
Chapter 2: Awakening & The East Kingdom (1)

Inside a wooden mansion, a boy with white hair and golden eyes could be seen repeatedly hitting a wooden dummy.


The boy threw a punch one last time with full strength, and as his fist flew the wind churned. The boy drove his fist into the center of the dummy and with a BANG! The dummy broke apart into lots of tiny pieces.

He backed away and wiped the sweat off of his forehead, he then bowed to the remains of the dummy and said.

"Farewell Mid Qi Refinement Dummy, it seems that you are no longer my opponent. I hope you enjoy yourself in dummy heaven and meet lots of Mid Qi Refinement dummy girls."

He used his robe which had the name 'Feng Yanlu' embroidered onto it, to wipe his sweat.

The boy then sighed, he turned around only to see the old man in white robes who was standing behind him. The boy did numerous backflips backward and landed on his feet, 10 feet away.

"Father! You can't just sneak up on me like that! You scared me!"

The old man in white, who is obviously Senior White, the strongest expert in Feng Lan. Smiled at the boy's remark, then he started laughing as he smiled again and looked at the boy.

"Yan'er, you can't blame father, okay? It's hard to not sneak when you live dangerously for a long time."

Senior White said with a warm and kind tone.

"Oh, okay!"

Yanlu replied innocently, he actually didn't mind that his father was like that. He had accepted it a long time ago when he learned about the world from his father.

Then Senior White suddenly thought of something, and with a smile on his face he said;

"Yan'er, do you want to go to the East Kingdom today? We're going to meet one of my good friends."

When he said this he saw Yanlu's tail actually wagging as if he was an excited little puppy! Yanlu's eyes were staring directly into Senior Whites, with an innocent but fiery gaze as he asked;

"Is there gonna be food?! You told me once that there's lots of delicious food outside, and I wanna try it all!"

Yanlu said with an excited voice.

'What a pure and innocent boy. The only thing wrong is that he's a glutton and all he thinks about is eating! But that's okay since I'll let him eat whatever he wants, because in this world there is nothing I won't do for him.' Senior White thought.

Senior White smiled and replied;

"Yes, the friend we're going to meet is actually very rich, so he should have lots of good food for you to eat. But first go take a bath, you can't be smelly when we go out to visit people."

Yanlu was extremely happy about this and immediately agreed, and sprinted for his room to get a fresh set of robes and then for the bath.

'It should be good for him to experience a bit of unpleasant things, such as toxic and bitter nobles. He must understand that he can never be that way, in fact I want him to despise that way of life with all his heart.'

Senior White thought as he looked down the hallway, Yanlu ran down. Then he looked back down towards the broken dummy.

"His strength will be monstrous if I teach him how to cultivate, he still has not an ounce of Spirit Qi in his body. Yet he has the strength to immediately destroy a Mid Qi Refinement, Body Cultivator. How terrifying, I can understand why the heavens would want to destroy him, but I still don't agree."

A cold glint flashed through his eyes as he said this.

"Even if they try to destroy him again, I will fight them off every time. Even if it costs me my life."

An hour later Yanlu was done bathing and was currently in his room waiting for his Father to call him to leave.

He sat down on his bed and meditated, he was not cultivating since he did not have a cultivation technique. Albeit he was absorbing Spirit Qi, just not for his body.


[The system has been fully charged, to thank the Host for assisting the process the has been given a freebie to ask the system to do any one thing. As long as it does not break the system's rules that have been set.]

'Wow! What should I use it on though? Hmmmmmm, I'm gonna wait first, maybe there's something I wanna use it for in the future.'

Yanlu thought.


For some reason he was feeling extremely tired and just as he was about to sleep for a bit, Senior White called him.

"Time to go Yan'er!"

Yanlu reluctantly got up from his bed and slid his sandals on, he walked out to the main room. Rubbing his eyes as he had become tired, of course his actions were noticed by his Father.

"Are you tired, Yan'er? You can sleep while we fly there if you want."

Senior White said, only to get no response.

However, Yanlu climbed up his back and wrapped his tail around him and went to sleep.

"Well, It seems that you were tired after all."

Senior White said as he went into thought.

'It still intrigues me how you can do these things at your age, I would assume you'd be too embarrassed to accept a piggyback ride from me.'

Looking off into the distance, he started to slowly fly, normally it would only take a few minutes to get there. But he wanted Yanlu to be fully rested so it took about six hours.

And soon enough, they arrived at the East Kingdom.