
: Teacher get!

Last time on The Saiyan immortal, we learned Aden and Elena had originally been fleeing from members of the Death's way sect with their grandfather who stayed to buy them time to flee, we then watched him as he took on the cultists managing to kill 2 out of the 3 and we spectated as he believed he would lose his grand kids only to be shown a very peculiar scene instead.

After the kids were done eating, our runt finally couldn't keep his curiosity reigned in anymore. His need for answers had been consuming him for the last 2 months he spent on this planet.

"Do you mind if I ask my questions now?" asked Cade curiosity showing on his face.

"Sure go ahead! We owe you our lives so feel free to ask us anything!" said Aden enthusiastically.

Aden was struck with awe at remembering Cade's Fight with the wolves. He hadn't been able to hold off the wolves. He knew they were going to die. He had known he was going to fail to protect his sister but had stood his ground through the fear that could of paralyzed him. He had wanted to protect her with his life on the line. But then Cade appeared virtually slaughtering those wolves like it was a normal thing for a kid his age to do. He unfortunately didn't have the strength to protect her then but swore to himself that he would never be helpless like that again. A look resolve grew in his eyes at that moment. He envied Cade's strength and wanted to rival him in the future. This envy was not jealousy as he knew from Cade's story that kind of strength had to be earned.

What Aden didn't know is that when Cade was in the tree observing them initially. He had believed Aden knew how to fight. When he was proven wrong his opinion of Aden didn't lessen. It had risen massively! Any kid that can show that kind of courage in a desperate situation like that would surely grow to be a fine warrior. Cade admired that kind of courage it made him want to know Aden. It made him look forward to fighting him in the future even if it was just sparing.

"Why were you running in the forest alone at night? " Aden asked as it was his most current question.

Hmm hmmm hmmm said an old man trying to call attention to himself exiting the forest. This caused our Runt to immediately put up his guard until he heard the sibling yell out.

"GRANDPA!" the siblings yelled out with tears in their eyes. They were about to jump on him to hug him when they noticed all his wounds.

"Are you alright grandpa? How did you get away? Are we safe? Are they coming?" the siblings fired question after question at their grandpa with worry filling their eyes.

"I'll be alright after I recover some Chi and use some herbs to heal myself properly but for now i am stable." Alexander said while examining the worry on their faces. He had hidden his damaged soul and the corpse poison that was being contained by the remainder of his Chi. He didn't want to worry them anymore after their ordeal.

"I had to fight those three Death's way cultists in deadly combat. I killed 2 of them with great effort but one got away. So we shouldn't stay in the area too long. We should leave in the morning." Alexander stated. He then looked at Cade taking in the odd sight of a kid with a tail, heterochromic eyes and wild looking natural spiky hair. He then whispered to them and asked them questions wanting to test their reactions "Who is he? How do you know you can trust him? How would you know if he meant you harm?"

"He saved us from a group of 4 wolves that were hunting us! He didn't ask for anything before hand and only wanted us to answer some questions he had as his only reward. He didn't display any signs of ill intent in his gaze or actions. If anything his curiosity is almost palpable. We feel he didn't tell us the whole truth but he didn't look to be accustomed to lying." whispered the siblings to their grandpa.

"Good you remembered your lessons on body language. I still remember when we lived in Kingston how many people tried to put on false fronts in the hopes of obtaining something or harming me. All those POLITICKS(politicians) and fake people had some nerve. You seem to have found someone that doesn't seek you out purely for benefits. A kid your own age who fought to save others in a situation where most would of run. These are the types of people you can trust. You should feel lucky if you had a friend like him." whispered the old man happy his grand kids could recognize the lack of ill intent.

"How do you know all this grandpa?" they asked with surprised expressions.

"I have been observing you all as I was rushing here and stayed hidden afterwards to try to figure out this kid." stated the old man.

"Nice to meet you my name is Alexander their grandfather. It would appear I owe you a debt for saving them." he said while bowing slightly.

"I don't really want anything for it. I saw kids my age being attacked. I could do something about it and so did. You don't really owe me anything. I chose to do it." Cade said with no deceit in his words.

"I must insist! You must be repaid they are my everything!" stated Alexander with emotion in his voice. He wanted to test him one more time.

" I really don't want anything but I do have some questions you could possibly answer. You see I don't really remember much past the last 2-3 months. I basically remember nothing about this world and was just about to start asking questions to Aden to try to fill the gaps. Maybe you could help me out by answering. If you feel like it still isn't enough give me some tasty food and we'll call it even." said our runt. As soon as he thought of food, his mind drifted to that boar and he started drooling. Yep the Foody label was getting dangerously close to being attached to him permanently.

"He still didn't seek an advantage even after I said they were my everything. Good this is the type of person I want my grand kids associating with. Someone who looks out for others, seeks strength and isn't consumed by greed. He still seems to be hiding something but I can tell it isn't out of ill will. Bah who doesn't have a secret or 2! He just met us. Trust has to be earned and works both ways. I'm sure he'll tell us when he can. That's it I'll have him stay with us for the time being in Kingston. He'll likely make a great rival and friend for them." thought Alexander with relief and expectation in his eyes. He had long wanted his grand kids to have true friends but his station as governor only seemed to attract the kids of flies and parasites to them. He had decided to start teaching them martial arts as he was rushing over. He had admonished himself so many times on the way thinking that he should of started their basic education in martial art and given them some understanding of Ki to use as a trump card. Consequences be damned, in a life or death situation, who cared if it impacted your future achievements.

"I can surely answer some questions but let me ask you one myself first. Would you like to come live with us for the time being? I imagine you don't know if you have a home or where it is. I'll admit I am asking this with some self interest. As I would like you to train with my grand kids. To be their friend and rival. I was always hoping they would find true friends but my station as governor had always attracted the worst people to them. I tested you just now and you passed with flying colours. So do you want to come and live with us to train and learn about this world? " Questioned Alexander.

" WHAT! That came out of nowhere. I know nothing of this world, from its terrain, powelevels, Chi, people, or factions. The one question that's even more pressing is: how do they feel about people from other worlds? If they fear them then I'll never be able to tell the truth. This offer is obviously my best choice going forward. Plus learning martial arts with a rival would be so much easier. Aden did show courage in the face of death earlier so he should grow strong. Why am i even thinking about this? ACCEPT !ACCEPT the offer QUICKLY!" Cade thought the offer through.

"I would be honoured to live with you guys from now on."Cade said with enthusiasm.The siblings had wandered close by as he said this.

"Cade is coming to live with us? Sweet we finally get to have fun! No more playing with those fake guys that are always asking for something." replied Elena visibly happy at the situation. She started hopping about.

"He isn't only coming to live with us. I am going to train you all in martial arts. This situation was a wake up call. I was too worried about making you happy that I forgot to make you safe." stated Alexander.

"Yes! Ever since, I saw you fight I have wanted to become stronger. Now Cade you'll be my rival! Let's work hard!" replied Aden with optimism and a glint of resolve in his eyes.

"A rival huh? You better try to keep up!" Cade said enthusiastically a grin appearing of his face.

They then kept eating and rested for the night knowing a long trek to Kingston would begin the following morning.