
Fight in the swamp

A few days after he had conquered the Barony of Baltimore, Einar gathered his army and prepared to advance towards the last territory of Desmond's kingdom.

Once he could get there, he knew that he would have a decisive confrontation with King Chongelt and his troops in the area of ​​the swamps, for he did not believe that he would face them in the capital city of Tralee.

This because they had already corroborated that the siege capacity of the Nordic army was extremely high, so the enemy soldiers wanted to test their ability to fight in the open field.

Einar's army began their trek through the hills and in just two days, managed to reach the swampy area.

As in the barony's forest of Kinsale, Einar left 2,000 soldiers as a vanguard to advance in the swamp, guarding the advance of the troops.

After this, the troops advanced through the swamp to avoid Einar's problems.