
The Saints - The tree of generations

In a world where the cosmos is born within certain individuals, young people will be taught to master this energy. Within themselves, their personalities develop cosmic creatures that become one with them to protect them.

Gezi_Nascimento · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The High school

It was a dark night, the air was heavy, somehow numbing the senses of anyone walking in that region. No one could tell if everything was really okay; everything seemed distorted as if they were in a completely different world. People walked the streets fearing that something tragic might happen, yet many believed in a happy future; these people sought each day moving forward with their heads held high regardless of what happened.

He was sitting in a black leather chair behind a large desk, sometimes shifting as if bothered by something or feeling some pain. The man rose with difficulty, gasping as he made his way to the bathroom, staggering towards the mirror, leaning on the sink out of breath. As he caught his breath, he smiled while listening to the news on television. "Tomorrow will be the inauguration of the first institute for cosmos-users in the U.S. at Hail Saints. The founder and director of the school, billionaire Hellish Underfell, will cut the big red ribbon." The man resumed walking, and the sound of the television faded as he took a deep breath.

" How long will you hide the truth, Hellish?"

Slowly he walked to the bathroom mirror, his voice tired but his face neutral. As he leaned against the wall, his muscular hand tapered, taking on a more delicate form with a bronze hue spreading across his body like poison. As he pressed his hand against the wall, his fingers penetrated as if it were nothing, leaving exactly round holes in their place.

"They are on the opposite side. We who have protected the world in the shadows for so long... They're just protecting themselves, Hellish" he spoke frustrated and irritated.

In the end, the bronze color took over the man's entire body, and at that moment, another person appeared in the room, dark as it was, but the thin voice caught his attention.

 " Sir? "

The figure emerged from the bathroom, walking towards the voice awaiting his arrival, finally concluding his speech as a blackened aura surrounded his body.

"We should be the ones dictating the laws of the world; their only right is obedience."

He stared at the man as if feeling pity as his aura grew stronger.

The man, who seemed to be a servant, took a deep breath several times, calming himself.

"The plan is underway as you ordered, sir. Is there any further command?"

The man's green eyes sparkled in the darkness as he looked at his servant; it was as if he were someone else, not just in personality but in appearance as well. He moved slowly, finishing adjusting his suit and tightening his tie satisfactorily.

"Tell the others that I'll be out tomorrow, taking a stroll." He smiled extremely pleased as he walked away from the scene. The other man sighed in relief, having concluded the situation smoothly as he organized some things.

United States, Chicago, Illinois 8:00 AM - February 7, 2025

At first glance, Hail Saints seemed small, a small wall of red bricks and a high sliding gate, with a small sign on the right saying "Institute for Cosmos-Users Hail Saints." However, the place was much larger than it seemed; there were two separate structures, with a field between them making each location appear as a 'U' facing each other. Each had two floors containing several classrooms all equipped with the best, along with dormitory wings for anyone wishing to reside in the institute. In the back was the cafeteria and alongside it in another spacious area, a small garden.

There were many students in the institute's entrance hall that day, a blonde woman with slightly wavy hair welcomed them all, handing them a small tablet.

"Good morning, dear students, my name is Kate, and I will give you some announcements today. I assume you all received the Tablets." She paused briefly. 

"In addition to your profiles containing all the information, there is also an area that can serve as a map showing the areas of the institute, such as the cafeteria, classrooms, and everything you may need around here. Everyone must fill out the registration form before entering." Again, she paused briefly; the young woman was pleasant-voiced, yet no one dared to speak up.

"It is strictly forbidden to use cosmos-energy without the accompaniment of a teacher. The study program will last for three years, focusing on teaching you about the control of your cosmos; you will be instructed on cosmic ethics, and when it comes to an end, you will receive an identification approving you to live in society." She took a deep breath and glanced at some of the young people and adults present, becoming slightly somber.

"However, if caught using these abilities outside of school, you will be judged and subject to the death penalty depending on the offense. Anyway, gentlemen, once you have finished filling out your forms, you may enter. Each student wishing to use the dormitories must specify it on the application. I will be in the office if you need any help, but I believe all relevant information can be found on the device. Good luck to everyone, and good work." She paused for a second as if analyzing some faces there and then left.

There was a great variety in that place, women, children, teenagers; they all possessed this anomaly called cosmos-energy. Soon, some people began to be taken and delivered to the entrance of that place, bound, gagged, all wearing a strange bracelet on their right arm, bearing the symbol of Syringe Corp. These devices prevented the manifestation of cosmos and thus prevented people from injuring themselves in the process. It was a disturbing scene, people forcibly taken to a place where there were children; anything could happen there.

After all the preparations were made, the woman who had informed everyone how things would proceed from there finished handing out belongings to the last ones arriving there. Each had undergone a procedure that was notably standardized. The attendees individually had bracelets on their wrists, which served to prevent uncontrolled cosmos manifestation. The material was quite complex, but from afar, they looked like animals trapped with their collars.

They all headed to the back of the school, where they would hear the pronouncement of the director and project initiator, Hellish Underfell. When the last student arrived, the man placed his glasses on his face as he cleared his throat lightly.

" Is everyone ready? "He smiled at everyone there but looked tired.

" Welcome to Hail Saints School. " at that moment, a powerful wind swept away some caps and hats, making everyone's hair flutter.

" My name is Hellish Underfell; I am the owner and director of this school, as well as the initiator of the initiative to help cosmos-users. Think of me as an old friend. " Despite the distance and the number of people there, he spoke without a microphone, and his voice echoed strongly throughout the environment.

" I want you to know that in the eyes of the world, you are like scum. " he spoke firmly, some weak hearts even trembled. It was not possible to understand what he really wanted to do, frighten? Warn? Nevertheless, the attendees seemed to give a little more importance to the situation there.

" Everywhere in the world, people mock you, saying that it is unlikely that cosmos-users can live in harmony with normal people. All this because you are. " he stopped as he looked at everyone who glanced at each other there. He walked while looking at a young woman there in front; it seemed random, but the fact was that as soon as he touched the bracelet, the object fell

" Different! That's the right word. " He smiled at those present and walked back to where he was.

" You carry something that no one understands, a gift? a curse? In my view, each of you carries dreams, the ability to steer the world in the right direction."

" Even if what brought you here was something bad, a complicated situation, something you couldn't control. But that doesn't make you villains."

"In fact, what you carry is the ability to protect. And we are here to teach you that the will to protect should be greater than the will to harm. To ensure that the final decision is always protection."The man took a deep breath at the end, seeming tired. Perhaps, all this talk had worsened his health.

" Finally, what I want you to do now. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and think about what you want, what you aim for. What is the desirable future for you!"

As everyone focused on what Hellish was saying, a dome began to appear, a bright energy. Every positive thought that joined the sphere increased it. In the distance, people in the city could see it. It was a beautiful sight, a large golden dome passing through the skies. Everyone was impressed; Hellish smiled there and applauded everyone.

" This, my friends, is the cosmos that dwells within each of you."