
The Saintess Is A Villainess

Reading Purifying Love made Rachelle D'magiba feel very insulted. The ending that the author had written didn't go well with her expectations. Rather, it was one of the shittiest novels that she ever had read. But just because of one mistake, she found herself inside the novel that she had read. She had thought that she had already died but it seems that she went inside the novel! What's even worse is that she reincarnated as the villain of the story! None other than Felicia Vivianne Del Montague who was burned alive. Will she be able to escape and save herself from dying once again? Or will she find truths to uncover from the novel and avoid her death flag? [NOTE: This is an original work made by the author herself. All places, names, and events used in the story are all fiction, created by the author. Copyright infringement under Section 217 of Republic Act 10175, Plagiarism has consequences or penalties for about six years of imprisonment, and a fine of fifty thousand to one hundred fifty thousand pesos or equivalent to one two hundred dollars to three thousand six hundred dollars.]

anin_nyang · Fantasy
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124 Chs


"What's with the sullen face? Smile, Liam. You're meeting a fine lady." Benjamin said, reminding as he opened the carriage door for Liam, reminding him of his facial expression as they were out in the open. 

They had finally arrived where the meeting place was. Yet Liam seems like he doesn't like any of it. He was stone cold, expressionless, and not having the best day. 

Benjamin sighed, Liam has no choice but to obey his father's wishes so he better do well if he doesn't want to get replaced as the heir of the Marquisate. 

"Young Master, if you don't want to get replaced by someone, please, at least act fake towards your chosen betrothed because we've got no other choice but to obey right now," Benjamin whispered in his ear as soon as Liam stepped out of the carriage. 

"Benjamin." He suddenly said, making Benjamin flinch at how cold his voice turned out. "Yes, young Master?" He answered with politeness, bowing his head.

"If you don't want to die, shut your mouth. You're making me kill you right here, right now." He said, taking a step inside the coffee and leaving him with his mouth gaping wide. What the hell?! He didn't even do anything other than remind him!

"What the hell did I do wrong?" Benjamin whispered to himself as he stood straight, looking at the glass door where Liam entered. He sure was in a foul mood. 

Meanwhile, Liam entered and his eyes searched for the woman that his father had chosen for him. His eyes landed on the woman who matched the description of what his father told him. 

A woman with brown hair, hazel eyes, and pale skin. She was sweet-looking, very refined and elegant. She was patiently waiting for him, sitting comfortably as if the stares didn't bother her. 

Such a sweet and innocent-looking woman is assigned to become his wife. He couldn't help but sneer at it. Sure she was beautiful, but such a woman like her is easy to deal with, especially with their emotional outbreak. 

"You must be Lady Cordelia Leopold?" He approached, wearing a smile as he bent his body, extending his hand to the woman whose eyes went wide upon seeing Liam approaching her directly. 

Truth to what everyone had said, he was really unparalleled when it comes to beauty. With brains too as he was one of the top students who graduated with an average far higher than those who graduated normally. 

He was a man with different titles acquired during his stay in the academy, gaining prestige left and right because of how smart he was that people envied and loved him for his raw talent. 

"I greet the young Lord Marquis." The woman whom he called Cordelia immediately stood up and curtsied as she extended her hand, awaiting Liam to hold and seal a kiss on the back of her hand. 

Upon seeing the woman bowing her head for him, he was contemplating whether to accept the woman's hand. The other part of him wanted to give her respect, while the other part of him wanted to push her away and tell her that he didn't like any of this. 

The lady was still bowing, flushing with heat as she kept her head low. Liam seems to be caught in something and doesn't accept her hand. This is a total embarrassment for the lady. 

"Ehem." Cordelia coughed, trying to wake him up from whatever thought he had, which effectively worked because Liam immediately held her hand, kissed the back of her hand and smiled. 

His smile was empty, yet the young woman wasn't able to distinguish the difference between a real smile coming from Liam and a fake one that he was currently using as his facade. 

"I am deeply sorry, I was caught up in some thoughts. I didn't mean to offend you, Lady Leopold." Liam apologised, enough for the woman to smile at him and nod her head, didn't seem to mind his rudeness. 

"Oh no, please don't be sorry. It is fine. Please sit down, I ordered some refreshments for the two of us." Cordelia invited him to sit, in which Liam immediately seated without even assisting Cordelia who sat on her own accord. 

Just like the rumours said, he's also extremely rude. Yet who would mind such rudeness if such a man in front of him is so darn handsome that she doesn't care if he's being rude? Lord Liam is almost the definition of perfection after all. 

