
The Saiyan Emperor ( Reborn in Dragon ball)

Dragon ball fan is Reincarnated as a Saiyan So get this some random Jo is just enjoying his day and stuff then boom dead deadified and he meets this guy called soul guide who he asks reincarnate him to dragon ball and imagine the dudes luck when he is reborn as a Saiyan with great potential . Just so you know I am just trying to make the best story I can and I would like you to give whatever constructive criticism you can so I can best improve and stuff .Also Mc might not be the smartest but ill try to not make him an idiot but hell have his moment he's only saiyan after all Also I hope you enjoy the story bye Disclaimer(2): I do not claim ownership of terms, characters, powers, and material in general besides my own. All rights reserved to their respective owners

Ranks_Blex_2955 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 26 : Meetings and a Starting point

I finished my meal and headed down to my magical testing Room

It was as one would expect in a magical testing room

The potions of different colours bubbled in the flasks the cauldron bubbled with a green substance that seemed to hold something that was so clearly alive inside

There were many shelves of magical notes and artefacts and tools that I had been working on many of them unfinished, I had started coming here to test out the magic I had learned.

I had mostly spent my time down here experimenting with my magic and might I say Magic is amazing

Right now I was watching in awe as I was transmuting a stone to different types of metals from copper to steal then bronze to gold, but that wasn't all no not at all I also found a way to turn a living organism into a piece of furniture when I turned a frog-like a creature into a little ornament and the funny thing is they are still alive when this happens to them and they have no need for food or drink but seem to be consoles of what is happening to them, but in terms of how long it lasts I have found that if I do not set a specific time it will just undo itself at random Whether it's seconds, minutes, hours or even weeks later it will undo itself at random unless I set the time

I had been testing out my magic for some time now and not just in spells but potions as well I have found that for almost all the spells I have I can make a potion of a similar spell I began making potions that do all sorts of interesting things like my spell.

The first is a potion that can restore lost energy I plan to use this with the soldiers and possibly sell it to workers to increase production and work but first ill need the scientists to recreate this

the second was a potion that could immobilize the body of those who drank it it was useful for criminals as well as for patients since it didn't cause any pain to the consumer.

There were others but enough potions what I was proud of was the new breed of Saibermen I made, of course, they are still in the incubation process but they show great promise they are already stronger than the normal Saibermen and they are much taller than they look more like Nameckiens when they are complete I had sent some copies to the Serpa scientists to run tests on them and mass produce them as they will serve as soldiers.

Speaking of the council I got a call from Bean reminding me of the meeting I have with them I used a new spell of mine to teleport myself to my room and Get dressed I was in an elegant red and white robe similar to those of Roman Emperors I also whore some jewellery with the Saiyan symbol, once I thought I looked elegant enough I teleported myself to my office at the Council building inside where Toma and Bean unfazed by my sudden appearance since I had done it to many times they where the only two who knew of it well Rin doesn't count. Bean was the first to speak to me when I arrived.

Lord Arrot there you are at last the vessel planets representatives, senators and councillors are waiting inside I hope you have your speech memorized

I walked into the meeting room and was greeted by representatives from all the six planets under my rule there was Ronlo from planet Tacco the Soya, Bonitian, Medcinian, Serpa, and Donca leader as well. They stood from their seats as I entered.

I set at the head of the table in a floating chair similar to the one Frieza would use I found them comfortable I might even start moving around like so a lot more, but for now, there are more important matters at hand. I was the first to begin talking.

"Representatives of the current six worlds, Welcome to New Sadala I'm sure the planet has been to your liking hmm".

Of course my lord, they all replied in unison I could hear a slight bit of fear in some of them I welcomed it.

"Very good now shall we begin, firstly lady Lonla how have the Serpa scientist done in the development of the new Saibermen soldiers I sent to you hmm?

The Serpa was the best biological scientists I currently had and according to what Rin has found out they are the second-best in the Universe and top in the West Galaxy which was quite fortunate but they had never used the knowledge in warfare as it was looked down upon in their culture and for me to ask them to make living weapons was something they were reluctant to do but they had no choice in the matter it was either they do as I say or they go extinct and they choose wisely.

The current Serpa leader was a female by the name of lonla she was from a powerful family that had first submitted when I made contact with them after Umpki had accidentally gone berserk with them. She had the classic traits of her species with green skin like scales the upper body of a woman and the lower body of a serpent she wore a suit that did well to show her feminine features, my how the weebs would draw over her.


"My lord! I am pleased to announce that our Serpa scientists have found a way to speed up the incubation process of the new Saibermen and we have been able to reduce it to three years to the previous ten

"hmmm this is good work, but cant you reduce the time it takes a bit more?

'W-We have tried my Lord b-but...

She paused whilst talking

"But what?"

We have found that even tho we could release them in less than a week from production they have proven to be mentally unstable and even tho the original Saibermen were almost mindless they would never attack the one that spawned them but these they tend to not follow orders and attack with no warning, many of our labs where destroyed in the testing and we lost many bright scientists and unfortunate civilians.

She seemed to be holding back some tears when she said this.

Hmmm "truly sad news about the dead hopefully compensation has been sent to their families

"Y-yes my lord"

"good so it seems it's best to wait the three years for the Saibermen to incubate hmm well quality over quantity I suppose, How many will you be able to produce in the next three years?

