a deep sigh and added:

"I wish I could find someone who loves me, dances me to those soft melodies"


Alejandro slapped his foolish brother Juan, who exclaimed in exasperation:

"Why did you do this to me?!"

The other clenched his fists and said sharply and with great anger:

"You put our whole name to the ground, you idiot!"

Juan rolled his eyes with a mockery that was evident on his face. Another brother, who was less than Alejandro, called Cesar, came forward and said:

"Right Juan, you did all of this on a lust, it's good that the media didn't know about this scandal!"

"But I'm getting married, don't worry, that's how I'll embrace that scandal."

Alberto rubbing his forehead:

"Yes, you will get married, and when all this is done, remember, well, that you are prohibited from getting all the money or even going out until these procedures are completed, understand?"

Juan released a sarcastic laugh and then went upstairs to his room. Alejandro sat on the sofa, breathing violently, and there was fear in his heart, but what? he do not know.

"We have to find a solution to that damned lawyer!"

Alejandro's words came out threatening, Alberto murmured understandingly

"she provoked me with her words and that confidence!"

"I think shutting her up is better for everyone"

Caesar gave him a sideways look, and smiled sarcastically:

"You should take care of Juan and his marriage first, then think of that lawyer."