
The Sage of Einar

Max, a Mexican military man, loses everything in a mission that goes wrong so he ends up reviving in the year 830 at the beginning of the Viking Age, as the son of a Jarl in exile named Einar. Einar can overcome the challenge of surviving a hostile world where only the strongest can live. It is up to you to find out.

KENTARO12100 · History
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513 Chs

The food crisis

Ansgar, who was waiting for the news of the messenger, was surprised when he looked through his spyglass as the castle guards came out after the messenger.

They all had their hands up and were walking without armor or weapons just their clothes.

Although he was quite far away, he could tell that most of them were in a sorry state, so he sighed and lowered the spyglass to look at his sergeant.

"Let the food be prepared. These people are in a bad state. This is the first time I have seen something like this."

When the prisoners arrived at the camp, Ansgar was surprised to see them in a sorry state.

With some curiosity, he approached one of the prisoners who was simply looking at the place where the food was being cooked.

"Can you tell me what happened and why are they in this sorry state?"