
The Saga Of Lux

This novel takes place on a planet that is five times bigger than our earth. On this planet mana is like the 'air' of our world. Every living creature is supported by mana. It flows through their bloodstream and surrounds their heart. It is the medieval era, the emperor has united all human lands in the vicinity, but not without merciless bloodshed, leaving behind a lot of enemies.This story follows our Protagonist, Lux, who is the second prince of this empire. Being gifted in swordsmanship, and having unlocked his aura at an early age he was praised as a genius. His future was looking bright, that is, until his father the emperor died in battle fighting against some monstrosity that was heading towards their empire. Lux later finds out that a mysterious cult was attempting to awaken other beasts of myths and legends, just like the one that killed his father. If this wasn't bad enough, now that the emperor was gone, his previous enemies who were too afraid to make a move while he was still alive, were now slowly moving forward with their plans to bring the empire and it's people to ruin. But Lux is no hero. Will he stay and defend a soon to be destroyed Empire? Or will he leave it all behind and explore the rest of the massive continent where no human has explored...at least in the history books. This story starts after the empire has united all the lands, but before the other events take place.

Archangel_Uriel666 · Fantasy
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6 Chs


Entering the room Lux sees rows upon rows of desks filled with children. At the far end is one of the teachers with a long blackboard situated behind her on the wall. The class is currently ongoing, a few students in the back noticed him walk in and have begun to whisper amongst each other.

Noticing that the director is about to introduce him, Lux motions for the director to wait for a bit.

The teacher continues her lesson, oblivious that the prince has arrived.

"Dragons were once worshipped by humans a long time ago. Although that is no longer the case, dragons are still prideful creatures. When one of their young went on a rampage and destroyed a city, leaving no survivors, Emperor Nero sent the Knight Commander directly under him to slay it. This made the other dragons furious. Furious that a 'mere' human dared to kill a mighty dragon. The King of the dragons demanded the head of the one responsible for the death of their young one-"

The whispers were getting louder which prompted the teacher to stop her lesson. Looking around she soon spotted some people standing at the entrance of the classroom.

"That will be all for today." Gesturing to the back of the class she adds, "His Royal Highness has blessed us with his presence today."

The children burst out into excited chatter, filling the room with loud cheerful voices.

"Isn't he rumored to be a genius."

"He's so handsome."

"I want him to step on me"

"You what?"

With a charming smile on his face, the prince introduces himself with a loud, but smooth, voice that is pleasing to the ear.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you all. My name is Lux and I am the second prince of the empire. I am here today to recruit future knights who will work directly under me after graduating from Prosperitas Academy."

This time the children don't whisper, but they burst into loud chit chat amongst each other.

"Oh my gods his voice is so heavenly."

"Do you think he's single."

"That's not what's important, His Highness just said that he wants us to work under him!"

"I'm not missing this opportunity!"

"Me neither"

Raising his hand to calm the children, not that Lux isn't a child himself, he continues.

"If you're interested please head to the training grounds after your teacher dismisses you." Looking at the teacher at the front of class he adds, "You may continue with your lesson if you please. I will wait outside at the grounds until you are finished."

"If it's alright with Your Highness I would like to end lessons for today."

"Very well"

The teacher dismisses the class for the day and the kids excitedly head to their rooms to put away their books and other materials. On the way out they do a slight bow towards the prince.

After the students leave, the teacher introduces herself while doing a curtsey.

"Hello my name is Beatrix." Looking at the prince she adds, "I am honored to meet Your Royal Highness."

The prince responds with a smile on his face.

"It is always a pleasure to meet someone beautiful, such as yourself Lady Beatrix."

"Oh my what a charmer! If only I was twenty years younger."

Lux just stands there with a smile on his face.

"Ahem" Clearing his throat, the director speaks.

"Now that introductions are out of the way I will lead you to the training grounds Your Highness."


"Sir Leo, I have finished setting up the illusion devices on my side."

Placing the last device in one of the corners of the training grounds and adjusting the mana frequency, Leo responds, "Same here, now we just need to wait until His Highness shows up."

Shortly after a large crowd of children arrived at the training grounds, eager to prove their worth to the second prince of the empire.

