
The Saint Likes Me, But I’m Screwed…

Genre: Fluffy romance, slice of life, psychological, light comedy, dark fantasy & adventure, hi-tech/magic/elemental. Setting: metropolis, ruins, forests and bent spaces.  Expectations: arc 1, fluff and some dark stuff. Arc 2, action/adventure. Arc 3, fluff/slice of life. Arc 4, action/adventure. Arc 5, dark/sweet fluff.   In the magical world of Lethren, Alum and his classmates found themselves in the Lesich Empire after having fallen through a spatial quake. But he was unbothered compared to his distressed classmates because—his world hadn’t changed. Meanwhile, a girl with a pure smile took over the role of a saint after the previous saint’s passing. She was doing her best in her new role—being the new beacon of light. Still, for a saint, she was shy, contrasting the people’s image of her elegance. She found herself more worn out than usual—it was because she had to prepare herself to make a good first impression on the otherworlders who’d just arrived. On that same day, Alum arrived in the city and found himself in a park. Unaware of the fateful encounter he’ll have, he was led by the park’s cute animals—he came across a serine scene of a girl sleeping by the fountain. The animals pestered him to cover for her when she sneezed in her sleep, and he did just that—only to fall asleep himself. When Amethely woke up, she was unaware she’d leaned on a stranger, and yet she ended up falling in love at first sight after having shown him an embarrassing side of her. Unbeknownst to her, he was an otherworlder. The same could be said for Alum as well; he’d unknowingly fallen in love with The Lesich Empire’s beloved saint after finding her endearing. Unlike his usual self, he decided to give love a chance—the only problem was…He’d never been in love; what’s more, he’s trying to capture a saint. But it was the same for Amethely; she knew she was shy. Yet she wanted to be more daring to capture his heart, but…  “How do I make him/her fall in love with me?!” 

Seseal · Fantasy
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101 Chs

| ARC V | Chapter 9: Echoes & Memories


I'm treading on very thin ice in this chapter…*nervous, nervous* but hey! Go read chapters 11, 12, and 13 of Arc 2. I rewrote those. Ame's past is clearer and more detailed, Sarah's introduction is more exciting(I believe I got better with action scenes, so… this one got way better, in my opinion…), and the introduction of the rest of Phantom Dusk and the relationship with Night Ouen should be way more engaging.



 In a dark space. In the emptiness of nothingness—a creature without flesh and bones—a creature without the ability to physical sensation—a creature… A spirit of death—and a spirit of the void.


 In the empty darkness, a pair of crimson abruptly lit up the void with pure visceral decapitation, conflict and destruction. The void had turned into a world of black and red. At the top of the throne of corpses, Hilos regained consciousness. The memory link between him and Alum had been cut temporarily—he didn't know what time of day it was or how much time had passed. His mind was clouded—he could feel neither warmth nor cold…or anything.

 (Each time I fall asleep—this cursed place!)

 At his outburst, the world cracked—shattered and fell apart like unrelenting glass; he tore everything down, leaving a completely white, empty space behind. There, Hilos waited—he waited for Alum to release the memory block.


 (He's probably having a moment with girlie.)

 Leaning backwards, he fell on his back. A long and damped *thud* echoed throughout the vast emptiness. He'd reach his hand up toward the white nothingness.

"Ruela…what is big brother supposed to do?"

 Before him appeared a girl with pure black hair and glistering silver eyes; her smile was radiant and warmed his chest—a phantom sensation.

 (It's so strange…) Hilos chuckled inwardly.

 "Brother?" a soft, gentle voice suddenly called out to him.

 "…what is it, Ruela?"

 "This place is cold…"

 "I know."




 "What is it?"

 "You should return to the physical world—you don't belong in this lonely place," Ruela sorrowfully said with a gentle look.

 "You're here."

 Ruela shook her head.

 "I'm not real… Brother. I…I wish… I lived longer… Will you allow me to live again? Not here, but… in the warmth of the beautiful world alongside you—in your memories?"


 Ruela smiled gently, her head resting on his chest as she closely enveloped him in her small, fragile arms. Hilos closed his eyes and reluctantly wrapped his arms around her as though holding something fragile—he wouldn't want to shatter her like the other pieces of memories.

 "I will."




 Surrounded by warmth, Hilos opened his eyes. The world around him was hazy and foggy, but it was soft and warm. He was in someone's embrace. Suddenly, the appearance of black and silver hair filled his vision—the strain of hair tickled as his arms were wrapped around her small frame as well.

 (Right…I'm with this lass now—did she materialise me unconsciously?)

 As he let go of her, she suddenly called out to him.

 "Hey… why are we like this?" the girl suddenly asked, looking at him with her moon-like silver eyes.

 "You were awake?"

 "I woke up just before you," she replied casually. "Now, about my question."

 "You must've materialised me in your sleep." Hilos moved slightly, and the sheath of a beautiful decoration which contained an ocean-blue blade was just beneath his sides. "You were sleeping with this?" he inquired with a bemused look.

 Luna's face reddened at his remark. "That's… I forgot you rested within the sword…"

 "So you hugged it to sleep to feel close to him?"

