
The Saint stole my husband so I haunt her to death

Desrayannreadit · History
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17 Chs

Amy woke up to a different world

Chapter 5.

After the empress walked out the emperor room heading to her palace the emperor fainted and he did not wake back up for another 2 weeks during that time the emperor's younger brother was given the position of prince concort and that he was the empress's lover. Lady Amy was not allowed to be the emperor concort or even his mistress the court wanted to kick her out the palace and sent to the temple for punishment.

The empress told the men of the court that kicking lady Amy out will have to be done by the emperor and in that meeting all the officials wanted to dethrone the empreror for allowing his kingdom to be crust, the empress would be the only ruler with the assistance of the court so while both the emperor and lady Amy was moved to the temple and when they awakes he will be informed of what happened.

The night the emperor and lady Amy was taken to the temple lady Amy woke up and was wondering why she was back at the temple and she was at the palace where she now lived with her husband the emperor. The maid that walked in the room told her that her lover that she sinned with is no longer the emperor and because of their sin the kingdom was punished with a curse and to get the curst lifted they had to dethrone the ex emperor and both of them will have to be punished by 34 lashes.

Lady Amy jumped out the bed screaming that she is the holy saint and no one can punish her but the gods and at that time there was thunder in the sky and a flash of lighten and lady Amy fell to the ground while lighten ran over her body. The maid looked on telling lady Amy is no longer a saint and that she is a crust sinner and will be brought out to get her punishment in the city center so that everybody can see.

The lighten ran over her body for 1 hour and she was in great pain screaming out begging for help and for the Gods to forgive her for her mistake and that she will return to be the holy saint. After the lighten left her body a bright light was at the door and was moving towards her and she thought it was because she was going to die and that she needed to walk to the light and she screamed out that she isn't ready to die and begged for more time to make her wrongs right.

Out the bright light walked the empress and she looked at lady Amy who was on her knees crying.

{Empress} I don't want you to die either not before you get your punishment in full, you ruined my marriage and the kingdom and because of your greed in wanting my position as empress you caused the emperor to lose his.

{Amy} it is you, you are the one that did this to us it is your jealousy that cause all this. Do you thing that by taking away the emperor title he will run back to you. He loves me now and you are just his past so just know that you might win today but I am the holy saint and you can't take that away from me.

{Empress} you are a woman that had an adulatory with a married man and got the kingdom curst because of it so even though you were once the holy saint the moment you sinned with ex emperor you lost everything! Well, not everything because you still have your lover and you and him with be punished and then you too will be sent away from the capital and can live out your life together as happy lovers.

lady Amy thought to herself that she worked too hard to get to the palace and to be by the emperor side and that she was planning to get rid of the empress and her kids and make her child the new emperor and herself the new empress but if she leave the capital with the ex emperor who will not have any power she will live out her life as a nobody and she can go back to that.

{lady Amy} my power was only temporary taken away until I complete my punishment and after that I will be the holy saint again so it wouldn't be for the best for me to leave the capital and even though the emperor and I are in love and will be getting married I am still a holy saint and is needed in the capital and even though I wouldn't want to be apart from him I will have to because I am needed her and it would be best if I remain in the palace with you so that I can be by your side because as a woman you will need my support as the need ruler of the kingdom.

The empress walked over to Lady Amy on her knees and she kneed down to her level and spit in her face then kicked her over saying "why would I need the whore that slept with my husband to remain by my side when my husband is getting kicked out"

The empress started glowing again and then she disappeared, lady Amy wasn't sure why the empress got the power to do what she did and also felt that it can't be really her because she have been having nightmaires were the empress keep showing up in her dreams. Amy sat on the flood in pain coughing up bleed and wondered what she can do to remain in the capital and work her way back to the palace because she refuse to give up her dream of being the next empress.

The emperor also woke but while he was asleep he only had nightmaires of the empress and his mother getting killed or raped and that the saint was always the one that killed then and he would always laugh and be happy watching them suffer. When the ex emperor woke up he was crying begging for forgiveness and that he wish to go back and correct his mistake because he had his wife and mother suffer in such a humiliating way. He pleaded with the Gods for mercy and he will take all the punishment on himself and that his mother did not deserve what happen to her.

Lady Amy started acting pitiful crying for the maid to help her and that she was told that the ex emperor was there as well and if she can visit him so the maid got permission and she brought her to the ex emperor room and when she entered the room she saw the emperor on the bed and a wheeelchair by the bed. The emperor loved like he aged 20 years he more looked like someone's grandfather and not the lively lover she ones made passionate love too.

She couldn't help but cry and run over to him and wrap her arms around him holding him close wanting to know why he looked like that and wasn't the curst lifted she buried her head in his crest telling him that their love wasn't a sin and it was just that they went about it the wrong way and that when she become the holy saint again she will make sure she heal him completely.

Amy climbed into the bed with the emperor holding him in her arms but the emperor was trapped in his own head and could not do anything but just sit them not aware of Amy and what she was doing.