
The Sadist System

[The Sadist System has been activated!] [You will now get points for causing beautiful women to suffer, men to grovel at your feet, and for killing anyone who gets in your way.] [Thousands would beg to be in your position, but you're the lucky bastard who will be making those thousands suffer while taking revenge out on their wives!] [Does the sky have limits, yes?! Do you, NO!] Lin Fan smiled as he sat down in front of the Fan Sect and smiled as he put his arms back and observed the clouds. He saw all the women he'd now get because of the Sadist System, and all the revenge he'd make those who treated him badly experience. There were thousands of planets in Horizon, and Lin Fan's planet was just one small planet in that ring of planets that led to eternity. However, he could see himself conquering the entire universe with his system... "Excuse me sir... Would you mind please telling me what happened to my daughter last night... She keeps smiling and saying your name..." "We... we earned some points... Let me describe it to you so I can earn some more..." Lin Fan grabbed the man's shoulder and guided him over to his daughter so they could both tell him the story... "You... you what!" + 10 sadist points.... All Lin Fan described was a nice back massage... What was so wrong with that?

Her_Shadow · Eastern
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180 Chs

Forbidden Tournament Finale? Strings of Time!

Lin Fan walked away from Grain Fan as he closed his eyes and caused a small clock to appear next to him that was roughly the size of a floating baby. This was the [Eternal Heart Clock] skill that he had mastered from the [heart of time] tome.

The Eternal Heart Clock had to be by Lin Fan's side in order for him to use it and was made from the fabrics that made up the law of time. The law of time and time itself was similar to light in that it was able to be observed with the right tools. When Lin Fan learned the law of time, he gained access to a sense of time that allowed him to somewhat look into the past, present and future.

He was only able to see a few milliseconds in advance, but this was enough to help in fights. This made the law of time extremely important for people at the God Rank, and most had to at least gain a minor insight into it to be considered true gods. The [Eternal Heart Clock], however, used the threads of time to manifest in connection with a users spiritual energy. With Lin Fan's mastery of the law of time, he could manifest it for three minutes, and use it for roughly twenty seconds.

"You've been waiting to die for a long time..." Grain Kan said as he stepped back and raised his hands into a martial pose known as the [Blood Redemption Stance]. "I promise to bury your body in a good place... You're actually a pretty good guy..."

"I'm assuming if I beat you... You would want to be my friend..." Lin Fan activated the law of fire and the law of lightning as they both spiraled around his left and right arm. "While we're at it... You mind telling me why you want to kill me?"

"I know a little bit about your father..." Grain Kan sighed and looked at his three teammates sitting down at the corner of the stage. They wouldn't be participating in this battle if Lin Fan was fighting alone... "Your father... The one Casanova that didn't know how to keep away from innocent women's hearts..."

"I'd help you kill him..." Lin Fan cracked his neck as he recalled his mother crying every night. It hurt him intensely as he saw her morose and depressed face... "I remember thinking that I'd never hear his name again because he was too important... Now, I guess... I'm getting closer..."

"It's a shame... You really are perfect for our organization..." Grain Kan activated the law of space causing the stadium to begin to shake. He held up his hand as all the tiles in the stadium floor seemed to rise with both Lin Fan and Grain Kan on top of it.

Lin Fan sighed as the tiles slowly began to spin as they floated up into the sky. He saw Grain Kan's shadow falling towards him from the sun as the stage literally had been turned ninety degrees. Instantly, he began to fall back before he activated the law of lightning and shot forward like a missile.

He turned into a line of light that zigzagged quickly only until the eternal heart clock giggled and rang.

As soon as it rang, Lin Fan immediately activated the heart clock skill as he held up his hand. Time froze around both of them as a large cloud of flame shot towards him as thousands of women appeared in front of him.

He saw Gue Fan crying and against his knees as Su Fan tried to pull him away from the coming blaze. He ignored it as he looked to his right and imagined what the audience probably saw.

It seemed that Grain Kan used his illusions to hide his attacks from the audience and the cameras. Hundreds of what appeared to be Grain Kan duplicates had surrounded him at the exact moment he attacked with a skill called [Flame Reapers Blow].

Lin Fan sighed and calmed himself down as he activated [Fire Ancient Fist] right at Grain Kan's attack. The two flames collided as both of them remained frozen in the air unable to move as they both utilized the law of time.