 Hitting the mark, Luna looked even more embarrassed before she took a deep breath.

 "That's right…"

 "I see."

 Hilos wanted to say something, but it was none of his business, and as he was about to dematerialise to save mana, Luna suddenly tugged his cloak.

 "Hey… is Ruela…your sister?"


 "I can understand why you were in my arms—you materialised from the sword after all, but…why was I in yours?"


 Hilos stared intensely at Luna without saying a word. Her image was almost a perfect recreation of Ruela's—they had the same moon-like eyes and nearly the same hair; when he first saw this girl in Alum's memories, he almost believed Luna to be a reincarnation of her.

 "Yes, she is."


 Just like that, Hilos disappeared and returned to the mana-dense sword. At the same time, she heard rustling fabric from the bed next to hers. A girl with white hair wobbled as she sat up, rubbing her soft red eyes—her hair was messy, and her eyes sleepy.

 "Nnh… Luna? Were you talking to somebody?"

 "No," Luna flatly replied.

 "I see… good morning, Luna," the girl said with a warm and gentle smile

 "Good morning, Miu—"

 "Hm? What's wrong…? You seem down," Miu worriedly voiced.

 Luna's eyes widened in surprise. She touched her cheek, and they were slightly damped. Miu was confused but made her way over to her. Gently, she wrapped her arms around Luna and stroked her hair.

 "There there… did you have a nightmare?"

 "No…it was a rather strange—I can't seem to recall. But Miu, I'm not a child…"

 "I see? But don't worry. Girls cry no matter what it is or how old they get!" Miu softly giggled.


 "Should we get changed and head down for breakfast?" Miu suggested. "Of course, something sweet too, ehe~he~."





 At the same time, when the gentle morning rays pierced through the curtains, Amethely sensed a ticklish sensation on her eyelid—not from the sun's gentle rays, but the caress of her beloved fiance's hair. A smile crept up on her as she gently brushed his hair to the side, revealing a forehead she would gently kiss. But as she remembered the events from the night before, her face heated up, and she was flush red.

 (I can't believe I fell asleep during the back massage!)

 She covered her face and rolled on her back, kicking and squealing, just thinking about the missed opportunity during their romantic mood last night…

 (I just had to fall asleep, didn't I!?) She cried yet again.

 As she calmed down, she looked at the boy she'd fallen deeply in love with. His chest moved gently up and down as he calmly breathed—his relaxed face was innocent, and she couldn't help but playfully poke his cheek.

 "Al…you're so adorable…" She clenched her chest, and a sigh escaped her lips. "Geez… what am I to do with these feelings of mine…?" she mumbled longingly as she leaned closer and kissed his eyelid. "Thank you… Al."

 Suddenly, Alum slowly woke up and saw the pretty face of his loving fiancee. "Mnh? Ame?" he said softly as she reached out to cuddle her cheeks, gently caressing them with his thumb. Even if it was slightly ticklish for her, she leaned into it.

 "Good morning, Al."

 Her sweet voice would hit him directly in the chest, warming him from the inside. He leaned closer and gently placed his lips on hers.

 "Good morning, Ame."


 Alum's eyes widened at Amethely's gaze. Her eyes were slightly glazed and hazy, her pupils dilated and unfocused, with a hint of moisture. It was a dreamy, longing, almost drunken look—her feelings from last night resurfaced and were more intense.

 "Once more…" A heavy sigh escaped her lips.

 Not only were her words sweet, but they also made his heart race faster. His breath became more heavy—just like hers.


 Gently, he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer. Amethely would respond by doing the same. She snuggled closer and pressed her lips on his.


 "Al… I love you…and…!"

*Nn…n… ah…!*

 Alum sealed her lips again as she tried to say something. His mind was clouded, and the only thing on his mind was her. His heart was beating out of his chest, and blood coursed through his body so fast he became lightheaded.



 Amethely couldn't contain her excitement anymore. She swiftly rolled Alum over, placing her hands between his head and her arms. Her soft thighs squeezed as they rubbed the sides of his hips. As soon as she sat down—she felt something stiff. Even though she thought it poked her thighs earlier—it became more apparent to her now. Her face turned completely red and steamy as smoke reeked from her ears, and a soft gasp escaped her lips.

*Nnnh…!* But along with her ragged and sensual breaths, another one which wasn't hers echoed in her mind.

 (H-He's more a-aroused th-than I thought!) She exclaimed with a mix of happiness and embarrassment.

 "Y-You're lively th-this early—m-me too!"

 Hearing her blunt words, with his right arm, Alum covered half of his red face as his eyes were cast aside—his left hand traced her thigh. He couldn't help it. She was just as aroused as he was; he also felt her soft buttocks on his thighs—their most intimate parts also touched; it was damped. The friction of her thighs rubbing against his hips caused even more of a blood rush—affecting them both all over...

  Although Alum was usually assertive, Amethely always found it adorable and endearing when he became timid and shy. His excitement made her heart beat even faster than it already was—she was dizzy, her head was spinning and her thoughts were all over the place…

 "Y-Yeshterday… I fell asleep." Breathless words left her mouth. "A-And…y-you know! I-I really looked forward to it!" she stammered as she confessed honestly.