"Ahm, how are you doing, Marquis?" Cordelia asked politely, smiling at him as she sipped her tea, wanting to engage in a conversation with Liam. The way Liam stared at him with his eyes as if he was searching for his soul made her flustered and shy. 

But in Liam's eyes, he was finding fault, trying to look for something that he could disagree with. But the Lady was mature and even disciplined, he couldn't find a single flaw in her, making it even hard for Liam to try and ruin this damn marriage. 

"Actually, I'm doing fine. How about you, Lady Leopold?" He said shortly, sipping his coffee. It was short and quick, didn't even let it expand to more words. For what reason would he try and lengthen his words? 

"I see. It's great that you are doing fine. I too, and feel fine." She said, putting down her cup of coffee while carefully choosing her refreshment. "If I may ask, what are your standards, Lord Liam?" Cordelia asked, wishing to know in what way she could improve to his liking. 

"My standards? Why are you asking about it?" Liam asked, confused and startled by the Lady's question. Cordelia just smiled at him, like a bashful lady, just like what society has moulded her. 

The perfect bride in terms of their perspective. 

"I wanted to know so that I could learn more about you. After all, I am aware that both of us will get married—"

"I beg your pardon, Lady Cordelia but we should not get our heads into thinking that just because we have a date doesn't mean that we're immediately hit together and get wed. This is still an initial date, there will be changes depending on our opinions as we end this date. I hope you're not feeding yourself delusions because this is just the first phase." He remembered, cutting her off before she could even talk about something. 

Cordelia was bewildered, shocked, and hurt because of his straightforwardness. But at the same time, she was amazed at how he was free when it came to voicing out his opinion, making her even more certain that he was perfect. 

"I apologize for how rude I was, young Marquis. I overstepped my line." She immediately apologized, bowing her head, her lips quivering because of shame and self-pity. 

Liam sighed, he couldn't help his mouth from its bullshit. He was triggered when she mentioned that they would end up together when it was still unclear to him despite his father's order to marry her. 

He was livid, triggered, and angered by her words. As if he couldn't accept it, he couldn't accept that he would be marrying Cordelia as he already had someone dear to his heart.

"You asked me about my standards, right?" He asked, feeling guilty over what he said to her but he never apologized. She deserves to hear his opinion on this matter and he was lowkey telling her that he already had someone so she shouldn't assume that marriage will work for the two of them. 

"Yes... But if you want, you don't have to answer it." Cordelia replied, shaking her head lightly. What if he says things that are hard to adjust? He surely was showing resentment on her but that soon changed after as fast as it did. 

"No, you asked a question and I am obliged to answer it." He said firmly, shaking his head while letting out a chuckle, which made Cordelia stare at him, full of admiration directed at him. He never ceases to fail her heart. 

"Well then, please tell me."

"I love a woman who remains strong, calm, and cunning under a watchful gaze." He said, sipping his tea while his eyes stared at the table. Meanwhile, Cordelia was confused with his description of his standards. 

"I love a woman who stays strong despite how challenging the situation is and how she is able to use her mind as fast as she can. I love a calm woman who would turn into a fierce tigress when threatened, I love a woman who's cunning enough to toy with people's desire." He added, smiling while looking at Cordelia. 

"I love a woman who's not moulded by society but rather faces society with an identity different from most women in this country. A confident woman that challenges the hurricanes in her way, to stand on top of everyone else, and to ruin those who wronged her."

"That is the woman that makes my heart flutter." He added, smiling while he seemed to be lost in his subconscious, thinking of the only woman who fit well with his description. 


"That seems to be quite fictional, my Lord." Cordelia awkwardly laughs, finding it weird for Liam to have that kind of standard. Does such a woman ever exist? Or was it fictional? 

"But for you, my Lord. I will try to become the standard that you have set." She added, determined to become what he wanted. Maybe in that way, he'll be able to look at her with such eyes he had earlier. 

When he was describing his standards, he was staring at his coffee with eyes so soft, loving, and tender demeanour. Cordelia was even confused as to why he suddenly broke free from the cold persona he built. 

He was warm, smiling, and satisfied by the way he described it. Almost as if he was thinking about someone. 

"Really? Then I hope it will work well for you." Liam just cheered her and didn't bother to stop her. She will come soon to realize that none of those things will suit her as the personality or the standard that he mentioned only belongs to the person whom he was thinking about. 

No one else, but her. Her alone. 

Im shipping Olivia and Noctua. Y'all can't stop me. I kinda imagine Cordelia looking like this. 

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