
The Saintess Wants Marriage!

"What are we fighting for?" Iris was the name of the Underworld's first demon queen. For thousands of years, she reigned over the demons and fought countless wars against the Holy Palace, defending her homeland. No matter how many lives were sacrificed, the war never ended. Tired, she challenged the strongest Paladin to a deathmatch. On that fateful day, she used up all her magic to seal the two of them inside an unbreakable crystal, and cast a spell of eternal rest. When she woke up, she was no longer Iris. She had possessed the body of Serenia Aubellin, the newly elected Saintess. ___ "Have you ever heard of a marriage so grand that the entire world was united?"

illeannne · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Let Me Carry Her

"Someone! Help! Please help! The Saintess has collapsed!!" Layla shouted frantically, gaining the attention of the other healers.

One healer in particular immediately left their assistant to rush towards Serenia. It was the young man who she had advised in the Angor Bear incident.

He carefully looked at Serenia. He had a powerful inkling about what occurred. In fact, he had been worried about this fact from a while back, but Serenia did not seem to be bothered by it.

Mana exhaustion.

He checked for traces of her magical energy. It was dangerously faint inside her body. For someone like Serenia, who managed to perform such exquisite feats just before, a steady, powerful stream of mana should be circulating inside her, but it was depleted to such a point.