 "I…I know…m-me too… But when I saw your sweet, sleepy face, I was glad to have helped you relax—b-but…I-I was a little disappointed too…" Alum's breaths were ragged as he responded.

 "I-I see! Thansh you! It was relaxing—w-wait! I-I was more disappointed—I was the one that fell asleep!" Amethely clenched her chest tightly.

 "Pff…" a soft chuckle escaped his gentle face.

 "H-Hew! No laughing!" She huffed with her cheeks puffed.

 Playfully, Amethely hit his chest repeatedly—Alum couldn't hold back from gently laughing as he pulled her down and locked her in an embrace—he rolled over and pinned her down. Amethely's arms were raised slightly above her head. Her breaths were ragged—instead, it was suggestive, and her eyes were half-lidded, shimmering with anticipation as her thighs rubbed against one another along the sound of the rustling bedding becoming ruffled.

 "W-Will you un-undress…me now?" a tiny voice managed to escape despite her shyness.


*Alum froze over*

 "…I think… I'd rather watch."

 "A-Al!? Y-You sadist!"




 "O-Okay…B-But I-I'll wash you too!"

 "Wash?" Alum teased.

 Tears formed at the corner of Amethely's eyes.

 "…Al…Al you… Al, you dummy!"




 After the affectionate moment, Alum and Amethely made their way down to the cafeteria. Amethely walked closely and hugged Alum's arm as their hands intertwined. Their faces were still flushed, and they both were slightly out of breath.

 As they closed in, Amethely sulked slightly and became more moderate. She hesitated to release Alum's arm, but Alum reassured her by squeezing her hand.

 "Al…" Amethely giggled as she gently squeezed back.

 Alum smiled gently back at her but decided to tease her a little. "I love holding your hand—even though I'm a little disappointed at the absence of your bosom—" 

 "A-Al! G-Geez!"

 They bantered back and forth until they arrived at the buzzing and lively cafeteria. To their surprise, they found Hilos in his physical form; he was eating with the others as they seemed to ask him many questions—whether he answered or not felt random to them. The same was true for YB and Olivia.

 It became quiet for a brief moment as they all laid eyes on Alum and Amethely. YB looked at them with a slight frown and went back to eating, and Olivia shyly waved at them. The rest would greet them with "Good morning" while making some space for them on the table close to Luna and Miu. Alum turned to Hilos, then to Luna.

 "Did you materialise him, Luna?" Alum inquired with slight surprise.

 "Yes, I did—to my surprise, he's less disliked than I thought," she casually remarked.

 "Lass, can't yer tell how charismatic I am?" Hilos retorted.

 But the others would chuckle lightly when he fought back.

 'They…seem oddly close,' Amethely leaned in and whispered.

 Alum nodded, a soft soft smile surfaced on his face—

 (Boy, don't even compare them.) Hilos warned via memory link.

 (I won't, but… can you stay with her while I recover?)

 (Tsk… do I have a choice? Fine.)

 (Even though he sounds to dislike the notion, he's not protesting—he's fond of her, isn't he?) Alum chuckled inwardly.

 Sensing that something was going on between Alum and Hilos, Luna tilted her head. At the same time, everyone went back to asking questions about YB, Olivia and Hilos. Luna moved closer to Alum.

 "About YB and Olivia—I convinced Uncle to ask them to join us, and the others accepted them as well—you can guarantee YB's skills, right?"

 Alum nodded. "I believe you've seen him in action, no?"

 "Yes, he's good. But… I see; you evaluate him highly, too," a soft expression surfaced as she handed him one of her sweets. In exchange, Alum handed one of her favourites. "Thanks."

 "No, thank you," Alum warmly smiled.

 Meanwhile, as Alum and Luna exchanged sweets and what they'd been reading as of late, the mood between Amethely and Miu was slightly stiff. Amethely intentionally seated beside Miu—not because she wanted to confront her, but because she wanted to become better friends—they rarely talk when it was just them, after all.

 'Has Alum told you…?' Miu asked reluctantly in a low voice.

 Knowing that she was referring to her confession to Alum and her being turned down, Amethely nodded hesitantly. Her chest got slightly heavy as she felt bad for her. If they never arrived in this world, she knew Miu would be the one to end up with Alum. But she shook her head—there was no need to think of a "What If" scenario.


 'I'm sorry… I didn't mean for…my feelings to come out like that…' her voice was low, soothing—but guilt-filled.

 Amethely's eyes widened, and they grabbed Miu's hand.

 'Miu… you shouldn't apologise for your feelings—'

 Miu giggled softly.

 'He told me that too.'

 'I see…'

 Amethely could tell she still had lingering feelings, but… the look in her eyes was different from the one from yesterday—while her feelings were still there, she was letting them go. But as her gaze was cast down, Miu squeezed her hand.

 'Ame… I'll be fine,' Miu adorably smiled.



 'What is it?'

 'Thank you…'