"We will be able to produce just over 9000, my lord"

"Ohh I see very good then make sure that nothing goes without a hitch, and to help you I will increase the funding by 10% to help things move smoothly.

She gave a slight bow of gratitude with a professional face and set back down on her seat.

I then turned to the leader of the Donca they were a donkey-like people with the features of a donkey even as they stood up straight but instead of front hooves, they had three large fingers oh the power of thumbs.

"So Boxer how to have the mining operations I asked him softly although he seemed to go stiff after I called to him.

He stood tall with his elegant robes and he tried to pull a smile to ease his nerves revealing his gold tooth among his donkey-like teeth. His fear is expected his planet was the one Abb visited and did they have it the worst since he set half the planet on fire it was so bad that half of planet Donca is inhabitable the once lush green fields of the planet are now a volcanic waste lad it was impressive he could cause that much damage at the power level he had at the time but he was his great Ape when he did it so oh well.

Although this traumatized many of the Donca since their planet was ruined we could not give up on it since it was rich in minerals that offer a high price on the galactic market and the Donca happen to be skilled at refining them although not the best the Soya assist by helping with turning them into fine materials to sell like the jewellery I am wearing right now we had been able to establish a proper trade system among ourselves and we were planning on making it big as the greatest trading power in the West galaxy, fortunately, trade was where the Donca people truly shined because I was going to mine their planet dry I decided to offer them a new and better world now all that's left is to find it.

Boxer finally began to talk as I was lost in thought thankfully he was skilled enough to not stutter he was a skilled orator and experienced with dealing with many different creatures.

Lord Arrot I am proud to announce that our plans to expand our trade throughout the west Galaxy are something we believe will achieve in the next 10 years.

"10 years? I had suddenly interrupted him and his face that seemed calm began to sweat nervously again.

Did you say 10 years why is that?

Y-yes my l-lord I I I was just getting to that

Well then continue

"Of course, we believe that since we are a fairly new power it will be much more difficult to spread our influence as quickly as we would like but due to the few connections, we have made in the past with other races in the West galaxy we can slowly build a reputation with them.

As Boxer was talking the Soya representative Danro spoke up interrupting him.

My lord, what sir Boxer says is understandable, but what if we plan to expand our territory in the west Galaxy?

I grinned at his little display, but he realized a mistake in his actions as soon as he looked at me and set back down.

"Lord Danro I said softly it seems like you are missing the bigger picture here and I am sure a man of your intelligence should be able to see why establishing strong trade and gaining access to resources is good for an empire is important for the growth of an Empire.

He seemed to have started to sweat beads as if he made the worst mistake of his life speaking out of turn is especially rude behaviour in such a formal setting. Before he could speak I continued.

You are correct in assuming that I would like to expand control through the West galaxy but we must remember that we need resources and a lasting source of that as well and what we can learn from many empires from the past is how they grew through the control of trade, How this is done they vary

For example, some choose to destroy many other trading powers or trade it does not control this is a popular method that even the Frieza force uses now since they are the centre of planetary trade but they have little influence in the west galaxy which is why I plan to start by solidifying trading power and invading and eliminating rivals or having them join us this is something we can easily do.

M-my lord I am sure that you are correct but what if they refuse to trade with us

"As I said before we eliminate all rivals and be their only option for trade after all many planets will lack the resources that we have taken.

"Y-yes my lord of course.

"Good now Boxer continue."

"Yes my lord of course.

We have discovered that there are up to 56 planets in the west galaxy that have not been claimed by intelligent life whilst there are up to 120 that possess intelligent life the thing is they are not united but they do initiate a trade with each other the most powerful of these being the Goner they have a civilization the spans over 10 of the known occupied planets each one richer in resources than the last my lord so we have hoped to make contact with the first and for relations.

"Hmmm good and if they refuse our hand in friendship, they must be dealt with accordingly, very good sir Boxer.

"T-thank you, Lord"

He then continued to explain the current economic situation of the sudo empire and what he suggests Ronlo, Greyback and Lonla had some opinions as well the discussions were long and in the end, I decided that we best take control of the planets that lacked intelligent life starting with those with the most valuable resources, But first the production of powerful and fast ships must be built and we also had to strengthen communications among ourselves first.

Other than that not much else said was worth mentioning and the meeting was over.

I rubbed my temples as I was trying to remember something important but could not. Toma noticed this but stared to stare at me curiously.

"What's going on with you she finally asked.

Bean looked up from his screen once he heard her. and looked at the both of us.

"Oh, nothing much just trying to remember something but can I reassure them both.

Hmm my lord if you want to remember something I can read you your schedule for the day if you would like I'm sure I documented it.

No need Bean what I am trying to remember has nothing to do with affairs of state.

"Oh okay, them" he sounded disappointed.

Once we arrived at my mansion I went straight to my study after going through some documents I finally realized what I had forgotten.

Broly I said to myself I had forgotten about Broly.


Author note: So anyway here is the chapter you are happy if not screw it

anyway same as always Please leave a power stone and a review it won't take long just press that button down there you know the one right there you see it right don't you

anyway have a good one.

should be complete within the next three yea


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