
The saga of Leonard

A young man's teleported to a middle aged fantasy world of magic, kingdoms and nobility. Given another chance in life. He takes it and tries to rise above his birth right as a commoner. For his first mission he must appeal to the Mistress.

YoungDante · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The Butcher

I put on a shirt, then pick up some gear from the guard's armory and grab a simple sword, a bow and a quiver of arrows, then I set off on my second ever mission. I spend about an hour and a half walking to the directions that Mikhail gave me.

It's a village that is outside of the parameters of the city but it's still under the control of the Mistress. It's rather small, around 150 are currently living in it. There is one large dirt road that leads throughout the whole village and multiple smaller roads that split like branches of a tree into smaller sections of the village, where I'm assuming there are more houses.

Other than houses there is a general store, an old run down building that has the words "Town hall" written above its doors and what looks like some kind of alchemy/drug store/ doctor's office. The moment I entered the village the people who were walking down the main road, talking and bargaining started staring at me. I'm guessing that they rarely see strangers here.

I immediately hit a left turn and enter the Town Hall. The hall looks alright, I mean it's not particularly clean, but I was expecting much worse. There is a woman sitting behind a small wooden wall, which divides the town hall into two.

I walk up to the receptionist. "Excuse me mam, I was sent by the House of Rusan to deal with the wild boars." I say. The overweight receptionist looks at me confused, then she stands up. "Give me just a moment, baby" she says in a sweet and calming voice.

She walks into the back of the Town hall. Then I stand there and wait for a couple of seconds, I put my elbows on the reception wall and I wait. A loud yell of the word " WHAT" cuts the silence.

A short older man storms out of the back rooms with the receptionist trailing behind him. He looks at me and then he opens a small wooden door near the receptionist desk and leaves the reception area. He's now standing right in front of me.

I'm taller than him, and clearly bigger. He looks me up and down with an angry look in his eyes. "Are you kidding me?" He yells out. "Are you fucking kidding me" He yells again. "I wait for weeks for the city to send me some soldiers to clear up the wild boars and they send me a child?" He screams at me.

"Please don't yell at him, he did nothing wrong" The secretary tries to calm him down. "I'm sorry baby" She turns to me and says. I stay calm, I get it, even though I'm stronger than a lot of the guards at the house I'm still child, and he probably doesn't know I'm strong.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Do they think I'm some kind of joke? Look at how skinny he is" He screams at the top of his lungs. A crowd of people starts to form in front of the town hall. A large, tall man wearing a butcher's outfit walks up to the crowd, the crowd notices him and opens a path to the town hall. He walks into the town hall.

At this point, the old man looks like one of those cartoons where the characters have smoke coming out of their ears. He then pauses and looks at me again, I don't know how to act so I just stand there as he ogles me, then I can see him becoming even angrier.


The large butcher approaches the old man and says, "Calm down Mr. Giddey, calm down, relax" He grabs him by the shoulder. Mr. Giddey immediately calms down.

"Go bring Mr. Giddey a glass of water" The butcher tells the secretary. The secretary runs into the back rooms and in a couple of seconds brings back a pint of water in a wooden beer glass. Mr. Giddey grabs the pint of water and slurps it down.

Water drips onto his body as he drinks it. The butcher turns to me and asks me " What are you here for son". "He's a child slave that was sent kill the wild boars" Mr. Giddey interrupts me before I can say anything.

"I'm not a child slave old man, I'm an apprentice of the House of Rusan, and like the old man said I'm here to kill those wild boars" I say. The crowd in front of town hall moans in clear disapproval of me. They start murmuring to each other about I don't know what.

To be honest I want to flex my powers and call them a bunch of dumbasses for doubting me, but I'll be professional. "Could you please point me in the direction where the wild boars are?" I ask the butcher. He smiles. And grabs my shoulder.

"Sure" He answers skeptically. I extend my hand and tell him "Lead the way". The butcher starts to walk towards the exit, and I follow him then from the back the Mr. Giddey yells "Young man what do you think you're doing?"

I turn around and say, "I'm going to do what I came here to do, to kill those wild boars". Mr. Giddey runs to us. "I don't want you trying to kill those boars I want to know when that woman will send us some real soldiers" he says while stepping in front of me.

"Tough shit old man you got me; The Mistress isn't sending any guards" I say with absolute confidence while getting right next to his face. This old man doesn't realize that I'm stronger than the average guard, of course not physically but magically.

"And secondly her Mistress is not "that woman", she is her Mistress to you and every other commoner" I exclaim. The butcher interrupts and says, "It's alright Mr. Giddey". Mr. Giddey stops fighting immediately. It looks like the massive butcher has some influence in this town. I walk out of the town hall. The butcher follows me.

