
The Saga of Valorian The Dread: The Savior of a Dying Race

A Dragon Hatchling must awaken to the power that dwells within him to help save his race from the brink of extinction Underlying his struggle to help save his race is his fight for survival against his own kind, as you will find out he happens to have something that many want and are willing to kill to get. Please keep in mind that the first few chapters are going to be more sloppy as this is the first novel I have ever wrote, but in my opinion the quality gets much better around chapter 15 I publish chapters with an average length of about 1200 words and publish at least four chapters a week. With the exception of holidays or sick time.

Poseidon1378 · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Grandfather's lesson 2

Grandfather looked down at me with a smile "Listen little one though you have taken your first steps do not think yourself to be a master yet. That will take many years of practice and reform, but we can start that journey today." He said before he began his lesson on magic theory.

'I didn't even get to show him the other four circuits that he asked for and already I seem to have gotten something wrong.'

He started with what are called the pillars, forces that are fundamental to the world and nothing would exist without them, those being Destruction, Creation, Time, and void. The first three I could have guessed but I didn't know what to make of the fourth. He went on to explain that Destruction was meant as the opposite to creation, for the creator to make a world in balance both had to exist at the same time to counteract each other.

Time at first seemed easy to understand, there was the past, present, and future. Each acting like a sequence of events, but as his explanation continued it began to seem more like the three existed at the same time.

The conjunction of the two opposing forces destruction and creation represented space and that with time led to the universe as we now it. His explanation was much more in depth but to be honest I didn't quite understand it.

Now on to the last pillar, Void put simply it was the representation of nothing. Not like how the pillar of destruction would reduce any matter down the base form of all things, but it was quite literally the absence of anything.

Of all the pillars it was by far the most powerful you could say that as creation and destruction were opposites, void was the opposite of the other three.

He also went on to explain that of the two pillars of time and void where only held by the creator himself, and that only one pillar of destruction and one of creation could exist at a time. Which meant that as the previous dragon of destruction was my father it had passed to his children. Grandfather did not know the whereabouts of the dragon of creation but he did know that he was the right hand of Rengal the origin.

Then he moved on to what was known as the elements, these made up the world as we knew it and also held it together. They consisted of the base elements of Water, Earth, Air, and Fire, but there where also marks that represented the authority over a combination of the two. Those being Storm, holding air and water, Lava, holding fire and earth, quagmire, holding earth and water, and inferno, holding air and fire. Like the before the combination of air and earth, and fire and water where not possible as they represented opposites and would not merge into a single mark.

Then lastly was the mark of domination as until I had been born only one dragon in existence had ever held the mark not much was known about it, but it did not quite fit into either category. He did have a theory, that it was meant to be for the ruler of the dragon race and that I should not let my existence be known to Rengal until I could defend myself.

With the foundational information covered he began to explain the the goal of runes and spell circuits was to imitate the power over one of the elements that our marks gave us over its element or pillar.

To change the mana within yourself from its created purpose to a form of your choosing. Be that have it create a gust of wind, a fireball, ect. and that it was important to keep this in mind while creating my spells. It was like trying to change the nature of fire to burn and tell it to freeze a lake.

After this he moved on to what I was doing wrong with my spell circuits, he asked me to form the spell I had made earlier but not to activate it. I did as I was told, then after a moment another spell formed directly beside it.

It was for the exact same spell but more powerful, as I looked closer I could see that certain runes had been moved or all together taken out and the concentric rings where smaller, costing less mana to activate.

Now that I looked at the two side by side I clearly understood what I had been doing wrong, I was trying to brute force my spells into the form I wanted without thought of efficiency. With Grandfathers spell as a guide I reformed my own and after a few minutes of restructuring the spell came back to life, I quickly pushed some of my mana into the spell to activate it and a fireball easily twice the size of my previous one came to life. It also formed much quicker from about five seconds to two.

"Ha it is always nice to have a pupil that learns so quickly, I am quite surprised that you managed to replicate the spell with your own runes so quickly. Now that you understand what was wrong with that spell can I assume that you will be able to apply it to your others?" Grandfather said.

I nodded my head resolutely then he continued "Good, then we will move on from spells to how to use your marks power. Now because you hold the pillar of destruction we are going to have to be quite careful, even though you are not an adult dragon yet with the amount of mana you possess you could disintegrate a large portion of this cave we are in."

Thank you all for the power stones, only a week and a half in and already 18 have been donated. I honestly never really thought that this story would get any attention as its my first one and I am not concerned so much about all the details just yet, just trying to have fun and let my creativity do the rest.

Thank you all for your support so far!

Aside: I have a chapter incoming that will give some more indepth looks at the other characters so stay ready to read!

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