
: First transformation

Last time on The Saiyan immortal, our runt was chased by a wolf, got lucky against a wildcat in a desperate situation, decided to focus more on his Ki training, and was ambushed by a very powerful komodo dragon.


Our runt's gaze was fixed at the moon. He seemed to have entered a trance. Then our Saiyan started pulsing.. .TH- THUMP, TH- THUMP, TH THUMP , His body started filling with hair until he looked like a monkey.

Aaaaaaa!Arrrgg! Feeling pain he instinctual screamed out as he started to grow in height and morph into a giant ape that reached a height of 15 meters(50 feet). He then started thrashing around trying to kill anything that was nearby.

He successfully killed the lizard by blasting it with his breath beam. He then started a trail of destruction throughout the forest. It must be known most Saiyans can't control their instincts in this form and are reduced to mindless apes. The great ape transformation roughly multiplies a Saiyans power level by 10. His power was now 2750BP. There does exist a training method used by the mid and upper class to learn to control it. Unfortunately for our young Saiyan, he descends from the lower class and thus this was not in the learning material in the pod.

RAAAAAAH! So our protagonist raged in the jungle until morning fighting completely out of instinct most beast would not approach this Ape as it truly seemed to be fiercer than they were. Unfortunately a giant 20 meter long python decided it didn't fear him. A deadly battle begun with the snake being a lot more agile then it would seem. The beast was obviously intelligent. It would dodge his rabid strikes with ease by slipping between his legs sticking to him closely or switching hows it body was positioned causing it to move like a spring. It had bit him in the thigh and arm at this point. The ape was further infuriated.

"Ha foolish beast you think you can do whatever you want in my territory! I own this land. I have fought all my life in this jungle. I conquered it one beast clan at a time. Its bad enough the red dragon's cronies came to steal something this month in MY FOREST! You think I'll let you destroy everything I've worked for in your rampage. You belligerent mindless ape." Roared the great python.

"now that I think about it he kinda smells like that weird looking comet. Maybe he has something which can make me transcend my current form. Even better a chance to take the win from the overgrown lizard in the south. All the more reason to kill it quick before its cronies find out about it" thought the snake.

The snake kept trying to injure the ape but it seemed the great ape's instincts had finally started to catch up to its rage. Now its rampage was focused solely on the snake. Always waiting for it to try something before retaliating. No more random punches were seen from then on.

As the snake tried to hide in the thick tree cover to launch a sneak attack our ape saw through its plan.

RAAAAGH BOOOOM. A breath beam was fired to clear out the tree cover. Incidentally it started a great blaze in the forest.

"Nooo my domain!!!!! "the snake roared become infuriated to no end. It started to loose it's mind from the rage. All that was left is the desire to kill this ape.

As it furiously try to jump at his throat the ape caught it in its grip. A devious look in its eyes it was trying to bring the snake's throat to it mouth. The snake regaining it's sense started coiling around the ape and started trying to strangle him. While the ape was trying to bite through it's neck.

The struggle was going the snake's way. Then the ape decided it was going to die if it kept going so it fired a breath beam at an insane close range. Which resulted in the snake's neck being heavily wounded causing it to release it grip and trip to flee. Our ape suffered a great wounds from the strangle coil and the explosion of Ki from the blast gave it a massive concussion. It was dizzy. Its vision blurry. But still it saw the snake escape. It decided to get as far away from the forest as it could.

An hour later and roughly 25 kilometers of limping away, the moon gave way to the sun and our ape slowly turned back into our runt. Our runt fell unconscious into a cave off a cliff near a river. He woke up 5 days later with a massive headache and pain everywhere. He then spent the next few days nursing his wounds. Once his wounds were healed he felt much stronger. He wondered what happened to him. Then he remembered the moon being full.

"oh I must of turned into a great ape. I though a great ape had good battle instincts. How the hell did I get this beat up? What did I fight to cause all those wounds? If it could fight the ape that means it was over 2750 BP! God I wish I knew how to control that form. It'd be useful as a trump card. OK enough thinking about it I'm hungry." Cade thought of all that must of happened last night but decided it was irrelevant as he couldn't get any information about it and so exited the cave and found a shallow river looking into it he could see fish. So he decided to try to catch a few to replenish himself.

"Dammit my scouter I knew I was forgetting something. It must still be in that forest. What ever cause my wounds most likely lives there and already has my scent. I can't go back for it now! I guess I'll have to try sensing Ki in others and learn to gauge their level myself." thought our protagonist

He spent the next few days practising everything he learned about Ki in that forest. He practised making it flow within himself, reinforcement and Ki blasts. He then spent most of a day staring at fish trying to feel their energy.

"This isn't working because I know where they are to begin with. I need to try sensing them with my eyes closed without relying on my senses." Thought our Runt.

After a few days of living blindfolded and training to sense them he thought he had felt them. The Ki was incredibly weak as expected from river fish. He then spent the following days trying to hone that new sense which he simply called Ki sense. He tried spear fishing relying on this sense. It took him a few hours to catch the first one he then continued gradually improving his capability. Until a week later he was capable of great accuracy and so ended the beginning of Ki sense he would now need to be able to gauge levels which isn't something to train with fish with a power level of 10 max. He had also tried to see how far he could expand his Ki sense. His current maximum was 2 kilometers. He removed his blindfold and started trying to use Ki. He noticed that he could now visibly see his Ki and feel it at the same time. He tried forming a Ki blast. He then noticed all the Ki he had been wasting that just radiated away from his sphere and when launched some of it seemed to be dragged off and dissipate. He spent hours thinking of how he might prevent the loss.

"AHA this is it! Try to create a vortex out of the Ki to collect it together while compressing it all the while controlling your output of Ki." Said Cade while laughing and screaming yes I did it over and over.

For the next hour, he practised his improved Ki blasts. He now could use 30 of them versus his original 3 when he had a 275 BP. These improved Ki blasts were much more powerful even when even the same amount of energy to form them. His Ki usage was up to a consistent 45% efficiently currently which was a huge leap from such a small ability like Ki sense. If he had to guess he may of had 10 % efficiency before on a good day. He wondered how high his current BP was knowing he had fought the Komodo dragon for an hour in a do or die fight before he transformed. He then looked inwards and tried to feel how much Ki was in his body. He decided after evaluating it's quantity and his general amount of strength that he should be close to 350BP. This was a huge leap but not an impossible one as he had fought to the death against a much stronger opponent, had many injuries and recuperated.

He then decided to leave the cave and try to find people and figure out what kind of world this was. So began his journey into a slightly wider world. He left the cave full of curiosity and a deep want to find a rival to try himself against. So he left thinking that the forest might of been a one off kind of place where all the strong gather. Unfortunately our protagonist doesn't know how much of a frog in a well he truly is.