The butcher gets stopped by three men. All three of them look really sketchy. One with a patchy beard asks the butcher "Do you need help Kar?". "No, thank you. I alone am enough" He replies. "Ok" The man responds. We lock eyes for a couple of seconds then he turns his view elsewhere.

"Lead the way old man" I say. The butcher doesn't say anything and just walks forward while the villagers watch me from the entrance of the town hall. "The problem with these wild boars is that they are stronger than normal wild boars. The doctor believes that their infused with some kind of magic or maybe they are part magic creature." The butcher explains. The butcher stops and turns to me. "Give me a minute" he says. Then he walks towards an older house.

A girl about my age or older runs out of the house carrying a sheathed sword. "Daddy, I thought you would need this." She says with a massive grin on her face. She hands the butcher the sword. It obviously looks like that's his daughter. She is a chubby 14 or 15 year old girl, with one of those wavy hair styles.

The butcher grabbed the sword. He turns around and walks up to me and says, "Let's go". He places his sword in his belt starts walking forward. I follow him. I look back at his daughter and she's staring at me. She looks me up and down. I think she might be into me.

I turn back around and ask the butcher "Why do you need the sword?". "I'm going with you" He responds. "I don't need your help, I'm perfectly fine on my own" I say. "Everybody needs protection even the strongest of soldiers need their comrades." He says through a smile.

I'm not going to argue with this man, I don't care as long as he doesn't interfere. "Alright, but don't hold me back and don't interfere, I know what I'm doing. I've been trained in this. You're just going to carry the boars back to the village" I say.

The butcher doesn't respond. I follow him as he leads me into the forest. Although I don't need him it's nice knowing I can be a little bit more relaxed since I won't be carrying the load of this mission alone.

We reach a dirt path that goes through the forest. He stops and turns around. "You should go first" he says. "No, thank you I'm good here." I reply. "But you said you didn't want to me to interfere" He argues.

"Yeah, but you're the one who's leading me to the boars, I don't know where the boars are. So, you should go first." I argue back. "Alright, I'll go first" he says while putting his hands up and smiling. He walks onto the dirt path. I tail behind him.

Damn, I wonder If Mistress will give me some kind of present after I complete this mission. Probably not though. Now that I look at the butcher from the back, I realize how massive he is. He's at least 6'5 (195cm) and 350 pounds (158kgs), and he's buff.

The meat he cuts must be tough, and as a butcher he probably has to wield a lot of heavy blades.

We keep walking for a good couple of minutes. I look through the trees and I still don't see anything. I guess the boars are deeper in the forest. I wonder what kind of boars they are. Like I know that their wild and the butcher said they are somewhat magical.

Like what part of them is magical. The head or something other. I wonder if they can use magic powers. I'm bored. My legs are tried, my feet hurt. I just want to finish this and go home. The sun is getting into my eyes.

I squint trying to protect my eyes. But the sun rays keep barraging my them. Sweat starts to drip down my forehead. I put my hand on my forehead like a visor. I look down at the ground and notice something.

The butcher's hand is on his sword, that's weird. Are we coming up on the boars? Why didn't he inform me? I don't know what is happening, but my gut is twisting. Somehow even though I have my hand on my forehead, sunlight is still getting into my eyes.

The butcher stops suddenly. My instincts are going off. I move back a couple of steps in silence, so I don't alert him. "Old man, why did you stop" I ask. My breathing speeds up. The sun keeps ramming itself in my eyes. He puts his finger between the guard of his sword and the scabbard. He pushes the guard and with his right hand he quickly takes out his sword.

He turns around and swings at me horizontally. The point of the sword scratches my chest and cuts my shirt and the belt of my quiver. In that moment I don't move, I don't know how to react. I don't know what to do.

My quiver falls down to the ground and I turn around and start running down the dirt road. I don't know what to fucking do? I NEVER FOUGHT A PERSON IN MY LIFE. I'M SCARED. I DON'T WANT TO DIE. I DON'T WANT TO DIE.

I can hear him he's running behind me. I turn my head around to see him with a sword in hand catching up to me. I hit a left turn and run straight into the forest. I NEED TO RUN AWAY FROM HIM RIGHT NOW. FUCK WHY DID I HAVE TO BE TELEPORTED INTO A FANTSAY WORLD.

IF I WANT TO SURVIVE, I'LL HAVE TO KILL HIM. I run through the woods, dodging trees and jumping over logs and mud puddles. He's still following me. I need to calm down and I need to use what I learned.

If I want to survive, I need to kill him or else he'll catch up to me. WHY IS HE EVEN DOING THIS? FUCK MAN! First, I need a way to stop him and me. Running and fighting is not a good tactic. I notice a larger then average tree. I immediately aim towards it.

