
The Saiyan Emperor ( Reborn in Dragon ball)

Dragon ball fan is Reincarnated as a Saiyan So get this some random Jo is just enjoying his day and stuff then boom dead deadified and he meets this guy called soul guide who he asks reincarnate him to dragon ball and imagine the dudes luck when he is reborn as a Saiyan with great potential . Just so you know I am just trying to make the best story I can and I would like you to give whatever constructive criticism you can so I can best improve and stuff .Also Mc might not be the smartest but ill try to not make him an idiot but hell have his moment he's only saiyan after all Also I hope you enjoy the story bye Disclaimer(2): I do not claim ownership of terms, characters, powers, and material in general besides my own. All rights reserved to their respective owners

Ranks_Blex_2955 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 8 welcome to the North

Hello violent gang room for one more

It took 12 hours for Arrot to reach North Taccoon an extremely cold environment covered in snow from the top of the tallest tree to the bottom of every rock and pond it only took a few minutes for Arrots body to adapt it was one of the times he was happy to be a Saiyan.

He flew around for some time until he began to pick up Taccoon life forms and a large gatherings of them he took the chance to lower his power level just to be careful he lowered him self to the ground atop a Cliff that allowed him to odserve the village it was much more different than the east Taccoon village as the buildings were made to handle the cold environment and it seemed to have more decorations of bones than the previous village it was more savage.

Looking down on the village Arrot began to scan the area for the highest power level he it didn't take long to single out the strongest Taccoon in a large wooden building with two large tasks at the door and on each side were two large male Taccoon warriors .

Arrot looked at the building and noticing multiple Taccoons were inside as if they were discussing Arrot rubbed his chin deep in thought before he was foolish to think he would convince the old Taccoon to simply join him after destroying the village but at the time he never thought about it much since he had originally wanted to test out his great ape transformation and thanks to that he now has full control of it and learned Ikari mode which was a massive benefit and could transform into an Ozaruu without the full moon.

Buy this time he had to find a way to take control of the village this time rather than just destroying, it if he could do this then he would not only have his first foothold on the planet but it will Mark his first ever conquest but how would he do it was what he asked himself, at first he asked Rin to show him the most barbaric of the Taccoons and that lead him north on the way Rin gave him all the information about Thier culture and thankfully they had a custom for deciding conflicts that they sheared with all other Taccoons it was a dule of dominance it is when the Taccoons have a battle royal for who can become the Taccon chief of sorts and anyone could challenge for chief so long as they meet the strength requirements fortunately he meet them but the chiefs rulling term must have before for the battle royal to begin but if the chife were to be meat with an accident then there would be a reason to have the royal.

But how to deal with the leader? Arrot was lost in thought until there was a realization He should have thought of it after defeating the old Taccoon there must have been some survivers of the village but that doesn't matter right now he would either have to come to an agreement with the current Taccoon chief or find a way to secretly kill him so the position can be up for grabs.

Arrot finally decided to ask Rin her opinion 'Hey Rin what do you suggest I do? after some time Rin finally spoke "Host could simply attempt to make a private deal with the Taccon chief for his position but if this doesn't work kill him .

Arrot thought about it for some time until he finally accepted the idea he then continued to watch the village carefully.

(inside the Taccon chief meeting room)

In a large room decorated with furs and bones set five Taccoons on a large wooden table at the head was a large individual with brown fur and black eyes he had a scar from his left eye to his chest he grabbed a large wooden cup and in a breath swallowed the liquid inside

he took a breath then looked at the Taccoons that were looking downwards shamefully as if being punished by a parent or teacher after some time he spoke with a deep gruff voice

"So what your telling me is that East Was completely wiped out and nobody knows what caused it? the Taccoons nodded to confirm what he said to be true he then continued " So what your telling me is that the old Taccoon of the East was killed correct? they once again nodded Thier heads

The large Taccoon looked inside his large wooden cup until tears began to drop from his eyes like a waterfall the rest of the Taccoons struggled not to look as they each held back what they had to say this was the smartest thing for them to do since if they said a word at this moment they would most certainly die

they all knew this so they were silent until one of them spoke up.