"Hey, isn't that Sir Leo?"

"Oh my gods it's really him!"

Several kids ran up to Leo asking various questions about the amazing feats he has accomplished while travelling across the empire.

Surrounded by little brats, Leo was overwhelmed. He looked over at Ezekiel for help but Ezekiel simply turned around acting as if he didn't notice Leo's plight.

"How long have you been training your swordsmanship?"


"Are you stronger than a dragon?"


"Is it true you singlehandedly defeated an army of rebels?"


"Sir Leo is everything set up and ready to go?"

Leo's thoughts of running away were stopped by the arrival of Lux.

The kids, seeing that the prince had arrived, quickly quieted down.

"Yes Your Highness, everything is ready."

Lux ordered the children to stand on top of the marble training floor in groups of fifty. Since the grounds could only hold that many at one time. The rest were to stand on the side until they were called up.

After explaining that this test would show them their worst fears, he explained that all they had to do was simply break out of the illusion.

Looking at his aide, Lux said, "Start the test."

The aide started up the illusion devices with the controller in his hand. There was no change in the surroundings, since the device projects the illusions directly into the children's minds.

A few minutes passed, and Lux directed the ones that broke out early to one side. Separating the faster ones from the slower ones. The test continued until all the students finished the test.

There were five hundred students before the test started. Only about half the students were chosen to stay after it ended. The students that failed were upset, but they couldn't exactly voice their complaints to the prince.

Lux explained the next test to the remaining children.

"You will split into groups of ten. We will summon a monster for each team to fight. The teams will be decided amongst yourselves. Be quick, you have five minutes to assemble your teams."

Five minutes passed and the teams were assembled. Whether they chose their friends or a team with good chemistry, only time would tell. Lux equipped them with weapons of their choice, including shields and some light armour.


"Uriel, bring us to victory." said one of the boys on the team Uriel picked.

They were the last team to face a summoned monster. The others had already gone before them, a majority of them failing.

Uriel took a deep breath. "Just follow my orders."

"Start the test." was heard from the side, it was the prince.

From a glowing portal a massive troll walked out. With a roar! It charged at the children with thunderous steps.


At the top of his lungs, "Stay in formation!" ,Uriel shouted. He previously split his team into groups of three. He decided to stand in the back so he could command them.

"Brutus, your team will block its charge! Rufus flank it's left, Paulinas stay back until I say otherwise!"

The troll swung its massive fist down at Brutus, who successfully blocked it with his two teammates.

Rufus chose this timing to attack the troll, slashing at its ankle so it would lose balance.

The cut was too shallow! The troll, changing its target, raised its fist to strike Rufus.

Before it could strike, Brutus slammed into it with his shield at full force, making it stagger a bit.

Uriel, who was watching the battle play out, decided to send in the team he had on standby.

"Paulinas go help Brutus."


The troll sent Brutus flying back with a kick. Paulinas quickly took over and held off the troll. Although instead of blocking its attacks, he would dodge them instead, while at the same time slicing its arms.

Rufus sliced at the trolls ankle again, this time with as much force as he could muster, successfully cutting a deep gash.

The troll let out a loud gutteral growl as it fell onto one knee. It wildly flailed its arms around trying to strike whatever was in range, but the students had already backed away to a safe distance.

Uriel gave out more commands.

"Surround it and attack while it's down before it can regenerate!"

With the troll distracted by his teammates, Uriel charged in to finish it off as he cast a spell on his sword.


Flames burst onto the tip of the sword.


Another spell. The blade of the sword seemed to sharpen.

With a lunge Uriel pierced the trolls chest, presumably where the heart is located. Blood splashed onto his body. The troll smacked Uriel and, although he blocked, he still flew back several feet. He was caught by Brutus who was standing behind him.

Uriel quickly looked up to assess the situation.

He watched as the trolls body went limp and it fell over, he fainted shortly after.

Several members of his team cheered for their victory.

Rufus rushed over to check on Uriel, whom Brutus was carrying.

"Is he okay?"

"Yeah, he just fainted."

"That's good, I thought he died." added Paulinas with a chuckle, as him and the rest of the team walked towards the prince.