I'm running straight into the tree. I'm approaching the tree fast, then as I'm a couple of meters away from the tree. I turn around and face him. He swings his sword and I duck down, dodging it. His sword hits the tree.

But it doesn't get stuck in the tree like I planned rather it bounces off it. I unsheathe and grab my sword. I pull out my sword and take the stance that Mikhail taught me.

"Do you think you'll be able to kill me little boy" he says with a stupid grin of his face. I don't answer I immediately swing at him. He parries my blow and with his sword he knocks my sword back. He's much stronger than me, killing him in a head on fight won't be possible.

I need to kill him, I need to survive, he deserves to die. I DESERVE TO SURVIVE. I jump back as he swings at me, dodging his blow completely. I use strength magic, agility, and defense magic without even thinking.

"I guess you weren't lying when you said you were trained in the house of Rusan" he says. I need to use my size to my advantage; he is big and slow and I'm short and fast. I run into the forest. I circle around him and try to hit him from the back. He turns around and blocks my blow.

He attacks me I parry his blow, but he closes the distance between us. A hail of sword strikes come down from him. I block every single one of them but with each block my hands become weaker.

If I keep taking these hits it's over me. Am I going to die? Is this the end of my adventure? Is this where it comes to an end? No, FUCK THAT! I'M SENDING THIS FAT FUCK TO HELL! In the middle of one of his swings I jump back.

I throw my sword to ground and with both of my hands and every single part of my mind, soul and body I create a fire spell. Out of my hands a somewhat large ball off fire escapes. Since I'm only a couple of meters in front of him. It hits him directly in the chest in a split second.

The fire ball explodes on his chest and lower body, burning him. He screams in a pain; he runs up to me in fit of pain and rage and punches me in the stomach punting me into a nearby tree. I hit the tree with my back and fall to the muddy ground.

My eyes feel heavy, I'm losing consciousness. I watch as he falls to the ground, like a pig he screams in pain. He starts crying. He rolls in the mud trying to extinguish the fire, but the fire only gets stronger in as it expands onto his head.

He scratches at his head as he screams in pain. It was horrible like seeing a horse getting beat by its master till death with a metal bar. My eyelids fall over my eyes and the world turns black.

I hear the yells of someone, then I open my eyes. It's night. I look around and see the butcher on the ground in front me burned to a crisp. Like a pig he got cooked. I'm still half conscious, then a yell wakes up. "Kar, where are you?" I hear a man yell. "Daddy?" I hear a girl yell. I wake up quickly.

I run up to his dead body and grab my sword. I run through the woods trying to find the dirt path which I first came in on. I'm so pumped up on adrenaline that I can't hear anything except for my heartbeat.

Then I see it, the dirt road that I came in on. On the dirt road my quiver rests. One of those sketchy guys come up to it and grab it. He examines it. He is one of those bastards that set me up with the butcher. I NEED TO KILL HIM.

I run towards him with my sword unsheathed, he sees me but it's too late by the time he grabs his sword I'm already on the dirt road. I grab my sword with two hands and ram my blade through his stomach.

I then move the blade through his stomach slicing it completely open. I remove my blade. I hear the screams of a girl. It's that bastard's daughter. Behind her there is another sketchy man. I run to her and stab her through the lower chest, piercing the man behind her in the process.

They're screaming and yelling but I can't hear it over my heartbeat. I remove my sword from them. The daughter falls to ground dead. She pisses herself as she embraces death. I see her eyes as they roll up into the back of her head.

The sketchy man behind her falls to the ground, he's not dead yet. He drops his swords and grabs his chest in pain. He's bleeding from the wound that I gave him. He's desperately trying to stop the bleeding. Then I look down the dirt road and see the third sketchy guy with a crossbow in hand.

He shoots the arrow at me. I don't have time to react, so it hits me in the shoulder knocking my sword out of my hand. I don't even think. I run up to my quiver and grab my bow. I load the bow and aim at him.

I use strengthening magic on myself and fire magic on the tip of my arrow. The tip of my arrow lights up a beautiful red. I look down at him as he desperately tries to load his crossbow and without a second of hesitation in order to survive I shoot.

The arrow flies through the air like an eagle aiming for a fish in a lake. The man lifts his head up to see where I am, only to be met with a flaming arrow to the eye. The arrow hits his eyeball and goes through his head.

The fire wasn't even necessary. Like an omelet he slumps over and falls to the ground dead. I look around at the hell that I just caused. The only person that is alive is the man is stabbed through the girl.

I breath fresh cold air as I calm down. The air felt like smoking a cigarette after sex. I'm hungry, I want to go home and eat something.