" E-excuse me Chief Greyback but why are you crying were our plans not to invade East And annex the Eastern village increasing our land and power with the old Taccoon of the East gone and the inhabit that might fight us gone we can just send settlers and...


In the blink of an eye the Taccoons Head was flying of his shoulders and landed on the table

the other Taccoons never blinked but only inwardly thanked Thier luck it wasn't them

the large Taccoon stood from his seat with a hateful glare and dry tears followed by the others and with a gruff voice he commanded them to leave quickly and quietly they all left the house.

Now alone the large Taccoon looked outside the window and frowned whilst looking at the frost bitten sky the sun was setting he always loved the sunset it reminded him of his time training with the old Taccoon before the war he had always hoped to defeat the old man and nock some pride out of him but he never could and he never will even tho his death came with opportunity there was still the question of who killed him or rather what could have been able to kill him suddenly as if on instinct Greyback turned his entire body and throwing a punch that held nearly half his strength of it made contact with a much smaller fist one the size of a child Greyback widend his eyes in shock as he took a good look at the intruder it looked young nomatter what specie's it was it looked like a child but for it to hold this much power was just beyond insane.

It had the body of an ape with no fur besides on its head which was long and spiky it wore strange armor and had an apes tail.

It finally spoke in the Taccoon language to Greybacks surprise

Greetings chief of the North Taccoons I am Arrot and I have come here to make a proposal a sort of deal ,Greyback's eyes were wide in shock as he never expected the strange creature to speak his language but it wanted some sort of deal he decided to listen to it before anymore action.

With a gruff voice Greyback spoke whilst Crossing his arms " well what sort of deal do you want hmmm?

" Well chief I know of you and your ambition I know of your plans to take control of all the Taccon villages and what I propose is simple I bend the knee to me and serve me and I will make you king of all Taccoons so what do you say?

Greybacks frowned at Arrot's words as he was a proud warrior and to be told by a child to kneel was disgraceful he looked down at Arrot as he smerked

" Tell me this Arrot what makes you think I will simply bow to you a child hmmm? Arrot smiled and spoke " because this child is the most powerful being on this planet and I have great ambition despite my size if you were to bow to me I could help you and your warriors become stronger"

Greyback laughed at Arrot's words of being the strongest " What makes you think you are the strongest ? huh tell me little one what makes you so strong? Arrot frowned and after a while spoke " how about this then the two of us fight one on one and if I win you kneel before me and if you win not only will I fight for you but I will also tell you about what destroyed East Taccoon.

Greyback's eyes widend "how do you know about that ?he asked an edge in his voice

"Defeat me if you want to know" Greyback growled " fine we will fight in a week once the preparations are set and the Villager's are informed.

Arrot grinned " no we will fight right here right now you got that Greyback growled " now you listen here there is no way his sentence was cut short as In the blink of an eye Greyback was sent flying and crashed out of the large Taccoon Hall and into the Village were many villagers were gathering to see what had happened.

Arrot Walk out the crack in the wall and grinned it doesn't matter were or how they fight so long as there is a crowd to witness it the Taccon warrior Mrs began to run to the aide of Thier chief where Greyback stood up strong raising his hand at them his large figure intimidating

WAIT! he bellowed loud enough for each member of the crowd to hear then there was silence as he continued " this is Arrot he will be challenging me for control of the North if he wins we bend the knee and I have accepted his challenge.

There were some murmers in the crowd as they silently discussed what they were hearing before Greyback spoke again We will be fighting immediately and may the best warrior win. the crowd was shocked as they were witnessing a different type of Chief battle between a Powerful Taccoon and a strange creature..

Greyback's attitude towards Arrot had changed as he never expected him to be this strong. Greyback walked towards Arrot as Arrot did the same know they were a meter apart and the scene was almost comical with the size difference between the two with Arrot only reaching Greyback's knee

Greyback looked down to Arrot and grinned "so little one shall we begin?

[ Hello there Author how are you I'm sort of fine been having trouble getting myself to write stories wierd right anyway hope you enjoyed]

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