A large explosion shot into the sky as the eternal heart clock rang. He instantly deactivated the law of time skill before he jumped back and wiped the sweat off his face...

"What... What the hell was that explosion?" Mimi Fan said as she excitedly looked up at the spinning arena in the sky. It was starting to twirl as the audience looked up trying to see the fight ocurring... "It seemed they both stopped moving and then boom!"

"I don't know..." Su Fan said as she grabbed Mimi Fan and hugged her... "However, your father never loses a battle... Even in bed, he always get what he wants..."

"A real man... Chicken Man will win! The other one will lose!" Mimi Fan screamed and shouted with her earnest support for Lin Fan before the him and Grain Kan turned into streams of light. The two got within three feet of each other and instantly sent out two right hooks.

The space around both of them distorted to Grain Kan's surprise as he grumbled and increased the celerity of his attack.

"How the hell did the learn the law of space and time? Who's helping you stay alive?"

"It's your sister... She really likes to come over in those sexy costumes you bought for her..." Lin Fan smiled and turned his face to the right before a stream of fire shot out of his hand.

Grain Kan spun back and sent out a left kick towards Lin Fan's head before the latter pushed off one of the tiles and jumped into the air. He then activated [Lightning Horizon] and turned into ten flashes of light before he seemed to appear on Grain Kan's left and right side.

Grain Kan shook his head and smirked as the words "Foolish" came out his mouth. Two daggers shot out of his arms as Lin Fan's attack got within two feet of Grain Kan.

Grain Kan smirked and activated the [law of time] to get a look at Lin Fan's face as the later watched a dagger come towards his heart. He smiled and saw a look of happiness on Lin Fan's face as he studied him only to realize he was the one who made a mistake. He had gained 8 percent mastery in the law of time, and was able to use his eyes to look at a series of small seeds bouncing off the ground.

Lin Fan had tricked him.

He deactivated the law of time and instantly used a skill called [Depth of Space] to push himself back as the two copies of Lin Fan disappeared and burst into a flurry of branches and vines. The real Lin Fan sighed as he looked at one of his best cards failing in front of his eyes...

"You used the law of time, and saw my trick? You think it will work twice?"

"I'm going to slaughter you..." Grain Kan said as he cracked his knuckles... "You must have talked to someone in the Undying Night League... "Who was it? Was it Long Ran? Who would help you?"

"I'm sorry, but let's talk with our fists... You want to be friends after I kick your ass right? See if you're able to survive this!"

Lin Fan had one move he hadn't tried yet that he learned from Ag Kan called the [Space Jar Annihilation]. It distorted the space around your opponent and increased your speed by five percent. He'd never used a space attack before and was excited to see the possibilities.

The entire fight he had to use [Metal Lord Burst] to keep up with the speed of Grain Kan, but now wanted to try and even the playing field. With all the laws Lin Fan had mastered with his system, he knew he'd have an advantage of speed when he activated it. He also didn't hate Grain Kan enough to truly go for a killing blow.

He had a mission and Lin Fan had to stop it.

He activated [Lightning Horizon] one more time and appeared in front of Grain Kan as two gigantic fire wings appeared behind his back. Lin Fan smiled... It seemed the bastard had some tricks up his sleeves, but would it be enough?

He activated [Space Jar Annihilation] and suddenly increased his speed as Grain Kan saw a blur stream into the right side of his face. He instantly slammed into the floor and through the floating stage before he bounced off the concrete and rolled onto the grass.

"You... you never worked on defense did you... You were so confident in your offense that you never thought you'd get hit..."

Lin Fan sighed as the tiles fell onto the floor as he lightly lowered down onto the stage.

The audience didn't know what to do, but suddenly began to clap and then cheer as a small girl floated into the air with a smile on her face...

"Lin Fan you did it! You won the entire tournament! Let's get you home so mother can give you some of your favorite things! Food.... Points... Love..."

"Little girl... You know... You're my favorite person in the whole world your age..." Lin Fan kissed her on the forehead as the camera's zoomed in on his face... "However, I promise to farm real hard for points for the next few weeks with your mother... If any of the women in the Fan Sect can walk, I haven't done my job..."

One more chapter of the first volume!

Thank you so much for reading it!

Might take a day tomorrow to think about the second volume after I write the final volume chapter, but I really appreciated the few of you who read this story!

Her_Shadowcreators' thoughts